revolution name is gone. Long live....

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The Wii logo is awesome... but it just doesn't work in English. It will take hardcore gamers a long time to warm up to taking in their Wii...
I like the logo... just wish they stuck with the Revolution.
ahh internets


Not a great name.. I sorta liked the Revolution, especially since they're even making EA be creative with design.
steviep said:
Funnily enough, I think the name "XBox" is absolutely retarded. But I digress. Here's a forum poster that think it's effective:

well , in a world where XTREME is mainstream the X is sign of mainstream...

generation X ... Xtreme sports... even the 360 refer to extreme sports ( snowboard , skateboard ...)

Wii is interesting ... easily remembered.... ill buy one anyway ... even if it was call the Poop Bag of nintendo

One time there was this console and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I played the games and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda ;)
It's been said many times before, but I have to reiterate.

Worse Name Ever.

I honestly don't see where they are coming from pulling this shit. I'm hoping for a public backlash that'll make them recant this stupid fucking name. Way to squander your stream heading into this round.
that logo animation was perfectly done to explain the ii in "Wii".
but with out it, it'll take some serious explaination to make any sense of it to the avg consumers. Can't expect them to play that animation at every sales booth in store, so people will go "ohh...Wii get it..." :p

/me goes to manufacture 20 million "Revolution" emblem/sticker to cover up the "Wii" logo. taking pre-orders! :D

Wii the Revolution? doesn't sound to bad!
now we just need the know the price.
The Animation does explain it better. So does Nintendo PR.

NEW YORK ( - Goodbye Revolution. Hello Wii.

Nintendo officially ditched its long-used codename for its next generation machine Thursday, revealing Wii as the final name for the product.

Players will use a remote control like device to play games on the Wii.

Goodbye Revolution. Hello Wii.

Pronounced like "we" (or "whee," I suppose), the name is meant to emphasize that "this console is for everyone," Nintendo said in a flash video which introduced the name change.

"The other systems have an extension of their current names; ours is a new leap to something different," Perrin Kaplan, Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for Nintendo of America, told me. "A lot of thought went into the name."

"Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak," the company said in its flash presentation of the name. "No confusion. No need to abbreviate."

The unusual spelling is meant to symbolize both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play.

As it prepares to enter the next generation, Nintendo has taken a different stance than many of its competitors. Rather than focusing on visual and technical upgrades, the company has revamped how players control games, in an effort to reach beyond the traditional gaming audience.

The move has been fairly successful so far. The Nintendo DS, a handheld system that was the first step in the plan, has sold well – as has non-traditional games like "Nintendogs" and "Brain Age". The Wii will use a remote control-like device to control games. The wireless unit, using internal sensors, will translate wrist and hand movements into onscreen actions.

How that general audience will react to the name remains to be seen. The core gaming community is already making its opinion known – and it's a resounding thumbs down.

"Here, I'll do it: Worst console name ever," wrote Chris Remo, an editor at, whose sentiments were immediately echoed by dozens of users. Forum members on, and other gaming sites expressed similar thoughts.

Kaplan said the criticism was not unexpected, given Wii's uniqueness.

"I think people have to look back and let it settle in," she said. "I'm sure people felt the same way when Google was named – or the iPod. Napster. Yahoo. There's a whole host of unusual names that have become a part of everyday conversation and I think they're viewed now as unique."

The Wii will make its public debut a little less than two weeks from now at E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo), the annual trade show of the video game industry. At that same show, Sony (Research) will unveil more details about the PlayStation 3 and Microsoft (Research) will talk about its future plans for the Xbox 360.

So why announce the name now and not at the show?

By letting the gaming community vent now about the name, they will be less distracted as launch titles for the system are announced and initial reports about what it's like to play the games begin to come in.

