Returning Xbox360 to best buy

Why are you returning it? Just because you don't want it? I'm pretty sure they won't take it back, at least not without charging you a restocking fee.
I dont like it TBH. Ill let them know that it kept crashing and I would like my money back. How will that work out? (I need the 424$)
I doubt they'd give you back cash. Either a replacement or store credit. You don't know until you try.
If it is past 14 days (a month in your case), you probably won't get your money back, as that is usually Best Buy's policy. But who knows, you could get lucky. Store credit, most likely.
It hasnt been a month. I talked to a guy on CSS who works for them who told me to argue and dont leave without my money and keep talking to managers.
Good luck to you. I sure hope you get your money back. Let us know how it works out!
I think you CAN get your cash back, but they don't give out that much cash. You'll get a check in the mail in a couple weeks or somethin like that (I think). Still got your receipt?

Just be honest as to why you're returning it. I've returned a few items that just didn't live up to expectations and have told them why I thought it was crap, and 90% of the time they just nod their head and don't really listen. I always like to ask how many of whatever item I'm returning they've seen come back. Usually quite a few.

Anyway, from their site , the return policy...

Return and Exchange Requirements
Your original receipt is required for all returns, exchanges, price matches and warranty repair services. All returns, exchanges and price adjustments must be made in the country of original purchase. For cash purchases over $250 and check purchases over $100, your refund will be issued by check from our corporate office within 14 business days of the return.
I don't know about telling them it freezes because they always say well you should of bought the warranty. Once I had to stick around for a while and talk to the manager and they only gave me a replacement and said that next time I should buy their warranty. That was for a $15 controller, so to get cash back you might need to get lucky. But it probably depends on the manger.
abusing the store personnel for your bad consumer decisions is :(

this causes higher prices for the rest of us, thanks
Hupo said:
its been within a month. Can I get cash back?

Why would you even shop at BB?

Walmart FTW - you can return ANYTHING there, no questions asked. If you have no receipt they will give you store credit.

I bought a coffee table online from Walmart - it arrived damaged so I returned it at the local Walmart.

What I hate the most about BB is every time you come into their store they have that guy thats on guard duty at the front door - you know, he pretends to be nice and greets you and then when you walk out he tells you to have a nice day. what a bunch of bullshit - he's only there to prevent theft not to be nice.
michealo said:
abusing the store personnel for your bad consumer decisions is :(

this causes higher prices for the rest of us, thanks

You're welcome - MS says how much the core system and premium consoles cost - not best buy - and if best buy did crank up their prices guess what? NO one would shop there.

Walmart FTW again. damn.
Hulk said:
Why would you even shop at BB?

Walmart FTW - you can return ANYTHING there, no questions asked. If you have no receipt they will give you store credit.

I bought a coffee table online from Walmart - it arrived damaged so I returned it at the local Walmart.

What I hate the most about BB is every time you come into their store they have that guy thats on guard duty at the front door - you know, he pretends to be nice and greets you and then when you walk out he tells you to have a nice day. what a bunch of bullshit - he's only there to prevent theft not to be nice.

Should they NOT try to prevent theft?

Just go in and try to return it. If you get the right person, they'll do it for you, but it probably really does depend on the customer service person. Make sure to smile.
Hulk said:
What I hate the most about BB is every time you come into their store they have that guy thats on guard duty at the front door - you know, he pretends to be nice and greets you and then when you walk out he tells you to have a nice day. what a bunch of bullshit - he's only there to prevent theft not to be nice.

Exactly, he's there to prevent theft. If you owned a business, wouldn't you want to ensure people weren't stealing for you? I'm not trying to defend Best Buy, just stating the truth.

