RIAA Says LimeWire on Hook for $1B

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
What the hell is with this $1B figure? It seems like every big infringement suit out there is seeking settlements of exactly one billion dollars. :confused:

The record labels have told a federal judge LimeWire is liable for possibly “over a billion dollars” — the latest sign that the industry is seeking to annihilate the New York-based file sharing company.
RIAA arithmetic is NOT to be questioned. They always wait until the tab adds up to exactly $1B to pull the trigger.
They should have filed for 100 MILLION BILLION. Now that is a nice sounding number.
Wow, they must sit around with their thumbs up each others ass and who ever pulls the highest number is the amount they sue for.... The hell with those greedy bastards.
each person downloads 30 albums per year
$10 per album
x 5 years
= $1500 damage per person
= 666,666 users using limewire.

that's evil. and the maths could be right.
If I ran a business and had the huge losses they claim, I would put it on my taxes.

I'd love to see them risk tax fraud charges and let the IRS decide if their numbers are legitimate.
What the hell is with this $1B figure? It seems like every big infringement suit out there is seeking settlements of exactly one billion dollars. :confused:

Couldn't happen to a better company. May LIMEWIRE die and very painful, VERY, VERY, VERY BROKE Death to NEVER EVER return.
Why do you hate LimeWire so much? It's not like it hurt you that they exist right? Or does/did it?
each person downloads 30 albums per year
$10 per album
x 5 years
= $1500 damage per person
= 666,666 users using limewire.

that's evil. and the maths could be right.

That math implies you get anything but virus' from Limewire.
Since i've had to clean up MANY PC's infected with malware due to having downloaded something nasty through Limewire I honestly hope they shut them down. Limewire is banned in my home for that reason.
Since i've had to clean up MANY PC's infected with malware due to having downloaded something nasty through Limewire I honestly hope they shut them down. Limewire is banned in my home for that reason.

In your house? You let people who don't know about viruses install things!? Are you mad?
Copyright infringement lawyers are the ambulance chasers of the digital millennium.

I'm going to make a crappy home video, copyright it, put it up for sale on my website, then have a friend upload it and just start suing every IP I see DL it. Who needs to work when you can sue, especially at these prices!
Count me in Kueller, I can make shitty movie as well. We will be freaking rich. :D
Next thing you know they will also be wanting sharks with friggin lasers on their heads.