Removing Stock 6800/x800 HSF


Jun 27, 2004
By doing so, this obviously "voids" the warrenty. For those of you who have done this, was the cooler's once again stuck with "sticky pad tape" or did it have thermal paste on it? I want to put my waterblock on one of these new cards, but in case the card acctually messes up (not do to water) i want to be able to send it back....any help?

Can you pull it off by sending it back to the vendor, and them not notice you've done so.
There is a tape/gause type crap between the memory and HS but mine was not very sticky. The core had thermal paste on it and I doubt they would notice if you put AS5 or something similar on the core instead of whatever they have used.

Oh and you can't use AS5 or anyother thermal paste on the RAM (not my card anyway) as it makes CRAP contact with the ram sinks, crap as in without those pads not all the chips touch the HS
Most GT's and x800's have Thermal paste of some kind (haven't seen or heard ANY having a thermal pad on the core ..that pad would melt in a heartbeat heh) don't worry about the warrenty ..just look at the color of the thermal paste if its silverish then its AS5 more than likey (which is cheap) if its white then its just generic . Just replace the old heatsink with the right color and i SERIOUSLY doubt they will notice a difference or even say ANYTHING about it.