Rendering Differences between 9800 and x800


Limp Gawd
Nov 29, 2003
So I've been arguing with my clan mates about the rendering differences between the 9800 and the x800 arch. I told them that the X800 has the essential same rendering as the 9800. They kept going on and on about how it looks better so I asked him what he ran it at, exactly the same as my settings. He keeps stating it looks "better" than his 9800 that ran at the same settings. Please tell me that at the same settings there is little or NO difference between the 9800 rendering and the x800 rendering. THANK YOU!

So I have been arguing him with that past 3 hours, I think it is his wording, he states that because it runs FASTER it looks BETTER. I fail to see his wordering as correct? I must not understand english. It would be if it runs faster.... it just doest that! IT RUNS FASTER. There is no rendering difference between running 1024X768@30fps than 1024X768@90 fps on the same arch!!??!?! ARGhhh!!!!
No way, 90fps will be smooth glass compared to the 30fps, looks wise it should be the same
At the same settings, they would be nearly identical. The R420 does have SM2.0b (which is mainly a performance feature) and 3Dc (which could be used for better quality normal mapping), but otherwise the only IQ difference is how the two architectures handle anisotropic filtering; AF is done slightly differently and could be consider inferior. So really it's a toss-up in the vast majority of cases, although it seems many people think that the R420 has superior IQ. In any case, the ability to run at higher settings with the same or higher FPS does imply better quality, but that's not really relevant to the argument.
It might look better. I know my x800 looks MUCH better in CoD because of 3DC.
CoD does not natively support 3Dc. Although I suppose you could technically convert to DDS using 3Dc compression, although in this case that would only increase performance and not quality.
We've got two 800 and a 9700 in our house and I find it difficult to see the difference between the 9700 and the 800 other then fps, it was hard convincing my Son otherwise so I broke down and got him an 800. Must be my eye sight at my age, I didn't realize it would get so expensive as I got older. I'll say one thing I sure enjoy the new toys that I play on vs what I got as a kid. :D Im starting to live my second childhood early. :D I have no qualms about spending money on these toys. As the saying goes ,You only live once and can't take your money to your grave. So enjoy Life to its fullest. :)