Resident Evil 5 Reloaded

It's a good game, Had tons of hours playing co-op and went through the story a few times.

Also they made a reloaded version or what the deal with that.
um Reloaded is the name of the pirate group rofl. HAHA that's epic.
I demand you shut down this threadship Mister Portfast! It's fulla scurvy curs!
well it’s a nice game with amazing graphics, not as scary as I expected and I personally found it very difficult to control specially when it comes to shooting, one of my friends used to come to my place just to play this game and Red Alert 3 because he can’t play them on his laptop, if you like this type of games you can check some actual gameplay videos of it.

and I know the “reloaded” may sound like an actual part of the name (The Matrix Reloaded?) to those who doesn’t deal with TPB, unlike those who instantly recognized it :D

"guys, can you tell me if this game is any good? I don't want to spend the time downloading it for free if it isn't good."
Jokes aside, Resident Evil 5 is a great game if you find a friend to play co-op with. SP is still fun but the co-op really makes the game. Then you have the mercenaries mode which is just plain addictive. I have all these other games to play but I just can't stop playing mercenaries. You can't compare this game to a shooter because it isn't its an action adventure game with shooter elements. The graphics for this game are top notch too and its one of the few games with cutscenes that I don't want to skip. Even though its a console port I recommend playing with k/b and mouse.
I really find the PC version the best, but I read that most of the DLC won't be coming PC, sadly. The game is great fun, especially with a partner. Although, story-wise I would have liked a different ending. The first fight with "you know who" was the coolest, but the final one...yuck.
Resident Evil 5 is definitely a step backwards. Just stick with RE4 and RE0 they are much better games. Send the message to Capcom we want good RE games.
Resident Evil 5 is definitely a step backwards. Just stick with RE4 and RE0 they are much better games. Send the message to Capcom we want good RE games.

Haha you're joking right? Zero was a piece of crap, Rebirth and Nemesis is where it's at.
Haha you're joking right? Zero was a piece of crap, Rebirth and Nemesis is where it's at.

Nemesis? Do you Mean Resident Evil 3? RE3 is pretty good but doesn't come close to being as good as RE0 or Code Veronica. And WTF is Rebirth? Is that even a RE game?
And here I thought I was quoting a guy who knew RE-games.. Rebirth is the GameCube remake of the first Resident Evil. Also the full title of the third game is Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

PS. Code Veronica XD
Haha you're joking right? Zero was a piece of crap, Rebirth and Nemesis is where it's at.

Nemesis!!!!??? Nemesis!!!??? Are you insane Good sir!?? My god man why dont we all just log on to Resident evil Outbreak together if were gonna go full retard!!!

Code Veronica. There is no other Resident. Pwned. Outie 5000B.
resident evil 1, 2, 3, CV, 4, 5 are all awesome zero is the only one i haven't ever played through, but i have it on gamecube.

code veronica is my favorite
are you serious?!?!?!?!? %$#@%$!!!! RE4 on PC sucked monkey balls then spit them out... so pathetic.....
are you serious?!?!?!?!? %$#@%$!!!! RE4 on PC sucked monkey balls then spit them out... so pathetic.....

Texture mod addon made the game look the same if not better than the original Nintendo Cube version. And of course, you need a controller. Pathetic is RE5. Mostly rehashed bosses and the like from RE4.
This is the first Resident Evil game I've played. I only picked it up because I managed to pick it up for 12 bucks. I'm about 4/5 done so far and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the first 3 chapters more than the last ones that I have been through. I think the game is a good change of pace from what I'm used to. Controls leave a little to be desired, and the camera could be a slightly further back, but other than that I am pleasantly surprised. Finishing off a few levels in co-op was fun as well.
Is it better than Left 4 Dead? In both the games you have to kill Zombies and its variants. If it is as good as L4D then I will definately buy it
Just download it and try it out! Its free, and then say like other people you will buy it after you try it out!
Picked it up during the Steam 5 day sale. Absolutely cannot stand the controls. It's like trying to steer a drunk washing machine through mud. I have a similar complaint about Dead Space. Mass Effect had a decent OTS camera without drunken controls, as did Gears of War... so it's possible to implement well.

Also the fact that that RE5 and Dead Space won't let you bind the full keyboard and mouse is also a big complaint. I thought we had this stuff down pat 5 years ago?