Removing spraypaint from ABS?


Jun 24, 2003
I painted a 5.25 bay HDD Cooler:

with KILZ hammered texture blue spraypaint. I'd now like to use it in another case, which requires changing the color. I don't want to just paint over it, because I'd have to primer a couple times, then paint to get over the current layer, it'd end up pretty thick since the layer that's on there now is textured and quite thick. How could I chemically go about removing the paint? No way I'd ever even attempt sanding that. I've heard toulene can work, but for one it's really nastay, and two, might screw up the surface.

I've considered just getting a new HDD cooler, but I'm stubborn. Also considered taking out the fan assembly and popping it in a fresh flat drive bay. I'd like to avoid that if I can.

Let me know what you guys know!
theres this stuff called mess master that comes in an aerosol can that i used to strip the spray paint off of the whole front plastic bezel of a computer

its pretty much a paint thinner but a bit toned down

any craft store should have it such as michaels or AC moore
left the plastic brand-new looking

spray on the stuff, let it soak in and use something plastic to scrape all the crap off.

i used a whole can for the bezel and all in all it took 15 mins to do

edit: it looks like it'll be a pain for you because all of the vents but it can definately be done
Soak it overnite in automotive brake fluid. It will remove all the paint. You will have to use an old toothbrush to get at all the nooks & crannies. And no it won't harm the plastic at all. I have done this many times & it works really well.
The brake fluid seems to be working, but it's either gotten me high or given me a headache.