Also, said Kaplan, "We want people to understand our approach before we get to E3. [Also], it's really noisy at E3 and I don't think we would have had the chance to explain how we came to the name."
lol!. The system was doomed form the get go. The name just makes it that much worst. EA has already complained about the system. How it is not HD & is a real pain to develope on. Not a good sign seeing how EA is just one of the handful of Multiplatform developers that can make or break the sucess of a system. Most Madden fans, or EA sports fans in general are not going to want a gimped 480p version of there favorite sports franchise on the Rev. Especially seeing how the PS3 & Xbox 360 will both have 720p & 1080i/p HD versions. Many have already expressed this on a few gaming forums Im also apart of. Although, EA has announced a Madden game taking advantage of how innovative the controller is. If EA Sports games don't sell as well this gen like it did on the Game Cube, they'll probally completly drop them this time around. EA sales on the Cube weren't very good when compared to the Xbox & PS2 sales numbers.

So we will see how it turns out. I have no intrest in the Nintendo Wii for now. An innovative controller & some completly milked franchises doesn't impress me one bit atm.

Revolution was a much better name IMO. But it really doesn't matter what we Americans think. Nintendo is going to sell these things by the tens of thousands in Japan.
It took me an hour on the phone with my Nintendo PR person...who actually BRAGGED that their department literally "came up with this start-to-finish".

I would like to tell you that, when my minds eye played the images in my head of how those meetings went, I didn't laugh in my PR persons face (ear)...but I can't. I laughed so hard I could hardly catch my breath...and no one understood why.

I swear, not one person knew WHY I laughed at the Wii name...and that made it funnier...and I laughed harder. :D

the finale happened when I said "...and if you are a Wii owner?"

...say it really fast...I am a wiiowner. I am a weowner. I am a weiner.

That part...isn't funny :(
I think they are crazy for calling it that, but it's just a name. Of course, I will still get one. I will likely still just call it the Revolution.
DarkLegacy said:
lol!. The system was doomed form the get go. The name just makes it that much worst. EA has already complained about the system. How it is not HD & is a real pain to develope on. Not a good sign seeing how EA is just one of the handful of Multiplatform developers that can make or break the sucess of a system. Most Madden fans, or EA sports fans in general are not going to want a gimped 480p version of there favorite sports franchise on the Rev. Especially seeing how the PS3 & Xbox 360 will both have 720p & 1080i/p HD versions. Many have already expressed this on a few gaming forums Im also apart of. Although, EA has announced a Madden game taking advantage of how innovative the controller is. If EA Sports games don't sell as well this gen like it did on the Game Cube, they'll probally completly drop them this time around. EA sales on the Cube weren't very good when compared to the Xbox & PS2 sales numbers.

So we will see how it turns out. I have no intrest in the Nintendo Wii for now. An innovative controller & some completly milked franchises doesn't impress me one bit atm.

How much of a !!!!!! can you possibly be? EA has dedicated Revolution development teams making original games, rather than porting them like the other 2 systems. They have said that development is easy. The only challenge is learning how to program for the remote. Read the thread and the links in that thread.

Anyway, since there clearly aren't very many adults in here, I thought I'd post this picture for you all:
DarkLegacy said:
lol!. EA has already complained about the system. How it is not HD & is a real pain to develope on. Not a good sign seeing how EA is just one of the handful of Multiplatform developers that can make or break the sucess of a system.


I dont see how

"At first we had the hike mechanism where you actually pulled the controller back, so if you think about gesturing your hand forward and pulling it back as if you're hiking the ball, which kind of looks more like a hike, was very hard to do and wasn't something that was comfortable for people," he said. "So we actually moved it to snapping the ball up, as if you're receiving the ball."

Relates in any way the dificulty of developing games on the system or the suposed HD complaint, your own link makes it sound like EA likes what they have so far and plan on continuing support for the Wii.
steviep said:
Anyway, since there clearly aren't very many adults in here, I thought I'd post this picture for you all:[/I][/QUOTE]

LOL thats pretty funny.
I think Nintendo may have just started the longest running joke in the history of computer games.
Amanda said:

One time there was this console and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I played the games and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda ;)

That squirrel net cartoon right? Man if I wasn't at work with time to search, I'd be rolling to see that posted right now. Sorry to ruin the punchline for whoever posts it. I need to see it! :D

Thats the link to that story. I doubt EA would ever see nintendo as there first choice for anything sports. Especially seeing how most EA sponsored tourneys for there sports game are always played on a Sony Console, as well as airtime for stuff like NBA TV, which has been mostly shown on the Xbox 360 as of late. Nintendo will always get there select titles out of the Sports Gen from EA, but Sony would probally most likly be there first choice for everything else. MS mostly gets all of the multiplatform titles out of EA.

steviep with the Mario pic FTW!!!

