revenge57 and unknowngunman Watch Out!!

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Aug 29, 2005
I sent paypal to unknowngunman in the amount of $78.00 I am having a heck of a time with him. He replyed to an e-mail and refunded $7 bucks. Big darn deal! His name is Jim Stevens and lives in Vernon, BC the 3 e-mail addys I have are [email protected] and [email protected]and
[email protected]

Contestent #2
revenge57 was sent paypal on 3/29/06 for 1/2 + ship for a 7900gt. He has been online every day sence and will not reply to pm's or e-mails. He real name is Hasan Haura, and e-mail is [email protected] and lives in Claremont,NH till he moves to the UK in 3 weeks.

People like this make us good traiders look bad! :(
I am 160$CAD short with unknowngunman after I sent the payment for a X1800 XT. I sent him an e-mail yesterday for a refund with no sign of life..

Would you agree to share information about this guy if needed?

Also, there are other people involved with unknowngunman beside me and you...

I got fleeced of $125 from unknowngunman. I filed a paypal complaint. I am giving him a chance to respond, then I am filing a complaint with the FBI, and anywhere else I can think of.
Tlafeir said:
I got fleeced of $125 from unknowngunman. I filed a paypal complaint. I am giving him a chance to respond, then I am filing a complaint with the FBI, and anywhere else I can think of.

Go ahead and file it, you will not get a responce. :mad:
My friend and I tried to buy a LCD from Unknowngunman. We sent him the $60 that he asked for via Pay Pal with my friends CC. We got the warning about him from Malicous just after we sent the payment. After we confronted Unknowngunman about the other problem with Malicous he then backed out of our deal and refunded Malicous his money. Unknowngunman then offered my friend back his money but said that he did not have enough in his Pay Pal account (duh!!! He just sent some to someone else out of his money!!). He also gave us bogus info, I called the number that he gave us and it was a older man named Jim Stevens. This person never knew anything of the sort of what was going on.
My friend did a charge back with his bank and had to sign papers for it. The bank called him the next day and notified him that they were launching a investigation and also notified the Police and they were also launching there own investigation.

So I was able to help Malicous get his money back from this guy.
DnDComputers said:
So I was able to help Malicous get his money back from this guy.

I got 7 then 20.21 back out of 78 from unknown but that is all
Revenge57 got me for 120. :mad:
When did he send you that money? My friend sent him $60 on Friday 3-31

So if he sent you any money back after friday then it was from the money my friend sent him. WOW.... Steal money from people to send money to people that he owes!
DnDComputers said:
When did he send you that money? My friend sent him $60 on Friday 3-31

So if he sent you any money back after friday then it was from the money my friend sent him. WOW.... Steal money from people to send money to people that he owes!

it was on 3/30 I got he 7 then on 4/1 the 20.21. What a consept, rob peter to pay paul. Seems like I have read that some were.
Be smart out there. Noobs are a virus. I will ask for a picture with the date and item in it from now on. I will also talk to the person on the phone and if it smells wierd the F it I am not doing it. I have lost to much this time to not do it. I lost $25 back on 11/25 for a game that never shipped and that guy had 400+ post's on here.
Hope we are the only ones here. Anyone else get it from revenge57?
cre8chaos said:
Be smart out there. Noobs are a virus.

Hey now..... I am a Noob... I am not a virus... I infact helped someone on here to get there money back. And would help anyone out in that fact! ;)
DnDComputers said:
Hey now..... I am a Noob... I am not a virus... I infact helped someone on here to get there money back. And would help anyone out in that fact! ;)

I know it, just so mad right now. I have stuff for sale and am just ready to pull it and put it on flea bay and call it done here. I have bought from here and sold from here and this is just under my skin. with MGDMN it was jail time that I didn't get FEAR game by x-mass for my son even thought I paid a month before.
I am just venting. Take no offence. BTW I have had a "few" shots of Black Velvet tonight while kicking my self for this dumb a$$ atack.

