Replacement for 8800GT for gaming at 1600x1200


Nov 30, 2006
I think I may have been hit by the recent driver issues with the Nvidia. This past week I keep crashing randomly a little while after a gaming session or on boot. I was finally able to boot without a BSOD by uninstalling and cleaning out the Nvidia drivers. I have tried installing the latest drivers and I crash on boot or just after again.

I had planned on just getting a XFX 5850 but with such low stock everywhere and now with these issues I don't know if I can wait. Any suggestions? I realize the 5850 would be overkill at my resolution but I am using a 21" CRT right now and I keep toying with upgrading to a 24"+ LCD.
A 1GB 4890 will support 1920X1200/1080 resolutions no problem and can be had for under $200.
You might look for a used 4870x2. I got my first one for just under $300 a month or so ago and just picked up a 2nd for a bit over $200 for quad crossfire. For a card that matches the performance of a 5870 it is an amazing bargain and will destroy something like a 4890.
Thanks everyone. On the Sapphire brand I thought that was one of the manufacturers to avoid but I may be mixing them up with another brand since I have never bought any of their hardware.

I will definitely look at the 4890 then. Is there a certain one I should pick over another? I have been using Nvidia for the past several years and my last ATI card was the 9800 Pro so I don't know most of the ATI card manufacturers.
Sapphire has come a long way from when they first started. They're one of the more reliable brands out there. XFX, Gigabyte, MSI are all good.

In all seriousness, why not move to a 5850 to give yourself DX11 and to be a bit more futureproof for upcoming games?
The XFX 4890 is available for $148 after rebate and cashback from Circuit City (AKA TigerDirect), if you dig that.
Did you not want a 5850 anymore? I guess prices on DX11 cards are a bit inflated, as it stands, eh? For your resolution, a $160 5770 or a sub-$200 4890 might be your best bet.