Replace CPU fan only (not heatsink)


Dec 15, 2008
Is it possible to remove the (stock) fan from the (stock) heatsink and replace with a quieter fan?

Cooling is adequate right now but the fan is noisy. Seems like a far cheaper alternative than replacing the heatsink and fan together.

I really have google'd this but not found anything.

yeah just find a fan thats the same size as the stock fan.. should be able to replace it.. though im not sure which stock fan you have since ive mainly only delt with the AMD stock fan..

little more info would help..
You could provide the size needed and you would get more info.
What's the throughput of the fan you're currently using?

There are some heatsinks that have proprietary fans, I'm not sure you can find any matching fans that could fit those. Unless, you come up with a DIY retention mechanism. Hurray for cable ties!
Sorry, I obviously wasn't thinking when I posted my initial question...

It's an Intel E8400 (Core2Duo 3.0GHz). I assume it has stock heatsink/fan as I haven't messed with it (yet).

I have worked out how to remove the fan, just needed some confidence to wiggle things about. Actually very easy to do.

The fan is made by AVC ( model DS0802ST12UP084. 12v 0.7A 64CFM. The sticker on the fan also says IBIS - whatever that means? The fan has a 4 pin connector so I assume is PWM capable but speed varies only slightly at around 1600 rpm. Core temps max out at about 45 C.

Now I know how to remove it, I was thinking I will replace with a Noctua NF-R8 (31.2 CFM). I have a spare so I can trial it and monitor temperatures.

The PC is a Dell Studio Slim (aka 540S) - it's not small form factor but there's not a great deal of space in there.
