Removal of BFG 6800 OC's Stock cooler


Aug 19, 2004
I’m considering getting the NV Silencer for my 6800, but I’m a little apprehensive about putting my 6800 under the knife (so to speak). Is it relatively simple to take off the card? I have been unable to find any information regarding the removal of the stock cooler. Any help and/or opinions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.
You know, physically altering your card, as in something that BFG can tell was done by looking at it, will void that true lifetime warranty (removing heatsink/fan, voltmodding, etc.).

* * Just be aware of that, if the warranty means anything to you ^^^.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with BFG's stock cooler.
If you really think its running hot maybe you could get one of those PCI-slot double fan units and put it beneath the card?
get the nv silancer. it is very nice....and Very easy. it will take you about 20 min.

Its pretty easy, but it does have about a dozen screws you need to take off. It is in three main parts. The fan and aluminum plate that it sits on comes off first. Then the heatsink over the GPU, and lastly the heatsink over the ram. I took mine off last night to slap a waterblock on it. Its the most complex heatsink on a video card Ive delt with yet. Not hard, just a lot of parts.

edit, here are some pics I took last night. Its pretty easy, just remove one thing at a time.



Hey thanks for the Mini run down of the cooler, i think I will get a NV Silencer, and try my hand at attacking it. What gets me is that the thermal compund on the ram sinks looks like gum. But hey thanks again.
Do you think putting AS5 on the RAM sinks is a bad idea? I wanna replace mine with a NV5
i've alwasy used artic silver Ceramic (mainly because it's all I have) and I like it
please tell me that your $300 videocard is NOT sitting flat on the carpet.
thats some serious static hazard you are taking there, hehe.
Deadpool9 said:
please tell me that your $300 videocard is NOT sitting flat on the carpet.
thats some serious static hazard you are taking there, hehe.

looks like it's over a Towel not Carpet.

But yea it's it's carpet that is serious static hazard.
Its a towel, on my "workbench". And its a $400 card. :p

Card is working fine, and about 15c less than with the stock heatsink underload. It will go lower, once I get this foam crap out of my hose.
I do, but I am some serious foam issues. Im using Innovateks anti-corrosive liquid, as I have many times before. In fact, its in my other loop, and its working fine...

But for some reason in this loop, its causing mass foam. Getting rid of the foam should drop temps, hopefully.
What they heck, Ill post what it looks like anyways. Had a kinking problem that Ill fix when I drain it. Put Swiftech hose anit-kinker thingie on there for now.



As you can see, the one loop is a ton of foam in it. Its not really bubbles, but foamy. The other loop as the exact same stuff in it, but its not doing it, and it never has done it to me before. It also turned the water a little bit of a purple color. Which is has never done before.. I dont know if its a bad batch, but that seems unlikely. Its just not working well at all. Im going to drain and flush the second loop this weekend. Ill probably try another brand of fluid, but I like Innovatek's because its clear.
Hey man nice rig, sucks that you got that foam action going. Hopefully its nothing to serious
Thats quite the funk you got going on in that 2nd loop there fallguy. I decided to go with a GPU cooler and ramsinks myself. I always questioned the ability of an all-in-1 gpu cooler to sit flush on all ram chips. There are almost always slight variations in their level it seems.
if your bfg 6800 has the dual fan cooler, taking it off is extremely easy. unscrew the four back screws, unplug the fan, and the heatsink should come right off.
Very cool, sorry to hear about your troubles. I really need to take a look at my cabling..... :rolleyes:
IceWind said:
Do you think putting AS5 on the RAM sinks is a bad idea? I wanna replace mine with a NV5

i would highly not recommend that, just your plain white stuff should do the trick.
Nexx said:
i would highly not recommend that, just your plain white stuff should do the trick.
Is there any particular reason you not recommend using AS5? Or is that it really ist necessary and any compound will work good.
well if as5 spills off of the ramchips and gets under them or on the pcb, it can short it out.
always good to use some non-conductive stuff on them.
I'm getting a silencer just because I can't stand the sight of those damn thermal pads on my RAM. I have a 6800GT and the stock cooler came off and went back on in a breeze. As long as you can get some of the same thermal goop that it came with, it would be real hard to tell that it was removed... in case you were worried about the warranty.