Retail P4 2.4A Prescott w/ ECS Mobo for $150, No Rebates, No PM, No BS - Fry's SoCal


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 17, 2002
This is a pretty hot deal for those of you who want to try your hand at some 2.4A overclocking. Starting tomorrow (Fry's is closed today, happy Easter BTW) Fry's is selling a retail 2.4A / ECS 848P-A combo for $149.99. The CPU alone goes for $145 + shipping at NewEgg so this is basically a 2.4A with a free motherboard.

Note that this motherboard doesn't support dual channel DDR and I can't find any reviews (I think it's pretty new), so this deal would be better used as a way to update your CPU and put your old CPU in a less hardcore motherboard for a second computer.

Motherboard: (Perhaps it will also be on sale here as well):

[H] Review of the 2.4A Prescott:

P.S. I am sure this is a Precott and not a Northwood, the ad states 1MB cache.
Originally posted by MemoryInAGarden
ECS boards generally aren't much, but it's nice that it's free. Thanks for the deal :)
I've got one that came with a Duron combo at Fry's, and I think it's a pretty damn solid board. No overclocker's dream, but my Duron 1.6GHz has been doing 2.0GHz prefectly stable for 4 months now.

I'd use the 848P, but without dual channel DDR the poor P4 is gonna sit there waiting for data most of the time.