Remove Symantec Silently and Remotely


Jun 24, 2005
At my job we have about 75 Clients running Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 10 and we recently decided to move to Eset Nod32. So now i need to be able to remove Symantec silently and remotely to all the clients so i can use Eset to silently install. So in my searching i found NoNav and found NoNav 2.49 which works with Version 10 and i found PsExec which will allow me to run commands remotely but i dont know how to make NoNav run silently on the client (searches come up empty) and im unsure on how to best to use PsExec to execute it. Any Help with this little problem would be greatly appreciated. Some more useful info we are running all Windows XP with a couple of servers with 2003 and are running Active Directory and Group Policy on the network as well. Also of importance due to some software issues we no longer have Symantec and its admin console (cant remember what its called) installed on the server we deployed and administrated the clients from.
but i dont know how to make NoNav run silently

You may not be able to easily. I haven't used NoNav, but if it's able to be automated, then just throw it in the login script and let users know what to expect.

Either that, or visit the desktops yourself. That's a lot of time, but well worth it to get rid of SAV.

You may want to do some testing with pushing out NOD32 to make sure it's working ok before visiting the desktops. At my customer's locations I disable the Windows XP Firewall with a group policy, but for some reason it does not work on all of the workstations every time. If you visit the desktops to uninstall SAV, disable the Windows XP Firewall at the same time.
Ive got NOD32 working even through windows firewall its just getting rid of SAV that is the problem. And i haven't found out how to automate NONAV or how to make it silent.
Did you find a solution?

I am about to do the same thing, removing SAV 10.x and replacing with NOD32. I have been experimenting with NoNav 2.49 and will read the other links in this thread.