revolutions secret weapon


Limp Gawd
Mar 8, 2005
All the past gen n games are downloadable free. I'm sold

Harrison then confirmed that past-gen, Nintendo-created titles will indeed be downloadable for free.


Nintendo is definately on the comeback
if they offer their first party games from the past + first party games in the future it still won't be enough to compete with microsoft and sony who have great first AND third party games coming down the road for them. without third party game support, they're going to be looking up at sony and MS. 20 years worth of games from the past isnt going to be enough.
Because Nintendo definitely ISNT trying to get back their third party support :rolleyes:

They have stated that they want third party devs back, and they are doing so as we speak. If the Revolution is as easy to code for as their reps say, they can win a lot more popularity from devs than the other two can.
jester1176 said:
if they offer their first party games from the past + first party games in the future it still won't be enough to compete with microsoft and sony who have great first AND third party games coming down the road for them. without third party game support, they're going to be looking up at sony and MS. 20 years worth of games from the past isnt going to be enough.

I agree but I would pick one up knowing the past games are free. Seems like a nice marketing plan to me. Free is always good.
watch Nintendo servers be swamped with leachers.... or maybe they'll goto a bitorrent system *shudders*.... btw, just because they're free, doesn't mean u can have as many as there are.... the memory they're giving is abysmal for a 200+ game collection
It is a good secret weapon. How many times do you find yourself playing old SNES games? I Do all the time. You cant beat the good old NES and SNES games. Espically for all of us who grew up with them. Not you 13 or 14 yr ols kids now who have all this fancy 3d crap. You kids dont kknow how sweet we had it in the 80s and early 90s. NES, SNES, Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, He man, Thunder Cats.... :)

Anyway, I know that if I can DL any old game I want. Sold. They have my purchase.

I will also get a PS3 too.... But I will deffinalty Buy a Revolution first.

The only reason I will get a PS3 is so I can play all the New Final Fantasy's
retardedchicken said:
They have stated that they want third party devs back, and they are doing so as we speak. If the Revolution is as easy to code for as their reps say, they can win a lot more popularity from devs than the other two can.

...they said that before the Gamecube was released as well.

Surprise!!! Didn't happen :rolleyes:
WickedAngel said:
...they said that before the Gamecube was released as well.

Surprise!!! Didn't happen :rolleyes:

They admitted to their mistake of lack of third party devs for the Cube, and said they will get as many back as they can, seeing as how they want games to be as dev-friendly as possible, there is a lot of hope for the Revolution. Some people just think that since it has more games geared towards little kids that it is a waste, which is bullshit.
It is a novelty. They are heading more and more into their own niche market.
It is a good secret weapon. How many times do you find yourself playing old SNES games? I Do all the time. You cant beat the good old NES and SNES games. Espically for all of us who grew up with them. Not you 13 or 14 yr ols kids now who have all this fancy 3d crap. You kids dont kknow how sweet we had it in the 80s and early 90s. NES, SNES, Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, He man, Thunder Cats

if i wanted to play those games, i'd shell out 20-30 bucks to buy an old NES and an old SNES and get the games i wanted. i would NOT buy a $200-300 console.

OR, i could just get a GBA and take those games everywhere. this is just a ploy by nintendo to get you to buy their console to play games AGAIN that you've been playing for up to 20 years now. sorry, it's not gonna sell one to me. you show me epic or id or raven or even EA making freaking sports games for their console and i'll consider it, but right now i'd say that they're behind the 8-ball...already. past history has shown that they wont get 3rd party support for their consoles. i have no reason to believe otherwise so far.
idk what they're trying to pull this time, but i'm not sold. a console that can play old games isnt revolutionary... xbox360 and ps3 are looking forward to the future.. and nintendo is going back to the future? wtf!?

ps2 and xbox killed the gamecube.. idk what happen there.. even tho gamecube is powerfull than ps2 in terms of hardware.. i hate to see this happen to revolution again.. but jeezz.. show something futuristic system rather than back to the future system.. :(
USMC2Hard4U said:
It is a good secret weapon. How many times do you find yourself playing old SNES games? I Do all the time. You cant beat the good old NES and SNES games. Espically for all of us who grew up with them. Not you 13 or 14 yr ols kids now who have all this fancy 3d crap. You kids dont kknow how sweet we had it in the 80s and early 90s. NES, SNES, Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, He man, Thunder Cats.... :)
Long live Robotech! Also, this will be huge for Nintendo in the US but it will be an even bigger event in Japan. I hope Sony starts giving out their ols PS/PS2 games for free as well :)
I don't see how this is their secret weapon. They should have started something like or something along this line a long time ago before emulators and roms became so popular. Thanks to emulation, almost every game Nintendo has ever made is out there on the net. Will it really matter if people can download old games now? If people wanted to play these old games badly enough, they either went out and bought the old console/games or just downloaded the emulator and roms even though it is illegal doing it.
Sorry, folks, it's not happening.

GamesRadar misread a Gamespot article in which Harrison said that Nintendo's old first party games will be downloadable onto the Revolution, but MIGHT be free. The implication here is that Nintendo is leaning towards charging, not that they've confirmed freebies.

