Retail Edge 2007!

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See if their is a bios update.

This is more frequent among DFI motherboards, however it is possible that Intel has a bios error as well.

BTW: For over clockers what boards are you guys using? I'm thinking of getting up to 3.2 ghz on my q6700, Anyone try to over clock the dg33tl using software yet?

Don't even bother trying to OC with the shipped board. You're limited in so many other areas that you'll just end up getting frustrated...
Odd... one I upgraded to the quad core, my SpeedFan started reporting ridiculous temperatures. Like, ~16C for each core.
Everest reports 30,27, 26, 27C for the four cores...(Idle)
Does anyone recommend any other programs for temperature readings? I'm using an Asus P5B deluxe wifi/ap

Load temps:


Just an observation. Assuming that everest's numbers are right (assuming the higher temps for conservativeness) I am getting better temos off my Q6700 (@3.0ghz) than I was from my old E6300 (@2.8ghz). Sweet.
Just thought I'd let you know about 20 minutes ago my order # 13746XXX was switched to the "good" pending shipment: "The items listed below have been submitted to our warehouse and should be shipping soon. Check this page again later for shipment details." And for those of you who have had verification issues, send an e-mail to RetailEdge at [email protected] with a scan of your paystub and completed verification form and it will get processed much quicker. I submitted both by fax on the 5th, received a "We Are Unable To Verify Your Employment" the next day even though I fully qualified. Refaxed both a total of 3 more times over 1 1/2 week period, still nothing. Sent scan via e-mail and was verified in 2 days. Retailedge was extremely slow in answering e-mails (expected during an event like this) but was finally told they received my faxed verification form, but not my paystub, after 4 faxes. LOL. Was told this AFTER they had already sent me my verification code. Must be a left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing situation. ;)
137459XX Sent to warehouse for shipping, now to get my case and PSU, looking for HTPC setup.
Sorry i didn't respond earlier.

To those who asked:

very nice indeed.

What exact ASUS P5B model you got sardonic.n7?

Forgot to check my CPU-z last night to make sure I got the G0 too.

P5B Deluxe WiFi-AP rev 1.10G bios 1223

All the Q6700s are G0s.

What HS are you using?

Also pm what HS you using also?

Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme w/ Noctua NF-S12 (runs around 1400 RPM & is nearly silent).

After spending a ton of hours running Prime 95 & Memtest, i believe i've found my 24/7 settings:

Q6700 @ 3550 MHz + Mushkin 2x2 GB XP2 @ DDR2-888 5-5-4-15


waiting to hear what you have found

it's officially toast. Ive reset bios, reset that bios thingie, removed the cmos battery for a few hours and re-tried... changed power supplies... got an entirely new case... replaced next to everything. It is officially R.I.P. for the quad-core motherboard. Only thing i can hope is that it's under warranty... cuz it looks in NO WAY shape or form fried or blown. all the capacitors are in tact, not bent, blown, or leaking... nothing is darkened... nothing smells fried... it looks like a good MB... so hope intel will replace. im just gunna tell them it never worked - you think i will get a replacement? (its got a 3 yr warranty)
nothing smells fried...

Sorry, I just had to emphasize that. When you call customer support just make sure that you say that it was dead on arrival. They shouldn't have any problems, though the wait for the replacement board may take a while. Then again, if it's not packaged regularly, they should have plenty of the motherboards. How would he check if his CPU was dead too?
Sorry, I just had to emphasize that. When you call customer support just make sure that you say that it was dead on arrival. They shouldn't have any problems, though the wait for the replacement board may take a while. Then again, if it's not packaged regularly, they should have plenty of the motherboards. How would he check if his CPU was dead too?
The packing list has an RMA code on it for the whole shebang. I would use it on both the cpu and the board just in case.
i think i just have really bad luck. I had about 12 guys (who know what they're doing) all look at it from Geek Squad and Best Buy and they all assured me it was hooked up properly. Guess i just got unlucky and the microphone made an electric shock since i was on carpet (not that that should make a difference cuz i bet 90% of people here's computers are on carpet). But as long as i get a replacement im happy (lol not really)
Another update. My order# is from the 13746XXX batch and Intel has officially shipped it today =D, so either they got a very big shipment in this week or they skipped about 1000 people. Took exactly 2 weeks from order to shipment. Had my entire PC together since the 6th and have just been waiting for the CPU. Oh glorious day! (Or it will be when it gets here).
i think i just have really bad luck. I had about 12 guys (who know what they're doing) all look at it from Geek Squad and Best Buy and they all assured me it was hooked up properly. Guess i just got unlucky and the microphone made an electric shock since i was on carpet (not that that should make a difference cuz i bet 90% of people here's computers are on carpet). But as long as i get a replacement im happy (lol not really)

Before you ship, get a letter from the DCI and Senior from the Geek Squad basicialy telling Intel it was inspected to be hooked up properly.

