response from avg. gamer's about the IW recent news...


Aug 28, 2004
Also posted on anandtech

"Who cares"

was the response i got.
from The people i work with who have purchased MW2 when it was released,and today after telling them that major talent has left IW(the sole creators of COD4 and MW2, as well as COD1/2)in reference to this article

they basically were like who care's and that they would continue to buy COD based items. With that said, these can't be the only people who do this kind of thing.
Thats like the singer of a band leaving and trying to re-create the same sound, just because your the same band.

Then i get the argument to each there own and what if its better.
-while i can argue all day about integrity and how its all about who's playin the game. but it seemed like a lost cause.

So i came to the conclusion,that no matter what i said. People are prone to brand loyality, rather then taking the time out to look deeper into the things they enjoy.

I have no problem with MW2, i would have prefered some changes, but will not bag on it for the sake of the thread.

Have any of you encountered this kind of mindset?
Meh, they were 2015 then Infinity Ward and now Respawn. Doesn't matter to me.
. People are prone to brand loyality,

Has nothing to do with brand loyalty..... they like the series, so they will buy it, they may not have been affected by hackers in servers, or dont care about dedicated servers cause they just want to play the game and when they do, they enjoy it, as long as they like the game, who cares?

i bought every CoD game upto MW cause i loved the series, but i did, and still do, boycott MW2.
If the next Call of Duty game looks to be worth getting I'll get it. I don't care who makes it. It is as simple as that.
I played COD, COD2 and COD4 professionally before taking an extended break, and I just downloaded the new one on steam this weekend for their free weekend play and imo it's not like it used to be. It feels all battlefieldy. I guess there is some truth to brand loyalty, but the talent has left for sure. I only played team deathmatch so it was true match play type gaming, but it still didn't feel the same. It's feels like it's turning into a pub game now. COD was by far the best of the 4. It was badass when it came out back in the day and got a ton of people to come over to this series from CS. Now I'm going back to CS. If I had a better computer I would just play Bad Company rather than this. It's just my opinion though...
I liked World at War a lot more than MW or MW2. I have over 140 hours played in that game. The core IW talent, and IW in general, aren't necessary to make a great COD title.

A good game is a good game.
Yes, who cares? Do you really think the IW founders are completely innocent?
Let me set this straight, I like the series, but I did not buy MW2, I bought CoD 4 and 5

I don't feel like CoD 5 was a bad game, but it definitely wasn't CoD 4

MW2 was boycotted for tearing everything out of CoD 4 and then being shipped

I am a fan of games that are well made, regardless of publisher or studio. If a good game is a good game then it's a good game, simple as that, really.

Really this thread stinks for one reason, it's all about the eye of the beholder.

If I gave a fuck what 13 million people who bought MW2 think, I would have been just another tool standing in line to get raped for $60.

Who cares what the AVERAGE gamer thinks? Not me, but the companies and studios probably do since that's where their revenue comes from, the average gamer.
So no one who posted to this thread read the question?

The 2 guys who were fired for gross insubordination left recently. all of the COD games that are out from Infinity Ward were made with them still in place. The question should have no bearing on your thoughts of MW2. It is about future COD games from IW that will no longer have those guys in charge.

I will buy the new games if they are good. I will look heavily at reviews but I won't hold any judgment over IW until I have a piece of work to actually judge. Just as I look forward to seeing what respawn can come up with as well
I liked World at War a lot more than MW or MW2. I have over 140 hours played in that game. The core IW talent, and IW in general, aren't necessary to make a great COD title.

A good game is a good game.

I agree somewhat I liked the 1st MW but I do think WaW was better than MW2.

I myself tend to buy games based more on the developer vs. a game series, like anything Jaffe or Naughty Dog or Epic I'll usually buy without hesitation.

All the different Star Wars games not so much....
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If the next Call of Duty game looks to be worth getting I'll get it. I don't care who makes it. It is as simple as that.

I'll second this. If the game is good, it's good, don't care who made it.