Hope all turns out well for all. I want my money back :(
hope you guys get your money back, i was almost scammed by this guy too...he must have responded to a ton of "wtb" threads...
omg.. I was so close to buying revenge's laptop.. even with no feedback he insisted that I pay at least half first.. good thing I didnt. :rolleyes:
I am starting to wonder if the 2 are the same person... They both wanted to have the buyer send half up front first!! hmmmmmm????? :confused:
The common factor here is..everyone of you gave this guy money without him being established let alone having heatware...thank god I dont deal with people like that. Guess thats why i've never been trolled either. Best of luck to you guys, hope he has a change of heart but I doubt it. I almost dealt with him as well looking through my pms, he wouldnt ship first or confirm the items "he had" with pictures so I told him to fk off.
Yeah. I guess I am a n00b when it comes to FS/FT. I trust too easily. Hell, he even provided me with a valid ESN for the Treo he was offering me. I'll have to try to get my money back.
Trust is a bad thing on the internet I guess. I am from small town Ohio and the hand shake and the word is all that matters. I will put them through a maze next time I give out money. Bought a 2k5FPW that same day and it will be here today.
There not all bad here but just don't trust till time to do so.
I sent an ultimatum to unknowngunman requesting for a full refund of my money. At least he replied and said to file a claim with paypal since its account is froze due to blah blah blah. He said he would hit the refund button.. Sould I believe?.. :eek:

so much pain could have been avoided if folks would have followed the trading tips given here under the heading "Avoiding Trolls" :eek:

good luck fellas.......
Yeah, I know about this. For unknown reasons, I had a bad feeling when I sent the money to this guy. I guess I will listen to my sense next time AND do my homeworks. I don't like the fact that an experienced trader like me is getting scammed by a little punk like this..

Parabellum said:
Yeah, I know about this. For unknown reasons, I had a bad feeling when I sent the money to this guy. I guess I will listen to my sense next time AND do my homeworks. I don't like the fact that an experienced trader like me is getting scammed by a little punk like this..


Amen!!!! I need a drink again. :kick my self in the a$$ again and again:
Tlafeir said:
Has anyone made any progress with this?



No reply to phone/ reg letter/ paypal /e-mail /PM's so I put Paypal and FBI on it. Will update if I get anywere.
It is EXTREMELY tough to get anything out of an international troll. I was once duped for an xbox some years ago from a guy in Canada. I had called the local RCMP some 6 times, and the sergeant that always answered never got me anywhere. He even told me he had many other calls on the same guy but that changed nothing. I only got my money back when he sent me an email some months later that he'd pay my money back if i would end the dispute on his paypal account to unfreeze it. He sent me a money order with an extra $75 and I ended the dispute once the funds cleared. :confused: :confused:

Good luck. This is why I strictly do not deal with international trading.
Starfox said:
Good luck. This is why I strictly do not deal with international trading.

I deal with international trading (well, US to Canada, that is)...but, I require prepaid Canadapost money order if someone wants to purchase from Canada. It does require patience between buyer and seller (seeing as it takes about 2 weeks for mail or packages to go between Michigan and Ontario for example, due to customs and other issues, resulting in a month-long transaction), but it'd be hard to fake a postal money order from Canada, and I've had no issues. Of course, I've also provided Global Priority Mail tracking numbers to those I've shipped to in return.

In the case of this thread, there appear to be no references, no pictures, etc. to back up the sellers' credibility. That's a big issue there, and it would have given me a bad feeling on hardware still considered to be decent and expensive when used (i.e., a 7900GT). It's too easy to get caught up by the excitement in what a good deal you're getting on a used quality piece of hardware; best thing is to slow down, be patient, and check your sources, since if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
That is not true, I had pictures with his name on it of the LCD and also got name, address, and phone number. I received a warning from Malicous regarding this guy just as I was sending the payment via Pay Pal. Once I confronted him about Malicous transaction and told him that I wanted the time shipped right away he backed out. Fortunatly the money was paid with a CC through Pay Pal. The bank started a investigation and also the police are investigating this as well.
Tlafeir said:
Has anyone made any progress with this?



I started a dispute on paypal last week. I explained in details what went wrong on my side. He replied thru paypal saying them to refund me because its account is now froze. I guess that as soon as a paypal agent will get the case I will get my money. I hope, at least. One thing I did appreciate is that he did not negate the dispute and said (between lines) that I was right.

