Reinstalling Steam

Dec 6, 2007
Having a lot of issues with Steam/CS:S and considering a reinstall. How do I go about reinstalling Steam without uninstalling my games? I currently have CS:S and MW2 installed. Thanks in advance!
You should be able to delete everything in the Steam folder except the Steamapps folder and Steam.exe... That should make Steam redownload all of the DLLs. (I am not sure, but there may be another file you have to keep as well)
You could also use the backup function to make a backup installer of your games which should allow you to nuke the whole folder and just run the backups to get reinstalled fresh.
Ok I will both backup steamapps (I'm was pretty sure this is all I had to do, but just wanted to make sure) and try the backup installer thing. Thanks guys.
Yeah, just backup your steamapps folder. Once you reinstall Steam just drag it back to where it was and restart Steam. All of your games will be back and work perfectly.