EDIT: phoderpants beat me to it.
If you get store credit:
  • Return the item.
  • They will give you credit.
  • Go buy something else with the credit.
  • Return that item.
  • Get cash.
  • Buy drugs and women.
Lamont said:
If you get store credit:
  • Return the item.
  • They will give you credit.
  • Go buy something else with the credit.
  • Return that item.
  • Get cash.
  • Buy drugs and women.

some stores mark the receipt so that your not able to do this, I remember when I bought my psp and I returned it to circuit city after i used it for 8 days they took it back and gave me cash on the spot no questions asked. But i had a few games I didnt want and I took the one back to meijers, this younger girl was working and I'm a good looking guy. She was acting kinda goofy when I asked for the exchange because I said the game didnt work, then 2 days later I returned the Sealed copy for cash back. The girl forgot to mark the receipt.
okay okay. I read the back and Ill probably be getting a check if this works. Im going to take everyones advice. Im going now! Ill let everyone know.
You need to be as nice as possible for as long as possible. Only start getting nasty if they refuse to do it for a very long time.
Well. That was the easiest thing ive done! I was very nice and I was hittin on the cute chick that was at the counter and Im getting a check back in the mail for $424. Thanks everybody for there advice. Now that I got my money everyone could hop over the myother thread and help me build a pc :D
And next time buy at Costco! No hassle cash right on the spot refunds.
I second questions and cash on the spot. You can return stuff to them six months later too, they don't care.
What's wrong with Best Buy trying to prevent theft? They are trying to prevent theft and so what if they ask you how you are doing? It's almost like having two people in one.

He is used as your loss prevention person, and still function as a Walmart greeter type person as well. One salary, two jobs being accomplished.

Hulk said:
Why would you even shop at BB?

Walmart FTW - you can return ANYTHING there, no questions asked. If you have no receipt they will give you store credit.

I bought a coffee table online from Walmart - it arrived damaged so I returned it at the local Walmart.

What I hate the most about BB is every time you come into their store they have that guy thats on guard duty at the front door - you know, he pretends to be nice and greets you and then when you walk out he tells you to have a nice day. what a bunch of bullshit - he's only there to prevent theft not to be nice.
Costco FTW, I got an Lcd from my mom for christmas, but I didn't like it, went back in and returned it. Now I got a 2005fpw.

Xbox 360 is awesome you should have kept it, I own one xbox360 since launch, I mostly play halo 2 on my 2005fpw. I love it, I play lots of demos off xbox live.
Hupo said:
Well. That was the easiest thing ive done! I was very nice and I was hittin on the cute chick that was at the counter and Im getting a check back in the mail for $424. Thanks everybody for there advice. Now that I got my money everyone could hop over the myother thread and help me build a pc :D
You're returned the X360 because you "absolutely needed" the money to build a fucking PC? Consumers like you are the trough of capitalism.
finalgt said:
You're returned the X360 because you "absolutely needed" the money to build a fucking PC? Consumers like you are the trough of capitalism.
finalgt said:
You're returned the X360 because you "absolutely needed" the money to build a fucking PC? Consumers like you are the trough of capitalism.
Bad_Boy said:

...finalgt means he's a consumer whore, basically. He wasted money on something he didn't need and now he's going to turn around and do the same thing again.
K600 said:
...finalgt means he's a consumer whore, basically. He wasted money on something he didn't need and now he's going to turn around and do the same thing again.
none of us need any of these electronics. maybe he just didnt want it, and found that out after he bought it? and thought it would be better to have a pc instead of a 360? It's his choice, I dont see why everybody is getting mad over something he wants to do when it doesnt involve them, at all.

It just sounds to me, if he were returning some other device, some people here wouldnt get their panties in a bunch. Sounds like hes just low on cash and he just decided he wants something else more than a 360. Give him a break.
Im 17 years old. Im still learning in life. How was I supposed to know that the xbox 360 sucked? Oh, man I guess I was just supposed to know. Guess im a consumer whore. If people can jump over to the small form factor forum and help me, id appreciate it.
The Xbox 360 is an "acquired taste", if you will. One must learn to appreciate it's raw power and understand it's unique meaning of existing to truly feel satisfied with one's purchase.
TheOmniscientCreator said:
The Xbox 360 is an "acquired taste", if you will. One must learn to appreciate it's raw power and understand it's unique meaning of existing to truly feel satisfied with one's purchase.
its microsoft, its an xbox. Not a supernatural power aquired by bathing in a spring.
Hupo said:
its microsoft, its an xbox. Not a supernatural power aquired by bathing in a spring.
Fine then, don't partake in the Xbox 360 Zen Experience. No green tea for you! :p