Replacement keyboard for Logitech G510s?


Nov 30, 2006
My Logitech keyboard is finally dying so I am looking for a replacement. I definitely prefer backlit and a full size keyboard.

Does anyone have any opinions on the Corsair K55, K70, K95, and Logitech G910?

Last time I stopped by Best Buy they didn't have any on the floor I could try and I have zero experience with mechanical keyboards.
You really need to find and touch a mechanical before just jumping in. There are several different mechanical switches, and most have a completely different feel than a non-mechanical board (which I guess should be expected simply based on the difference in feel between even various non-mechanical boards). But it's still something you should check out first.

Otherwise, a little searching will likely turn up comments on all of the above listed models.
I'd avoid Corsair & Logitech, honestly. If you're going to choose one of them, go logitech for the warranty, I guess.

Pick what switch you like and then go for a brand like Ducky, CoolerMaster (the Pro L), etc.

But hey, at least they're not razer.
If you're going to go mechanical then you really need to determine which type of switch you like best and then choose. I prefer Blues and Reds. Blues have the clicky noise but I still always have liked them. It does have a bit of a learning curve for video games that require you to double tap a key rapidly but it's not that big a deal. Cherry Reds are probably the ones I'd take if I had to pick just one. I don't particularly care for Browns at all. They're kinda like the Blues but softer and I never could get used to them. The Logitech G910 I did not like at all. The key caps were too flat and it never felt comfortable to me. The G710 is a very good keyboard but with the Brown switches it's not my favorite. Functionally though it's great.

I love my Corsair K70. I own several keyboards (and mice) and swap them out every few weeks just to have something new to play with but it's the K70 that I use the most. I'm also a lot different in that I really love my Razer BlackWidow Ultimate. It's been a great keyboard and I love the way it looks.

Keyboards have a lot of snobbery around them for some reason I've never understood. You have to buy a certain brand to get the approval of the keyboard elites and the more plain looking and featureless it is the, more the respect. I couldn't care less about brand names and go for what looks cool and feels comfortable. I'm a sucker for flashy lights and shit so I tend to gravitate to the gaming keyboards like BWU and the K70. I'll never be accepted into the cool crowd with my BlackWidow but what the hell....the thing has been perfect for the 6 or 7 years I've owned it and it looks cool.

Gaming keyboards generally offer a lot of cool features like a volume control, mute button, some macro keys and things like that. I personally love having the volume roller and mute button on my keyboard like I do on the K70 and G710. They'll also often have a lot of customization options in their software which can be cool if you like that sort of thing.