RIAA Appealing Judge’s Ruling

The RIAA vs. the world's richest, most prestigious, and arguably smartest university....

are you ready to rumble???
"During the past several years, thousands of regular working class folks in the music community have lost their jobs precisely because of the illegal activity involved in this case," she said in a written statement. "While this might be an interesting academic exercise for the professor and his class, there’s been real world consequences for those who create music."

Ya and they are about 100 times smarter then your sorry little asses......

"regular working class folks in the music community"
is there such a thing??? Most of the people effected by file sharing are large artists that already bring in a ton of money from concerts and stuff....

the music industry needs to evolve.....
I used to buy CDs, until I heard about how sucky the RIAA was being, then I stopped. "Put your money where your mouth is."

The ironic thing is, they will think they're selling less CDs because of illegal downloads of digital music and do exactly the opposite of what I am trying to get them to do by not buying their product: stop being asshats suing themselves out of business by treating their customers badly.
Oh, FWIW, I did try buying digital music once. The DRM sucked so bad it wouldn't play on any of my seven PCs so I got a refund.
RIAA needs to die a horrible death from gonoherpasyphilaids & gayislamofacism and rot in hell next to hitler, saddam, and satan...
Problem for the RIAA is we don't need big recording empires with their exclusive access to super expensive distribution systems and recording studios anymore. The internet destroyed all of the barriers of entry, and now RIAA and it's coke sniffing studio executive lavish lifestyle is dead and they're trying to save it.
I think it's amazing that the RIAA is going through such lengths to stop the broadcast of even the initial proceedings! I mean a lot of people figure/know they have a very flimsy case against anyone, they sue, however they're scared shitless that it will become documented... perhaps others will use that against them as well.
Ok, hands up who didn't see this coming..... Ok, all you RIAA employees you can put your hands down now.

The RIAA don't like it when things don't go to plan and cannot stop the people they are suing using their own legal right to defend themselves.

I expect to see the case dropped before it ever gets into the courts as the RIAA may have worked out they are in a no win situation now (but then again, this is the RIAA so they may try and get the judge to make all defence inadmissible because it weakens the case the RIAA has bought to court).