Remove Big Typhoon backplate on DS3R


Limp Gawd
May 27, 2007
I need to remove the backplate from my big typhoon install on my P35-DS3R. The adhesive cover was removed, so you know the thing is stuck on pretty tightly. What methods do you guys suggest to remove the backplate? heatgun the thing so the adhesive gets soft?? pour some acid on the board:confused:

Any help is appreciated!
blow dryer to heat up the metal and glue and use a screwdriver with a cloth underneath to pry it up gently.
blow dryer to heat up the metal and glue and use a screwdriver with a cloth underneath to pry it up gently.

Just use a cheap plastic knife or something. The corner edge of a flathead screwdriver can poke through a cloth with very little effort. It should come off fairly easily once he heats it up though.
Not that I've done it with my LGA775RM plate...

but consider pouring some alcohol (isopropanol, 70%+) on there. That should weaken the glue. Unless I'm doing it all wrong.

(Make sure its all dry and evaporated before you start it up. Think of the other 30%.)

Heating it will help too.
Alright, thanks for the advices. Will try these methods when I get my TR bolt kit for my S1283 :-D