So far he hasn't replied to my paypal dispute. Still no communication, or package.
Tlafeir said:
So far he hasn't replied to my paypal dispute. Still no communication, or package.

Ditto on both my troll's ! I laid claim to the paypal and did the FBI on the one here and talked to the locals in Can.
The money is gone but I did get my 2k5FPW and my MD20 pump. It just cost me $200 more than it should have I guess with all this happening.
Live and learn. :(
Well, I have just received some good news. Here is the e-mail I received from paypal agent :

We have concluded our investigation into your claim.

We have decided in your favor have recovered funds from the seller.
We were able to recover $154.81 CAD and this amount has been credited to
you. Please allow five business days for this adjustment to be posted.

If you are due any additional amount from the seller, we will make our best
effort to recover the balance from the seller.

I am still out 5.19$CAD (out of 160$) but I am pretty satisfied however how it turned out for me. The paypal agent did some good work. I just hope for you guys you will recover as much as I did.

Live and learn, well said.. :(

Here is the latest from this guy. He IMed me today to tell me he wants all of the money for the LCD that he tried to sell me. Here is the latest IM from him.

Mods... if this is inapropriate then please edit it. Sorry in adavance

Jimmy: hey
[email protected]: hey
Jimmy: sup
[email protected]: nothing.. just waiting to hear from Pay Pal
Jimmy: o
[email protected]: Something is wrong with my account
Jimmy: same with mine
[email protected]: cant send money for some reason
Jimmy: the account is limited
[email protected]: really?
[email protected]: Oh
[email protected]: mine isnt limited
Jimmy: I don't care I guess cause I don't have any money in it
[email protected]: lol
[email protected]: so then how do i send you the Money?
Jimmy: ur sending me money?
[email protected]: ummmmm
[email protected]: LCD?
Jimmy: ?
[email protected]: ummmm
[email protected]: wrong person?
Jimmy: yes
[email protected]: huh
[email protected]: lol
[email protected]: I got 2 jims in my account
[email protected]: who is this one?
Jimmy: u said ur not going to pay the money
[email protected]: huh
[email protected]: ok.. i am confussed
Jimmy: u said ur not gonna send the money
Jimmy: for the LCD
[email protected]: when did I say that
[email protected]: what LCD you have
Jimmy: u said u want me to ship it?
Jimmy: u said u want me to ship it first
Jimmy: acer
[email protected]: I sent you money right? Some?
Jimmy: i want all of it
[email protected]: what did I send you
Jimmy: $1
[email protected]: BS
[email protected]: You in Canada
Jimmy: ?
[email protected]: huh
[email protected]: Where are you
Jimmy: I'm in illonis right now
[email protected]: I had my cousin send you$65
Jimmy: i need the rest
[email protected]: how did you go from Canada to Illinois
Jimmy: im on vacation
Jimmy: Jimmy sent you a Voice Clip which requires the latest version of MSN Messenger. To download the latest version of MSN Messenger, go to
[email protected]: yeah right
Jimmy: ?
[email protected]: vacation with whos money
Jimmy: my paypal money
Jimmy: thats why its probably frozen
[email protected]: how about all the people that sent you money
Jimmy: ?
[email protected]: yeah
[email protected]: you heard me
Jimmy: ok...
[email protected]: ok?
[email protected]: I dont trust you
Jimmy: ok
Jimmy: bye
[email protected]: wait
[email protected]: you there?
Jimmy: no
[email protected]: I have a friend in illinios.. he can do the exchange
Jimmy: I'm not meeting up with strangers
Jimmy: sorry
[email protected]: scared?
Jimmy: do u have skype?
Jimmy: yes
Jimmy: plus i dont have the lcd with me
Jimmy: im on vacation
[email protected]: skype?
Jimmy: ya
[email protected]: why?
Jimmy: lets talk
[email protected]: we are talking
Jimmy: accept
[email protected]: accept
[email protected]: what?
Jimmy: u gonna accept?
[email protected]: I am on a mac
Jimmy: so
[email protected]: why so you can lock me up again
[email protected]: hahah
[email protected]: nope
MSN: [email protected] has logged off
MSN: [email protected] has logged on
MSN: [email protected] has logged off
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