The Revolution's "secret weapon" is still its wireless gyroscopic controller.
Terpfen said:
Sorry, folks, it's not happening.

GamesRadar misread a Gamespot article in which Harrison said that Nintendo's old first party games will be downloadable onto the Revolution, but MIGHT be free. The implication here is that Nintendo is leaning towards charging, not that they've confirmed freebies.

The Revolution's "secret weapon" is still its wireless gyroscopic controller.

Links proving their controller?
Now I understand what the revolution is all about... DUCK HUNTER IS BACK AGAIN! :eek:

If I could play Duck Hunt again, I will be happy.

Fake Edit: They need to bring back the powerpad too.
Betauser said:
idk what they're trying to pull this time, but i'm not sold. a console that can play old games isnt revolutionary... xbox360 and ps3 are looking forward to the future.. and nintendo is going back to the future? wtf!?

ps2 and xbox killed the gamecube.. idk what happen there.. even tho gamecube is powerfull than ps2 in terms of hardware.. i hate to see this happen to revolution again.. but jeezz.. show something futuristic system rather than back to the future system.. :(
actually, the gc did BETTER than the xbox. there are other gamers in the world besides in the usa you know. or maybe you dont know.
WookieRookie said:
I don't see how this is their secret weapon. They should have started something like or something along this line a long time ago before emulators and roms became so popular. Thanks to emulation, almost every game Nintendo has ever made is out there on the net. Will it really matter if people can download old games now? If people wanted to play these old games badly enough, they either went out and bought the old console/games or just downloaded the emulator and roms even though it is illegal doing it.
this ISNT their secret weapon. its just a bonus.
I'll be getting a Revolution because of this. I bet there are millions of others who feel the same way.
ryanrule said:
actually, the gc did BETTER than the xbox. there are other gamers in the world besides in the usa you know. or maybe you dont know.

NPD worldwide sales charts say different.

Feel free to show a source, though. Even if you were right (Which you aren't), it shouldn't have even been close. The Xbox is a first attempt. The Gamecube has a company with twenty-years of industry knowledge behind it and still barely outsells a new player to the market? That shouldn't make anyone feel confident about their standing in the industry...
WickedAngel said:
NPD worldwide sales charts say different.

Feel free to show a source, though. Even if you were right (Which you aren't), it shouldn't have even been close. The Xbox is a first attempt. The Gamecube has a company with twenty-years of industry knowledge behind it and still barely outsells a new player to the market? That shouldn't make anyone feel confident about their standing in the industry...

yeah, a new player that has over 50 billion in cash reserves, of course they will be a contender, and a major one at that.

ya know, i was looking at my ps2 the other day, then went to rent a game, all of the ones i wanted to rent seemed to be on gamecube. I still think nintendo has something up their sleeve, lefts just wait and see
Why do so many people have an attitude towards old games?

I look at what is coming out in the future for all consoles and there isn't that much that I'm really interested in playing. It's the same crap as always, 3d shooter/racer/sports blood,explosions. and sex. Nothing new. No replayability, no real skill needed.

Nintendo is the only company out there anymore developing new ideas. Sony and MS just do the same crap over and over again. While Nintendo goes out and develops bongos for use in a game and make it fun, they add a gyro to a GBA cartridge and you have a completely new control skill to learn.

I want to see some of these kids here, play through Contra sans cheats.

I would rather play the old classics than 99% of the new games comin out.
Betauser said:
idk what they're trying to pull this time, but i'm not sold. a console that can play old games isnt revolutionary... xbox360 and ps3 are looking forward to the future.. and nintendo is going back to the future? wtf!?
Imagine this... development costs for a current gen console are astronomical. We are talking tens of millions and more. Development time is growing longer and longer, taking years to complete. Development tech is improving, but not fast enough. What we could do 5 years ago can now be done in half the time, but what will be done in a year... well, it's not going to be done. We won't see next gen consoles pressed for a good long while, and it will only cost more to make those games a reality... this results in even less risk taking, making our existing genres more stale, and new genres an improbability.

How does any of this fit into the Revolution? Well... this is pure speculation, but I have a few ideas to back it up. Take the following with a grain of salt.

Nintendo has gone on the record that they are going to provide means for devs (publishers) to produce risky ideas at dramatically lower cost. There isn't anything holding publishers from producing titles on 360/PS3 that are sub par, visually, and perhaps technologically, but Nintendo is supposed to be providing some means that makes this more accessible.

Here is my idea. Nintendo will be fully supporting NES, SNES, N64, and GC titles during the Revolution life cycle. "Obviously, Kiggles. They have said this much." No, I mean we will see NEW SNES, or N64 games. They may not be marketed as such, but the development platforms will be the same. So while a publisher can't risk the money for a new idea for a 3D game on CURRENT gen hardware, they could likely provide the resources necessary to put that game out for N64 (running on revolution hardware). Textures may be higher, but model and game complexity do not need to be anywhere near as extreme. More time can be spent on executing the idea, rather than making it look freaking awesome. We consider this a budget title and is sold as a $20 GC title. Maybe developers have an idea that doesn't need to press the limits of 3D. Why not put together a little SNES title? Downloadable over Nintendo's service for 5, maybe 10 bucks? Maybe it's a neato puzzle game that has online capabilities, so while it looks and plays like an SNES game, it uses features exclusive to the Revolution (in Nintendo's camp).

