Remotely managed music player (mpd-like)


Mar 9, 2008

i'm wondering if someone can offere me an alternative to what i use now. I have a PC running 24/7 (fileserver), this PC has two sound cards (HDMI sound card and the onboard sound). The HDMI sound card is the default, it is used for the XBMC (Movies, TV series, watching TV via DVB-C ). There is a par of speakers hooked up on onboard sound - this is the output for which i need the music player.

My requirements :
- considering the configuration above, i must be able to select the correct sound output device (using default output device is not good, unless i reverse the logic and configure the XBMC to use the non-default sound output device).
- it MUST have a remote control interface, either via web browser, or via some Windows GUI application.
- it must play the music on the server (where the speakers are connected), not stream to my desktop PC.
- standard media player features are needed (Play/Pause/Stop, playlist support etc).
- of course it needs some sort of library support.
- it should run as a service (like Subsonic does), but it can be a startup item as a worst-case scenario (the PC boots automatically to one account).

Right now i use Subsonic in Jukebox mode, but it fails short on few requirements (no remote interface for direct control on server except the web browser, no pause functionality), so i am looking for an alternative. XBMC is not usable either, as it can have only 1 output device for all audio output.

What i need is pretty much something like mpd, but i need it for Windows.