Riddick: Assualt On Dark Athena is out now.


Nov 29, 2001
Picked it up at Gamespot here [Ma. and Ct]
Lovin it. Escape From Butcher Bay is redone and looks great.
I just started Dark Athena and am playing the tutorial.
It has multiplayer but no one is out there- at least I couldn't find anybody yet:(
I created a game for laughs and walked around enjoying the scenary.

After installing my game key I noticed I don't need the disc to play.
With graphics cranked and set at 1680x1050, 22" display, this game makes me want to SLI my GTX260.:D
Off to resume game
Sweet, I just read about this game afew weeks ago - I was looking for patches for the original as I was about to play through it again. Needless to say I decided to hold off the replay :)
Sweet, I just read about this game afew weeks ago - I was looking for patches for the original as I was about to play through it again. Needless to say I decided to hold off the replay :)

Can you play it from the beginning or do you need to unlock it?
been excited for this for a few months. never played BB but was gonna buy it when i discovered this. cant wait to play just hope it's not gimped360
Yeah , I am Riddick fan but never played Butcher Bay, I just watched the video , game looks awesome! I'll have to pick it up.
In the video options, I only have 8 or 16 bit color option, Anyone else have the same?
Yeah, those are the only color options I have too.

I am also having some real mouse lag issues with it. The options menu is really limited. Running at 1080 on my rig in the sig, with 8xAA. Framerate is fine, but the mouse sensitivity is really wonky.

Maybe I should play with the 360 controller...
I have it looking good now that I found the rest of the video options. The mouse lag isn't too bad for me, I had to play with my sensitivities to get things right, however, it is still a little laggy at times. It's not a deal breaker, but an annoyance.

So far I'm having a good time and liking it, brings me back to the days of butcher bay.
I have it looking good now that I found the rest of the video options. The mouse lag isn't too bad for me, I had to play with my sensitivities to get things right, however, it is still a little laggy at times. It's not a deal breaker, but an annoyance.

So far I'm having a good time and liking it, brings me back to the days of butcher bay.

Where are these other video options?
The options such as post processing etc. I accidentally bumped my scroll wheel down in the video section and there they were.
f&ck me, I forgot that was now. I gotta get all over this.
The options such as post processing etc. I accidentally bumped my scroll wheel down in the video section and there they were.

I found them by accident just now, but everything is still maxed out. I am still seeing some annoying AA problems even with it at max. Maybe I need to mess with Catalyst, but the max I have is 8x, and when I go down hallways everything flickers with jaggies.
I had that with 4x, but with 8x it cleared up. Now, to get rid of that mouse *jitter*
And my display drivers crashed right as the game saved going into the infirmary. Looks like it's time for a driver update.

The options on this game are really limited. I don't like how can't rebind escape to close those help boxes, or why I can't press A and D to scroll through the inventory. Still, great game so far. 8xAA helped the jaggies.
Sounds like this thing has a smidge of console-itis going for it but not too bad. The mouse lag...have any of you tried fooling around with vsync? Sometimes turning it off gets rid of mouse lag if you have it on. Worth a shot.
Riddick was an xbox game. Are "we" claiming it as our own because it wasn't a mindless corridor shooter? I don't get it.
Hey you guys having problems with mouse lag and are running ATI cards should download Ray Adams ATI tool http://www.guru3d.com/article/ati-tray-tools-/. It fixed the mouse lag I was experiencing in Fallout 3. Basically run the program and create a profile using the exe file of the game,then select (Vertical Sync always off) in the options menu of Ati Tool.
Hey you guys having problems with mouse lag and are running ATI cards should download Ray Adams ATI tool http://www.guru3d.com/article/ati-tray-tools-/. It fixed the mouse lag I was experiencing in Fallout 3. Basically run the program and create a profile using the exe file of the game,then select (Vertical Sync always off) in the options menu of Ati Tool.

Ugh.... you shouldn't have to go through that. I hope a patch is released to fix this as I am really interested in this title.
Riddick was an xbox game. Are "we" claiming it as our own because it wasn't a mindless corridor shooter? I don't get it.

Escape from Butcher Bay is a shining example of a console port done right. If you didn't know any better, you could easily believe it was developed for PCs first and foremost.
Anyone else having desktop crashes while the game attempts to save? It has happened twice now.
Started this up tonight just got past the acquirian? gang part. Sadly I was never able to finish the original BB so I'm really looking forward to this. I haven't been this intrigued or excited to play a game in some time.
I want it on Steam. I don't like buying boxed games. It's a pain in the ass driving over to the mall and the Circuit City nearby closed.
I am very happy this game is out. I think BB was amazing (yet surprisingly difficult hard to find for pc on many shop shelves).
I loved the original so I picked this up yesterday and installed it. I put on new drivers just before I installed the game and forgot to go into the Nvidia control panel and enable tri-sli. I played the game for about an hour without SLI and everything was perfect. All settings maxed and the game was just as fun as I remember.

Later I went back and re-enabled SLI when I remembered it wasnt enabled, then went back to try and play the game. No dice. Every time my save would finish loading, the game would freeze. The only way I can play this is to disable SLI.

I dont mind but I do hope a patch is released for this game soon. Im looking forward to turning on FRAPS and seeing if I can make the FPS go around 200 ;)
I want it on Steam. I don't like buying boxed games. It's a pain in the ass driving over to the mall and the Circuit City nearby closed.

I share a similar sentiment. The drive is not that big of a deal though. :)

Going to pick it up later. Hopefully it will deliver the same thrills like the first one did when I first played it. ;)
Anyone else having desktop crashes while the game attempts to save? It has happened twice now.

mine likes to take a dive on any of the movies. I've attempted to get through the Hoxie "Welcome to BB" ~8 times now. It just locks up and dumps to desktop at different parts.
The BB remake doesn't look great, but's not bad either. What is everyone using for Pixel aspect and screen size? I'm using 16:10->16:9, w/ 1920x1200 and the people look a bit thin.



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Been waiting for this one...just waiting for it to show up on direct2drive or steam...hopefully it will soon.
Anyone else having desktop crashes while the game attempts to save? It has happened twice now.

Dark Athena completely locks up every couple minutes. BB is running fine, though. Sigh...and here we go again.
maybe now I should get around to finishing butcher bay, if this one turns out well. agreed it was a good game/port but I just couldn't get into it, something about the fighting style that was wonky to me. I was up to the part where he was transferred and just got bored of it real quick after that. I'm thinking it gets much better from there but I didn't keep it installed long enough to find out.
maybe now I should get around to finishing butcher bay, if this one turns out well. agreed it was a good game/port but I just couldn't get into it, something about the fighting style that was wonky to me. I was up to the part where he was transferred and just got bored of it real quick after that. I'm thinking it gets much better from there but I didn't keep it installed long enough to find out.

Dark Athena includes all of Butcher Bay.