request upgrade recommendations


Jan 15, 2003
I have a bit of a dilemma. I currently have the system in my sig. I just replaced my 1900XTX/1900 crossfire ATI videocards with the 8800GT. Now I can't SLI due to the Intel Motherboard as much as I'd like to. Here are my possible scenarios:

1. Buy two ATI 3870's so I can Crossfire them for max goodness in games and sell the 8800GT


2. Buy an Nvidia motherboard that will allow SLI and get another 8800GT.

I am have always been happy with Intel based motherboards and this is the first Nvidia videocard I have bought since my Ti4600. I hate to trade a perfectly good motherboard for one so many have had issues with. On the other hand, I'm not sure the 3870's are really worth the investment over two 8800GT's.

I REALLY wish Nvidia would wake up and recognize they are only hurting themselves by not allowing Intel SLI. I know many think it sells their own chipsets, but I think it costs them video card sales in the long run. I know I've stuck with my 1900XTX/Crossfire cards for a year now and been able to max out everything without the need for the 8800Ultra. The only reason I bought the 8800GT was that I am building a new PC for a family member and can use one of the 1900's in my family PC. (Trying to get the wife to game so we can play MMORPG's together)

"Several sources have claimed that Intel wants GeForce SLI for desktop chipsets, NVIDIA isn't giving it to them and in return Intel is not giving them complete Yorkfield specs. Perhaps a bit childish, but certainly a powerful move".

If this is true, mabey Nvidia will have to let SLI be supported now on Intel mobo's like the Maximus?

They need each other, but NVIDIA's mobo's need official support for the new INTEL processors worse.

I think NIVIDA will buckle and let INTEL officially support SLI soon?

Pure guess!
I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and anyone else's fingers and toes I can find that this happens!!! I would have bought a 8800GTX long ago if SLI was possible on my 975X mobo. Nvidia is playing hardball with Intel and I will wager good money that Intel will "win" in the long run. They could design their own (and "may" be working on it now) high end Graphics cards and bury Nvidia if they wanted to, and they have the resources and talent to do it, too!
intel isn't waiting for nvidia to pony up the tech, which is why they are entering the discrete graphics market. this news is actually kind of old as many sites have already reported on intel's move.
The main problem with Crossfire is that the selection of games that actually support it is very limited. The only games I know of that show a big increase in performance with Crossfire are:
is there a third option of not buying a card waiting 1 month and buying a card that is better than 8800gt sli?
I think option three is the way to go. I am not suffering in any games I play with the 8800GT so waiting makes the most sense.

I do wish Nvidia/ATI would realize it is in their long term best interest to play nice with each other and Intel.
Q6600 on the 680i is not a very good idea, better off with an Intel chipset so your choice left is only Crossfire.
is there a third option of not buying a card waiting 1 month and buying a card that is better than 8800gt sli?
Hopefully the new card is not the rumoured 8800GX2 (2x 8800GT) because you still need a SLi capable mobo, damn you nVidia...