Repairing CRT monitor

Synful Serenity

Jun 4, 2004
One of my CRTs is 17" and getting on in years. The display has gotten pretty dark, and it's time for a refresh. I thought about just getting another one, but it's worth fixing this one since I like the roundness and aesthetics, and it's not just a beige box, which is pretty much all you'll be able to be lucky to find these days. It's an HP MX70. Where would be a good place to go to in order to get it fixed, such as a new tube? A TV repair shop perhaps?
With the money needed to fix that monitor, you could just as easily pick up an LCD monitor that's much bigger and better.
If you must have it fixed, please have it fixed by a qualified technician. I take computers apart all the time, but there are two things I never open: power supplies and CRT monitors. Both contain high-voltage charges that (1) lasts for a long time even unplugged, and (2) can kill you.
It will not be cost effective to fix that monitor. If I remember properly it is from 1998-1999 and was less than 1600x1200@85 right? You cannot cheaply get new picture tubes even for nice trinitron monitors and sony kept making these longer than most manufactures made other picture tubes.

The best place to get one fixed normally is a Tv repair shop but getting a 17" picture tube is gonna be tuff for a normal amount of cash.

If it is getting dim it is likely the phosphors are worn or a part on the systemboard is failing. Either way it is cheaper to look for a new on e-bay or upgrade to a lcd.

if you get a lcd look at the dell 2209WAf e-ips. It is a 22", 1680x1050@75 HDCP capable monitor and sells for less than $230 shipped on sale most of the time.

I have one and it looks great compaired to my sony cdp-g420s 19" that I have calibrated. Granted a crt is more flexable with resolutions but that old Hp monitor wasn't even a high end model when it was new so even a TN panel lcd is probably going to outclass it.
Get a repair shop to increase the gain and see if thats good enough .
Ask their advice first to make sure there arent any reasons it cant be done and that they can do it without issue, dont forget to get a quote too!
This might give you a few more years.

@ undermined
Lol, last week I decommissioned my Iiyama 22" CRT and replaced it with a Dell S2209Wb 1080p. (the older versions are 1680 res, newer 1080p)
It is just fine as a PC monitor and for games like X3:TC (better not to play such a long game on Plasma).
I prefer my Plasma TV for movies and gaming but thats more a size related thing as the quality of this LCD is damn good when sat straight on (so you dont get TN viewing angle issues).

After a few adjustments of the LCD to match the Plasmas picture, it looks not far off identical, the only caveats being that whites have a very mild shade of green and its nowhere near as bright.
You wouldnt notice either of the above unless viewing side by side though so not a problem unless you are a purist.

It is definitely clearer than the CRT but 22" isnt as big as you would hope.
If purchasing again, I would get a 24" (to replace a 22" CRT) but the size can be forgiven as the Dell 2209 can be found dirt cheap and it is still very usable.
Overall pretty impressed with this very cheap LCD, its even HDCP compliant.