Reformatting for new video card

Can I get away with not reformatting for now?

  • Yes, you will be fine

    Votes: 17 94.4%
  • No, you will have major problems

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I wouldn't recommend it, but it should work for now

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Feb 18, 2004
So, I think today is the day my venerable GF3 retires. I just sold a bunch of my old hardware on ebay, and bestbuy is running a 250 dollar deal on the 6800NU right now.
Here is my dilemma.
I have a 120 GB Maxtor as my primary drive. I got another one at Fry's recently for a damn fine price of 50 bucks. I just bought another seagate 120 from outpost for 50 bucks.

I am planning to put the 2 maxtors in my file server in raid1 on a rocketraid 133 card as my primary backup solution. I have automated backup software running on my other PCs.
However, the Seagate wont be here for a week, and it is supposed to replace my primary HD in this rig so the maxtors can go have fun being RAIDed.

Long story short, I don't want to reformat now just to reformat again in another week or two. Think I can get away with just driver cleaning my HD and slapping the new card in for a bit, especially since they're both nVidia cards?
I've never had an issue, even going from ATI to nVidia, if you properly uninstall the drivers BEFORE you remove the old card.

Good Luck - B.B.S.
Your actually considering a full re-install of your machine just for a video card? Wow.
No, ive been planning to reformat for a while, mostly due to switching to a new primary HD.
I have never had any issues switching video cards before, but I have read horror storries and some people think that it is the best route.
I was just looking for opinions to either back up or attempt to disprove my own.
I mean, if you were going to go to the trouble of reformatting anyways, go for it. But if you just uninstall the current drivers, maybe use driver cleaner, and reinstall the new drivers, with the appropriate number of restarts, you should be fine.
In my opinion, if your current OS is there for a long time, a reformat will help you remove any issues with driver conflicts but if it is installed very recently, using a driver cleaner is often sufficient.

This is mostly depending if you are ready to get thru the hassle of reformatting and reinstalling everything.
A lot of ppl go too far with drivers...

If you already have the current drivers, a standard unistall from add/remove programs should be just fine... If you have older drivers, you should use driver cleaner too.