Replacing headpads whit arcticsilcer5 on 7900 GTX stock cooler


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2006
Is it possible to screew/take off the GTX/GTO (i will have a gto) cooler, take off the headpads of the memory take off the gpu standart gel and put on arcticsilver5 on all this. Screw / take the standart cooler back on, and will it cool even better?
Or shouldn't i take off the standart cooler for adding arcticsilver5? Can i give arcticsilver on the memori pads instead of the original pads or will then there be a bad contact to the cooler?

OMG, my english is bad, sry.
Well, in a word, no. There is agap, so the thermal pads are needed to make any contact. I have , instead, replaced thermal pads on the card with better thermal tape since that fills the gap.
So should i be doing this? On the CPU it is good to ad AS5, should i do it on the GTO and buy some thermal pads (they are glued?)?
as5 will work fine on the gpu core, but the memory probably has a gap that needs to be filled with the pads..... just buy some good pads.... its not reccomended at all to put as5 on memory, as its designed for the metal cores of the gpu/cpu, also this may void ure cards warrenty on most cards... but i tihnk evga allows different hsf/coolent to be added... id check ure manufacturer and keep stock stuff just incase
markintosh13 said:
Are there "better than stock" thermal pads?

Yes there are! Often when buying a replacement cooler, such as something by Arctic Cooling, they will include the required thermal pads, which are actually much better than the stock ones! I'm sure you can buy better pads separately, might be called "Thermal Tape" though, and gotta make sure it'll be thick enough.