Remote Access PCs


Limp Gawd
May 2, 2007
I'm not sure under which sub category this question should go so I came here.

My parents recently each got a new laptop and they both are nearly incompetent technology users and have been calling me every 5 minutes to help them with different things over the phone.

I was wondering what kind of software there might be that I could use to remotely gain access to their PCs from my home which is 3 hours away. I'm not any sort of network expert so it can't be super complex to use. I'm basically looking for something that will allow me to see their PCs from my desktop so I can visually see what kind of problem they are having and do basic troubleshooting because I might as well blow my foot off with a 12 gauge then have them explain the problem they are experiencing.

Thanks! has a free account (defaults you to trial of pro version though). No matter where you or they are, you can get on their PC as long as you both have Internet.
Another vote for Teamviewer. Incredibly simple to explain to anybody.
I'm going to steal this thread since it's right on topic.. it might benefit the OP anyways..

I have a license to LogMeIn Rescue, which is a very complete remote assistant software and entirely web based. It's perfect because I can go to from any computer, at work, home, wherever, to log into someone else's computer to fix it. One of the best benefit to LogMeIn Rescue is that it uses SSL which bypasses even the most strict corporate firewalls to help employees and clients on the field. LogMeIn Rescue is also Vista and Win7 UAC-friendly. When it detects UAC on the remote computer, it sandboxes the computer and go into admin mode prior to the technician logging in. The user side don't need to install any interfaces or tools or nothing. When I start a new LogMeIn Rescue session, it generates a PIN, and I tell the user via phone or email or IM to go to and enter the PIN. Nothing to it. Even a caveman can do it (tm).

There's only one thing that sucks about LogMeIn Rescue - it cost $1200 a year. At least the company pays for it, not me. I consider it a very important tool for me to have, but I can't help but think that there might be something else out there.

Teamviewer doesn't have any firewall defeating methods such as secured socket layer, doesn't it?