I don't believe any of this will be occuring in the immediate future. Chances are, you will just see the more risky titles being released as GameCube products. And why not? Anyone with a Revolution can play them, but anyone who hasn't taken the plunge (but still happens to have their GC) can still play them. The risk is softened, but no one loses. Well, maybe Nintendo, but I believe it is only a matter of time before GC owners DO upgrade, if enough of both GC and Rev titles get pumped out.

Finally, I believe I should bring this up, because I know everyone will question me about Rev support for GC. "What's the difference? Everything will be backwards compatible with current gen, Kiggles!" Aye, but I believe Nintendo will be the ONLY one of the three to CONTINUE supporting current gen tech. IE: Not only will you see Revolution games, but you will still see a healthy supply of GameCube titles. Again. Nintendo has stated that Revolution dev kits are for better or worse just GC dev kits. And why not? Rev can play GC games right out of the box, so right now, if you're developing for GC, you're developing for Revolution. I am sure this will change when hardware specs get finalized, and dedicated Revolution kits are sent out, but I don't see any reason why these dev kits will be incapable of producing GC games.

I know I ramble, this is wild speculation, and don't really have a point. I do think that the historic library is a little more than just universal backwards compatibility. Maybe not the revolutionary feature, but I can't help but think Nintendo has more plans for supporting all previous Nintendo consoles in one box that what meets the eye.

EDIT: Here's an example that might make the above more reasonable. Ever play a game (at any point in time) that is sub-par technically, but introduced a REALLY neat idea or gameplay mode? Was this game so technologically out classed that you can't help but wonder why they didn't make this game years ago? I have, but it turned out to be an optional mini-game. Yo-pearl in Beyond Good and Evil. I am sure the mini-game has been done before, but hell, I had tons of fun with that little thing. Given enough time and effort (not much) it could have been an entire puzzle game itself. There is no chance in hell of it being released. So it was fortunate to even see it happen as a mini-game. The circumstance is as simple as this. No one thought of it at the time. Technology advanced and the opportunity for that game to have a market has passed. Surely that opportunity has still passed, but what if Nintendo realizes a viable 'budget' line of games? I am not even talking about Sony's "Greatest Hits". I am thinking of brand new games released for dead-game platforms, like the N64.

Damn, that edit was huge. I'll shut-up now, because I'm extremely annoying.
k1pp3r said:
yeah, a new player that has over 50 billion in cash reserves, of course they will be a contender, and a major one at that.

You do know Bill Gates isnt financing the XBox with his own money...Microsoft is, so the "cash" (since its not really hard cash) reserves is more like 300 billion ... Not that the XBOX took that much to was more along the line of 10 billion if I recall reading somewhere, but i may be wrong...
LeviathanV said:
You do know Bill Gates isnt financing the XBox with his own money...Microsoft is, so the "cash" (since its not really hard cash) reserves is more like 300 billion ... Not that the XBOX took that much to was more along the line of 10 billion if I recall reading somewhere, but i may be wrong...

i was throwing a number out, do you think nintendo has 50 bill laying around, they may, who knows
k1pp3r said:
yeah, a new player that has over 50 billion in cash reserves, of course they will be a contender, and a major one at that.

ya know, i was looking at my ps2 the other day, then went to rent a game, all of the ones i wanted to rent seemed to be on gamecube. I still think nintendo has something up their sleeve, lefts just wait and see

...sorry, but no. Money doesn't guarantee you success in a market. The Xbox is succeeding because it offers many things that Nintendo simply doesn't deem important to their Gamecube.

1. Online play
2. Downloadable content (Definately an advertisable selling point)
3. Wide variety of Mature content.
4. ...third-party support.

People are tired of the "Wait and see!" bullshit. Why wait for Nintendo when you've got two other companies giving it their all right now? Other than blind loyalty, there isn't a good reason.
WickedAngel said:
...sorry, but no. Money doesn't guarantee you success in a market. The Xbox is succeeding because it offers many things that Nintendo simply doesn't deem important to their Gamecube.

1. Online play
2. Downloadable content (Definately an advertisable selling point)
3. Wide variety of Mature content.
4. ...third-party support.

People are tired of the "Wait and see!" bullshit. Why wait for Nintendo when you've got two other companies giving it their all right now? Other than blind loyalty, there isn't a good reason.
arent we all waiting to see at the moment?
cypher22 said:
All the past gen n games are downloadable free. I'm sold


Nintendo is definately on the comeback
What its such a cool feature that they cant comer out with any new good games that they have to release all their old ones?
Even if they aren't all free. W00T for having all Metriod/Zelda games on the same console. I'm sold already.
That would be cool if they made snes games for the revolution. 2D games usually always have better gameplay. :)