Reinstall for the QX6700?

Jun 7, 2004
Hey guys I got a great deal on a QX6700 for $500 and am wondering if I'll have to reinstall XP once I install it to get it to recognize all 4 cores? Currently I'm running an E6700 on a P5B-Deluxe.
Got it from a buddy who has a buddy that works at Intel. Intel employees are allowed to buy just one of these a year or something like that. So, we managed to get 2 employees, who aren't enthusiasts, to get us 1 each. Pretty sweet deal!! :D Now just trying to figure out if I have to reinstall XP.
If you don't change chipsets on the motherboard, I don't believe that you have to reinstall. Especially since you aren't changing the mobo, I don't think you'll have to reinstall.
Well some of us have to have the performance and I shelled out a cool grand for mine and it kicks butt like it should lol...
You probably don't need to reformat but how good is your system running right now. If you haven't reformatted for a while this might be the opportunity. That way your rig is at optimal performance.
You probably don't need to reformat but how good is your system running right now. If you haven't reformatted for a while this might be the opportunity. That way your rig is at optimal performance.

My rig runs fantastic right now and it's only a couple months old. One of the reasons I don't want to reformat. Other reason is that I'm lazy as hell.