Reinstalling XP on laptop without floppy/cdrom


Sep 3, 2004
I'm trying to format and reinstall a fucked Windows installation on an older laptop without a CDROM or Floppy drive. Essentially the computer got infested with spyware from a worm that was spreading via removable media.

I can boot up and use the infected system, it's not entirely screwed and unfunctional, but I'm not comfortable with bugs roaming around, cripping or not.

The system originally started with 1 partition: C:. I partitioned it into 2 partitions: C:, D:, and copied the i386 directory from the CD on a seperate computer over the network to D: on this laptop. Now this is where im stuck.

I'm trying to use D:\i386\winnt32.exe in such a way to have it format C: and begin a fresh install from the files located in D:, not sure how to proceed though.
I'd just pull the drive & do an install with another computer (using an adapter) and then move it back.

If I wanted to be really creative, I'd run a Linux distro from a USB key, set up virtualization using the raw disk as the VM's drive and install using an ISO of the XP media across the network.
just get a usb cd drive, or try installing it from a flash drive (google for the steps)
easiest way

copy the windows XP CD contents to D:

run setup from windows and select full install
I do it all the time, have a 1gb flash drive just for it, takes 1/2 the time a cd install takes.