Retention/Mounting Brackets for i7

Oct 30, 2007
Currently I have an OCZ Vendetta 2. Cools like a mother and I want to use that for my future i7 build.

Now, obviously you have to have a retention/mounting bracket that will convert from LGA 775 to LGA 1366 so I looked on OCZ's website and they have their bracket for my cooler (Link 1). I cant find this anywhere in stores and the only place to get it is online.....from not so reputable websites and also shipping charges that amount to half the cost of the bracket itself.

Also as you guys may know, the Xigmatek HDT-S1283 is similar to the V2. I went to my local microcenter and they had the brackets for them (Link 2).

So, the question is.......will the bracket for HDT-S1283 fit for my V2. I've looked very closely at the packaging and they have the same equipment. I'm just worried that it will not fit. Anyone have experience with this?

OCZ Vendetta 2 Bracket

Xigmatek HDT-S1283 Bracket

Does anyone recommend peeling the tape of the mylar and using it. I hear it is a bitch to get off when you want to try and remove it.
For my i7, i have an asus p6t, and it has holes to support the 775 and 1336.
Holy Cow :eek: TeeJay you're right. I had not even opened the box on the p6t that I just got for a new build. I just figured I was going to have to get a different heatsink from my current rig or a least get a different retention module. Low and behold after reading your comment I checked the new board and realized my old heatsink well fit right on the p6t no problems what so ever. Thanks a bunch :)
So I guess I wouldnt need to buy a bracket then huh?

Brackets are only necessary if the board doesnt have both 775 and 1366 holes.
Yes, it looks like you well need a bracket. Sorry to hear that. Don't go drilling any holes either :D
I have the P6T and the Vendetta 2 does not work (or I can't get it to work). The mounting mechanism hits the cpu bracket thingy and doesn't line up flush with the holes. Of course the lga1366 socket is huge compared to the core 2 duo but I got the vanilla p6t because I thought I'd be able to use my heatsink :(
I have the P6T and the Vendetta 2 does not work (or I can't get it to work). The mounting mechanism hits the cpu bracket thingy and doesn't line up flush with the holes. Of course the lga1366 socket is huge compared to the core 2 duo but I got the vanilla p6t because I thought I'd be able to use my heatsink :(

This is for the vanilla P6T, correct?

Does anyone if this is the case for the P6T deluxe with a bracket conversion?
Yeah it's the vanilla version. I have the vendetta 2 with the backplate and thought I'd be able to use it on the p6t because it has lga775 holes but couldn't get it to work. I'm going to pick up an lga1366 bracket tomorrow from microcenter so not all is lost.
No prob, dude, i got screwed, because i ordered a bracket for my zalman 9700, only to find out i didnt need it.
I still havent got a straight answer for whether or not the xigmatek bracket will fit on the vendetta 2.

Also for that damn mylar thing. Should I put it on or not b/c i hear its a bitch to get off.
Also for that damn mylar thing. Should I put it on or not b/c i hear its a bitch to get off.
I would leave it on. It is a bitch to get off, and unless you really need to keep it there, there's no pressing reason to stick the bracket on. It makes it a little bit more difficult to mount the cooler, but it's no big deal.