Req: Bidirectional Firewall Suggestions


Limp Gawd
Jun 10, 2004
So, after using Zone Alarm Pro for a week (weren't they one of the better ones?) I've decided to switch firewall software. I'm in search of a light resource bidirectional firewall that won't giving me massive errors and corrupting my registry after a week of use.

Price doesn't really matter, but consistency does. I've gone so long without using a firewall that I don't know what's good anymore.

Thanks in advance guys...
Knowing which OS you use would help. Obviously it's a version of Windows, but but but... which version, that's the question.

Vista's firewall is vastly superior over the one from XP/2K3/XP x64, it just requires a little learning curve but it works just great compared to most stuff out there.

People will/would probably recommend Comodo Firewall at this point, it's the current "new kid on the block" that most people like from what I've seen, read, and heard.
i'm a little rusty here too, but Kerio Personal used to be good, wonder if it still is? it's worth checking out...

also heard okay things about BlackIce, i believe.
I was using Commodo but it was annoying me too much, like asking for permission for Firefox when I had already given it permission. I went back to ZoneAlarm as it is much less annoying. I only use it on my Win2K PC though. On XP and Vista I only use the one that comes with the OS and also have a router with firewall. Outbound protection is not all it's crackled up to be as it can be bypassed by malware anyway. A firewall is supposed to be for packet inspection and discards packets not solicited. If you run a port scanner now and again you can see what is accessing the internet and know if you have something on your PC that isn't supposed to be there. You then find out why it is there and take steps to remove it if it is malware. A firewall that blocks outbound apps is just a band-aid approach and like I said can be bypassed my malware. Outbound protection can also make it a hassle setting up MP games too. Even though Vista has outbound protection I don't use it because I know I don't really need it. Inspection of inbound packets is far more important.