Dude, that is comedy gold!

I am astounded that when I asked the PR folks about what they planned to do about all the Wii jokes...there was dead silence for a good 10 seconds and then "what jokes?".




I've been a Nintendo fan forever....

....this really disappoints me :(

A f**king Wii?!?! I'd rather mark out to MS....
Steve said:
steviep with the Mario pic FTW!!!

Dude, that is comedy gold!

I am astounded that when I asked the PR folks about what they planned to do about all the Wii jokes...there was dead silence for a good 10 seconds and then "what jokes?".




LOL stop, I can't take it anymore.... I'm rolling here at work.. they stuff you can read on the net is just insane... no comedy stand-up can't beat that.. "what jokes?" LOOOOLLL
On the plus side, this is the most viral marketing campaign ever. 4 hours, and the entire internet is ablaze.
steviep said:
On the plus side, this is the most viral marketing campaign ever. 4 hours, and the entire internet is ablaze.

Yeah seriously, holy shit... I haven't seen this much posting since the controller was revealed.
many people buys ferrari... and i think its a bad name... but still , people love them because they are unique... so will the Wii
arr4ws said:
many people buys ferrari... and i think its a bad name... but still , people love them because they are unique... so will the Wii

Ferrari doesn't tie with pee. :D

im going to buy a 360 cause im an XTREMIST!!! I now want to be known as XxXJustinSaneXxX because X is hardcore!!!! Just like my XBOX!

lol rofl.. kthnx
arr4ws said:
many people buys ferrari... and i think its a bad name... but still , people love them because they are unique... so will the Wii
You're kidding, right?
oh well.. guess would prefer the nintendo... 64x2 = 128 wich is the gamecube... then 128x2 = 256...

yeah ... the nintendo 256
How is a Ferrari is a dumb name?

Anyhow if this is true I will laugh all the way to the bank, than then buy a ps3 along with my xbox. Seriously, I knew Nintendo was going down the crapper when they couldn't get Zelda(the good one not that tard 2D crap) out on the gamecube.

Could you imagine going to target and going in

Worker: Hi, can I help you?
Me: Yes could you please unlock a cabinet for me?
Worker: Sure, which would you like opened?
Me: The Nintendo We please
Worker: I'm sorry what did you say.
Me:Nintendo We foo'! im hardcore.[
independantvariable said:
How is a Ferrari is a dumb name?

Anyhow if this is true I will laugh all the way to the bank, than then buy a ps3 along with my xbox. Seriously, I knew Nintendo was going down the crapper when they couldn't get Zelda(the good one not that tard 2D crap) out on the gamecube.

Could you imagine going to target and going in

Worker: Hi, can I help you?
Me: Yes could you please unlock a cabinet for me?
Worker: Sure, which would you like opened?
Me: The Nintendo We please
Worker: I'm sorry what did you say.
Me:Nintendo We foo'! im hardcore.[

How old are you?
michealo said:

revolution was a perfect name.

might as well just call it "third place again".
haha, almost spit my water out.

Skirrow said:
How the hell did Nintendo think this would make a good name? Wii (pronounced 'wee'). Whats next? is sony gonna change PS3 to 'DuuDuu'?

With a name like that you can guarantee that Sony and MS's sales are gonna Wii all over Nintendo's.

You can imagine the conversations now.

"So what console you got? 360? PS3?"
" I got a Wii"
"Bathrooms first door on your right"

Well done Nintendo. Just when i was thinking about buying one.

(still will, even with the stupid name) :D
I didn't read the rest of the thread, but this post made me laugh out loud here at work....that is the funniest thing I have read in days. hahahah

These were just on the first page....I have to read this whoe thread now.

Somebody make a thread called "the Nintendo bashing thread" where all the children can go talk about how cool they are?
steviep said:
Somebody make a thread called "the Nintendo bashing thread" where all the children can go talk about how cool they are?
Sounds like someone needs a nap.
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