Reinstall windows 7?


Limp Gawd
Jul 21, 2005
If I switch from a s775 ASUS mb to an ASUS s1155 will I run into issues if I don't reinstall windows? Also, will it boot into windows? I really don't want to reinstall and go through ms authorization online.
At the very least its going to force you to activate again when switching motherboads. So if that is your only concern, I'd recommend a fresh install.
according to microsuck, yes. I got into an argument with them over VM's that ended in some hilarity, but as far as they are concerned if you change your mobo you should have to pay them for the privilege to play games again. I can tell you their key auth sever is time based, so if you have not activated your key twice in the last 2 or 3 months you will activate without problems.
I had to RMA a motherboard 2 weeks after installing Windows, and when I put the new one in, a little bubble popped up in the corner and asked me to reactivate. I clicked okay, and it was all done. Seemed easy enough to me.
according to microsuck, yes. I got into an argument with them over VM's that ended in some hilarity, but as far as they are concerned if you change your mobo you should have to pay them for the privilege to play games again. I can tell you their key auth sever is time based, so if you have not activated your key twice in the last 2 or 3 months you will activate without problems.

If you are using oem versions yes they stay with the mobo, there is a reason they sell retail copies.
Hense the reason they are stuck to the mobo, there are trade offs.

That, and you're pretty much on your own for technical support (but then again, not really a problem if you know how to build your own computer and have an internet connection :D).
If you are using oem versions yes they stay with the mobo, there is a reason they sell retail copies.

OEM license allows a reactivation if you replace a motherboard due to a catastrophic hardware failure. But if you want to install a totally new motherboard (s775-> s1155), then you have to buy a new license.