Repair SP2 with SP1 Disc?

I believe it's OK, however you will need to re-patch the system because the restored files will not be updated.

I'd strongly recommend doing the repair with a SP2 disk.

Yes, re-apply SP2, visit and you should be set. You should be able to create the SP2 disk from a SP1 disk with autostreamer, if you have the time and meands.

Kinda. Immediatly reapply service pack 2. Unfortunatly, a lot of stuff is left behind from service pack 2 that doesn't work properly on SP1. The solution was that if they are doing a repair install, something went wrong, so they need to immediatly reapply sp2. Doing a repair install with an SP2 CD doesn't have these issues.
I was just curious so I just tried it on my test box. I poked around installing apps and loading drivers and such. I didn't really notice any stability problems, but slipstreaming SP2 prior to the repair install is a better solution if you can.

Oldie, I believe you, but trust me, your box is in a wierd state, and you don't want to trust it that way.

SDET for Microsoft working in Windows Core Os Division

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Ranma_Sao said:
Oldie, I believe you, but trust me, your box is in a wierd state, and you don't want to trust it that way.

Most definitley true. That's why I have a "test" box. ;) I didn't mean to imply that it was the recommend course of action, the question was simply "will it work". In this particular case it did, but of course that's not a garuntee. You're also about 50 times more likely to hit issues at any given time. Also I should note that I did a clean slipstreamed sp2 install, and the immediatley repaired it w/the sp1disk. If you throw in all of the sorted drivers and apps that are likely installed, you're undoubtedly increasing the chances that it won't work period.