That being said, I didn't feel mw2 was worth spending the money on. Getting it loaned to me for ps3 was cool, but it got old quick. REALLY quick. If I had bought it for 60 bucks for PC and been stuck with it I would have been totally fucking pissed off.
Modern Warfare will never have the commercial success it had with MW2. I'm calling that right now. The "don't cares" who buy the next product because of the series (how many people bought FF13 just because it's final fantasy 13), but even the don't cares will stop buying the series if the next game turns out worse.
Modern Warfare will never have the commercial success it had with MW2. I'm calling that right now. The "don't cares" who buy the next product because of the series (how many people bought FF13 just because it's final fantasy 13), but even the don't cares will stop buying the series if the next game turns out worse.

absolutely, to help accentuate your point, I'll give 2 good recent examples of that, from Activision, no less.

Tony Hawk

Guitar Hero

GH was so saturated on the market last year that almost none of the games could sell well.

Tony Hawk's had too many games come out lately that nobody wants to buy one anymore.

THERE IS a point where all that money grabbing backfires on you
Has nothing to do with brand loyalty..... they like the series, so they will buy it, they may not have been affected by hackers in servers, or dont care about dedicated servers cause they just want to play the game and when they do, they enjoy it, as long as they like the game, who cares?

i bought every CoD game upto MW cause i loved the series, but i did, and still do, boycott MW2.

lol people that boycott video games crack me up, dude these guys already made like over a billion dollars off this game, the only thing you are hurting is yourself by missing out on a sick ass game! sucker!
lol people that boycott video games crack me up, dude these guys already made like over a billion dollars off this game, the only thing you are hurting is yourself by missing out on a sick ass game! sucker!

MW2 is a sick ass game only in the aspect that I'd feel literally sick playing it after playing CoD 4 and seeing a newer version of CoD 4 with all it's features cut out.

The only suckers are the people who paid $60 for it as well as the $15 map pack
I liked World at War a lot more than MW or MW2. I have over 140 hours played in that game. The core IW talent, and IW in general, aren't necessary to make a great COD title.

A good game is a good game.
I liked W@W as well, and still play it occasionally, but keep in mind it was basically a new coat of paint on MW1. If all they do for the next 5 years is stick to doing that, hype from stuff like IGN will tank and these peons will stop caring about the games.

Of course the average person doesn't care about the departure of the IW guys, but their friends might, and so do the journalists. If treyarch can't raise the bar at all people will look elsewhere.
MW2 is a sick ass game only in the aspect that I'd feel literally sick playing it after playing CoD 4 and seeing a newer version of CoD 4 with all it's features cut out.

The only suckers are the people who paid $60 for it as well as the $15 map pack

I will admit that i paid for the MW:2 prestige edition for the 360 (mostly becasue i had a 50% off a single game amazon coupon) and even i feel butt hurt at the though of paying $15 for that map pack. I will likely end up getting it someday as the map rotation is feeling a bit lacking to me, but i will likely wait quite a bit longer in the hopes there is a sale or the price drops.
If they develop something stellar, people will gravitate to it. I know of a lot of good franchise games that went south after a new studio started doing the sequels, and there aren't enough hardcore gamers to make those 'franchise' games a success on their own. If a game sucks, it sucks, and people won't buy it; doesn't matter if they're "in the know" or not. Pretty simple concept.
i wish them the best of luck. i hope they unite in another company and create another kick ass game like cod4. i hope, if it is possible, that they do not get taken advantage by greedy publishers but get some compensation for their talents and success. i look forward to what they bring out next time. just remember 2 words this time: dedicated servers ;)
The vast majority of people probably don't even think about the fact that there are real people constructing these games for 2+ years at a time before it shows up on retail shelves. They see "Call of Duty", and they buy it. It's only the hardcore who know the difference between Infinity Ward and Treyarch. While I personally can't wait to see what Respawn puts out, for the next few years the Call of Duty games will continue to rake in money until Activision runs the series into the ground like they did with Guitar Hero.