release date for Doom III?


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2004
anybody heard an official release date announcement for Doom III? last i heard it was coming out in Q1 of 2004.
The official announcement is "when its done". Speculation are april of '04. Take any other information you hear as a grain of salt.
Originally posted by eraser_16
its starting to sound like Duke Nukem Forever, it's taking "forever".

You have no idea what forever means. Try waiting for Shadowbane back in 1999. Now that took forever.
seeee this is the downside of pre-hyping. if they only now started hyping it it wouldn't seem so far away. but nooo we've been hearing hype since 02
Originally posted by HRslammR
seeee this is the downside of pre-hyping. if they only now started hyping it it wouldn't seem so far away. but nooo we've been hearing hype since 02
Hype started by players and people speculating on message boards. We only have ourselves to blame.
Originally posted by Demerdar
You have no idea what forever means. Try waiting for Shadowbane back in 1999. Now that took forever.

I hope it doesn't Daikatana on us ;)
Originally posted by eraser_16
its starting to sound like Duke Nukem Forever, it's taking "forever".

LOL, nothing compares to Duke Nukem Forever, It's been coming out since '97, it's amazing 3D Realms is still in business, with games like "Balls of Steel", luckily they picked up Max Payne 2...
Hopefully it won't turn into Deus eXtreme: Invisible Daikatana with Big Rigs 2.
Originally posted by Torgo
Hype started by players and people speculating on message boards. We only have ourselves to blame.

Odd... I thought the hype was started by John Carmack and Steve Jobs at MacWorld a few years ago.

But I guess I'm wrong and that never happened... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Decibel
But I guess I'm wrong and that never happened...
Yes, for Doom3. The keynote speech with John Carmack was in January 2001 with Steve and John showing off the new GeForce 3 with the G4 computer. What were they showing? Quake 3 Arena. Even then, it was showing off the Apple platform and it's capabilities rather than the game itself.

That aside, yes game marketing departments get out of hand sometimes, but it's the gamers themselves that do the vast, vast majority of it.

Yep, you're right... it was Quake 3. *cough*

You could at least check your facts before you tell me I'm wrong. Google is your friend.

Was the q3a a typo? If so, all is good. I understand brainfarts.

It has seemed to me though that a lot of the best sellers have been the games with the biggest marketing campaigns. Think of the dozens of kick ass games that have sold terribly. Then think of the crap that has had mad sales.

Hang on... Google is my friend. Only the links I checked glossed over the game demo and focused on the card and G4.

Google Search

Okay, this used the terms macworld, John Carmack and Steve Jobs. That should grab what we need right? First link goes to You'd think they'd have everything you need. Nope. No mention of the game.

Second link takes you to Carmack talking about Quake 3 Arena. No mention of the demo still. Third link nothing. Fifth link nothing still. Link going to Mac Central mentions the demo, but not the game. It's all about GeForce 3 info.

I checked until I hit the CDMag which mentioned Quake 3 Arena. That seemed to jive from what I remember from when I had lunch with Graeme and Jim over at id back in October 2000. They only had the stick figures running around a blank level and had colored lights. They were finishing up the Q3A packs which were immediately to be released. I put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5.

Yep, I was wrong. I admit that. However, searching for this bit of info just strengthens my belief that the hype didn't start at MacWorld. If the first fiveteen or so links don't even mention the name of the game and instead the hardware... that isn't hype. If you remember the show (and I've taken time to review it more carefully thanks to my snafu) Carmack did the demonstration in the middle of the show only as part of the GeForce 3 demonstration. In this link that shows a timeline of the event, the Doom 3 showing was a small part of the show and they moved on. (Hey, it says they used Maya to animate everything for the demo. That explains my confusion from my visit to id.)

It was only later on message boards and fan sites that everyone went to C|Net to get the video for the demo. I don't recall Carmack or id or Activision hyping it at all. At that particular event, it was all about hardware.
i think about the worst Doom III could turn out is best game of the decade. i got to play Doom III multiplayer at Quakecon 2003, and the graphics were incredible, even though sometimes it ran a bit slow using the latest hardware, and some that wasn't released at the time, it ran ok. no offense to the Nvidia fans, but i think if they had been using ATI Radeon 9800 Pro's, it would have run faster.
Originally posted by eraser_16
i think about the worst Doom III could turn out is best game of the decade. i got to play Doom III multiplayer at Quakecon 2003, and the graphics were incredible, even though sometimes it ran a bit slow using the latest hardware, and some that wasn't released at the time, it ran ok. no offense to the Nvidia fans, but i think if they had been using ATI Radeon 9800 Pro's, it would have run faster.

true, the graphics are amazing, and the "demo" is what a year or so old :p