My condolences to the board.
And sorry you have to wait even further.
Order # 13746xxx has shipped!!

For the heatsink I'd recommend the Zalman 120mm all copper (CNPS7700-CU). It's the one I'm using for the rig in my sig...
if ya'll could, when you recommend a product, include a link PLS?

FYI - after being up since 1995 MIGHT be going ofline

I don't see common vendors such as newegg listed anymore

also, it says the best price for the Q6700 is $705 now, sold by 1 vendor
137460XX Shipped ! :D

A note on RMA'ing with Intel Retail Edge boards, it sucks. I did it recently and the tech on the phone was unhappy that I had unhooked everything so he couldn't walk me through the troubleshooting process. He had me hook everything up just so he could check that I had the latest BIOS, before he would hook me up with an RMA. It was a 30 - 45 min. phone call. :mad:

But I had a different board (not new of course) back within two weeks.:)

Good Luck.
Sorry i didn't respond earlier.

To those who asked:

P5B Deluxe WiFi-AP rev 1.10G bios 1223

All the Q6700s are G0s.

Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme w/ Noctua NF-S12 (runs around 1400 RPM & is nearly silent).

After spending a ton of hours running Prime 95 & Memtest, i believe i've found my 24/7 settings:

Q6700 @ 3550 MHz + Mushkin 2x2 GB XP2 @ DDR2-888 5-5-4-15

That is a fairly high core voltage.
BTW what is a typical core voltage drop from overclocking to 3.2 from stock?
Mine is ~0.09V (motherboard is set to 1.35 and CPU-Z says that it is at ~1.26 when running at 100%)
omgggg yea phone support from intel sucks. they're not even based in the US. it was some foreign guy. he made me test out a TRILLION things and finally he's like "well theres nothing i can do until you can get another quad-core and put it in there to test the mobo. and im like HOLY CRAP ok lemme just got spend $1000 to get another one to test it out. so im gunna wait 2 hours then call back and say i got one from a friend and it stil ldont work
Here's a good trick... be a dick. Don't let him off the phone, and he'll do an "exception" RMA just because you are screwing up his call times. Also, pretend and/or show that you know everything, this will help him feel dumb and sad. I feel bad for these people, but hey, you need your board that Intel sold you. The key is to not let them off the phone.;)
^^ dont be a dick, but be confident and stern.

He will try to lead you in a direction so he doesnt have to RMA it out, but do not accept that.

If youre a complete dick hes going to just look for excuses of why NOT to RMA the thing.
^^ dont be a dick, but be confident and stern.

He will try to lead you in a direction so he doesnt have to RMA it out, but do not accept that.

If youre a complete dick hes going to just look for excuses of why NOT to RMA the thing.

Much better wording, Thank you.:cool:
i was being very stern and very knowledgable. only part i slipped up on was i didnt know if i damaged my processor or not... so when i was talking to him - i told him they both weren't working... so i told him allllllll the things i changed and all the possibilities i eliminated, such as clearing CMOS, bios, changing power supplies, memory, etc etc etc etc etc... but then he goes "and what motherboard did you use to test out your processor" and i didnt know so he told me to test it and call back. dumb homos. He tried tellin me, "well i cannot find the voltage on the internet of the RAM you used... so that is the problem" and im like WTF no its not ! 3 other people i work with use the same RAM and theirs works fine (even tho thats not true). either way those out-source people are retarded
edit: and thanks for the tip about the call times. I learned this like 6 months ago when dealing with Sirius radio... after being on customer support for like 20 min and she couldnt find out my account number, she literally just goes, "well im sorry sir you are going to have to call back another time" and im like "WHAT?! Why would i call back when i'm on the phone with you now and we're trying to figure this out and you already know 20 minutes worth of information" and she says "we have a time limit on our allotted time for each call, thank you have a nice day"
"we have a time limit on our allotted time for each call, thank you have a nice day"

Well kick me in the azz and call me duh!

