Reducing noise, acoustic panels


Limp Gawd
Oct 3, 2007
I have a supermicro 846E1 in my rack and it is very loud.

It has 5 80mm 5000rpm internal fans . Those could probably be undervolted.

The real problem is the power supply fans. They are extremely loud.
The power supply has an smbus cable connected to the motherboard. What does this allow you to do? Could I turn down the fans from the OS?

What about acoustic panels like these?|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

If I got 2 of these and put them inside the rack on the left and right walls, do you think it would make a difference?
Acoustic panels won't help much, will help you out more on silencing issues.
The problem with loud fans is that they still need an output, since noise has to go somewhere and the noise escaping can't be subdued. The way about is to replace your fans first.
put some dynamat material into the case, all around metal surface, stops vibration and reduces noise. there are other dynamat materials out there, RAAMmat, eDead etc, made to stop vibrations in cars and reduce road noise. see if it works for you
put some dynamat material into the case, all around metal surface, stops vibration and reduces noise. there are other dynamat materials out there, RAAMmat, eDead etc, made to stop vibrations in cars and reduce road noise. see if it works for you
Vibration induced sounds become possible to hear only when fans are quiet.
Problem is those 5000RPM turbojet screamers.

Server cases are probably designed along "noise doesn't matter" lines so might be hard to make that even remotely quiet.
Servers aren't made to be anything near silent. Usually servers are out of the way where you don't have to hear them. They make server fans etc to not fail, not to be silent.