Return items to newegg or sell on ebay?

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Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2005
What would you do if for some reason you had to return $2600 worth of computer parts that you bought off newegg about a month ago? Newegg charges 15% restocking fee if im not mistaken. Also you'd have to pay for shipping which would be at least another $100. And on top of that they have to inspect all the items and if they do not "approve" of one guess what, you have to pay shipping for it to get back to you again. If I sell it on ebay on the other hand I pay no restocking fee and the buyer pays for shipping. Only downside is I might have to sell the items for a little less then retail but in the long run I think this would be the best way to get most of my money back. What do you guys think?

Mod Edit - Not a hardware question; off topic for General [H]ardware - BlindedByScience
Whatever you decide to do you should figure it out quickly. As I recall, you can only RMA items to newgg for 30 days for refund, or 7 days for CPU's. The RMA for replacemnt is much longer. All that is stated at the terms of service page when you place your order. If you ordered your parts "about a month ago" you are running out of time.

Another option that you didn't mention would be to possibly build the system and then sell it whole, assuming you have the parts for a full rig.
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