Contact your local Intel rep and tell him / her that you're having trouble.

If you further have trouble, pm me with your e-mail addy and I'll contact mine to pass word to yours. Very close with my area rep - you never know.
im close with my Garmin Rep, TomTom Rep, XM Rep, HP Rep, Epson Rep, AMD Rep, Verizon Rep, Sprint Rep, Panasonic Rep, Toshiba Rep, and SBC Rep... but i've never heard of or even seen an Intel rep at Best Buy South County before

And I literally ordered about a week and a half ago, so don't give up hope if you haven't reached your 12,000 points yet.
im close with my Garmin Rep, TomTom Rep, XM Rep, HP Rep, Epson Rep, AMD Rep, Verizon Rep, Sprint Rep, Panasonic Rep, Toshiba Rep, and SBC Rep... but i've never heard of or even seen an Intel rep at Best Buy South County before

Have you had any Retail Edge events? Reps from Intel are there... you're store manager should be in contact with at least one. If you're still having trouble I'm sure some of us can dig around for some phone numbers for people who will help you. :)
it's cool. I appreciate all your help ALOT. you guys are insane helps. Anyways finally got off the phone with the intel / Arab-Intel and they said they will replace the board... HOWEVER... they're "out of stock" and at the rate this retail edge is going... it may be forever till its in stock. either way he said i should get an email soon about it within 5 days or so. Nice thing is he said it will only take about 5 to 7 business days to replace the board which isnt too bad (i dont mind the wait). Only thing that sucks is i have noooooooooo idea if the processor is fried (it doesnt look fried at all) but it would suck if i wait and wait and get the new board and it still doesnt work. Whats the odds of... with the problem i described... that the processor is fried? In short my system was workin for 5 hours or so ... plugg in a Microphone... the system shut off... turned back on but windows said my integrated 5.1 sound could not start. tried the front audio input and it shut off completely... never to turn on again. Does that sound like mobo or processor or who knows or both? either way THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPOR GUYS
I know that at our BBY the intel rep comes right around this time specifically to talk about Retail Edge, I have yet to see him because I wasn't here last year but I do know that my Store Manager is in contact with all the reps that hand around the store.
If you work at BB, I would recommend you have a couple "bring your proc to work" days, and wait until a machine comes in that can run a Quad for service. I don't know of bad 775s that take out motherboards so it shouldn't affect anything.

Or option B is to have your BB buddy try it out on his or hers retail edge board.

*EDIT* Odds of your proc being fried seem minimal to me.
P.S. did you maybe, somehow, plug the audio cable in backwards on the board? Cheap case maybe where the adapter would allow you to do that?
Just thought everyone would like to know. I managed to order the 64-bit DVD thru Microsoft for the Vista Home Premium that comes with the bundles. Costs ~$10, but I was able to order with no problems. Link below...

Finally mine ships today. I placed the order 11/13.. so around 2 weeks later I have a brand new mother board coming. Thinking of picking up the Antec 900 and then other stuff slowly to piece this thing together.

Good luck to everyone else. I'm the 13746XXX's
Just thought everyone would like to know. I managed to order the 64-bit DVD thru Microsoft for the Vista Home Premium that comes with the bundles. Costs ~$10, but I was able to order with no problems. Link below...

That is strange. Mine now works but it didn't work before.
Sorry i didn't respond earlier.

Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme w/ Noctua NF-S12 (runs around 1400 RPM & is nearly silent).

After spending a ton of hours running Prime 95 & Memtest, i believe i've found my 24/7 settings:

Q6700 @ 3550 MHz + Mushkin 2x2 GB XP2 @ DDR2-888 5-5-4-15

Sardonic, be careful with that voltage at those temps. It may be totally stable but that's a little on the hot side and will probably affect your new CPU's life span.
lol well thats good about the processor not bein' fried. But i didnt plug in the HD Audio thing backwords cuz its Keyed so theres only one way it goes in, Its an Antec 900 case if that helps. ONLY weird thing was that on alllllllll the spots on the MoBo, like the USB spot... the thing plugged in perfect. same with the IEEE spot on the Mobo etc etc. on the HD Audio spot... its like 16 pins but the wire i had is only like 10. My friend has the Antec 900 case tho and he plugged his in same as me and has no problems so im clueless. But either way it was a weird fit. We do have a gateway w/ a q6600 mobo in it so im gunan try tomorrow and see if my processor is gone
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