Rights Group Demands Cash From Libraries For Reading To Kids

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This stuff is just getting out of hand. Where are all the non-profit legal groups when the libraries need them?

Libraries are wonderful places where even the poor can develop their reading skills and enrich their lives with knowledge, but for infamous rights group SABAM they are just another outlet from which to extract cash. Quite unbelievably SABAM now expect to receive payments of hundreds of euros so that libraries can read books to children.
Can we kill all these copyright faggits yet? Seriously, most of these shit bags need to fuck off and die!
I find it funny when individual people (mostly celebs) go bat-shit insane. I find it scary that companies or major associations can also go bat-shit insane.
Agreed. This is out of hand. Not every book in the library is new, and to be honest, reading a book might lead to sales.

I mean, if this was a car, would you buy it without driving it first?
Um, hell no.

If little Johnny likes a book well enough, the parents might very well try to find a copy.

This reeks of greed, not justifiable profits.
Well its not like public Libraries don't already have a hard enough time getting funding so lets just take more from them. Geez
Can we kill all these copyright faggits yet? Seriously, most of these shit bags need to fuck off and die!

What about the copyright straights?

CRS use this magical rare force called "common sense" which invokes a thinking process in their brains that in turns becomes a voice saying to them... "hey, let them read to kids so they enjoy reading and BUY our shit!".
How can they copyright someone reading a book out loud? Will they sue Dr. Sbaitso when I have him read a book out loud in a library? I might be going to Belgium in a few months and wouldn't mind reading out loud everything I come into contact with when I go visit a library.

I guess I will next be charged for looking at a painting and remembering what it looks like.
Problem is many of them are now greedy, lazy and complacent. Instead of making money through new ideas, they just find ways to make money out of the same old product over and over again.
Learn the definition of bigotry before you start flinging it around. Thanks.

The post I quoted is the definition. Look it up yourself before you start defending a bigot. Thanks.

Or are you just trolling because you don't want to admit the term applies to intolerance of sexual preference?
The post I quoted is the definition. Look it up yourself before you start defending a bigot. Thanks.

Or are you just trolling because you don't want to admit the term applies to intolerance of sexual preference?

:eek:WARNING!!!! WARNING!!! subject diversion in progress! Please return to base subject to avoid thread lock.
Wait just one minute. So I can check the book out of the library and read it for free, but if someone takes that same book and reads it out loud in that same library the library should pay a fee??? Now if the book were being read in it's entirety over the radio or being streamed over the Internet then I could see that incurring a fee, but this is just absurdly greedy and stupid.
Dictionary definition of bigotry: Intolerance, esp. regarding race, religion, or politics.

Liberal definition of bigotry: Not wholeheartedly agreeing with every part of the 1972 Gay Rights Platform ( http://www.article8.org/docs/general/platform.htm ).

The post I quoted is the definition. Look it up yourself before you start defending a bigot. Thanks.

Or are you just trolling because you don't want to admit the term applies to intolerance of sexual preference?

So both of you have matter of fact proof that the parties in question are gay? If so I am sure we would love to see it in your evidence of bigotry case. Or are you just offended by the term in general? To which I say, get over it and quite being so sensitive and looking to create an issue where there is none. Looks like you all are the only ones trolling.

Here, I will let Louis CK explain it too you since you don't get it.
Meant to add, back OT. Honestly any group that would fight something like children being read too basically deserve to be called whatever you want to call them. Frankly these people are just the lowest of the low.
So both of you have matter of fact proof that the parties in question are gay? If so I am sure we would love to see it in your evidence of bigotry case. Or are you just offended by the term in general? To which I say, get over it and quite being so sensitive and looking to create an issue where there is none. Looks like you all are the only ones trolling.

Here, I will let Louis CK explain it too you since you don't get it.

You're the one who doesn't get it. I wasn't alluding to the people who want to milk the library system of cash for reading books to small groups of children, I was being critical of the local member of the politically correct thought police who took issue with the insult used by another poster who was outraged by the opportunists who want to make libraries pay them for reading books to small groups of children.
As evidenced in that article...greed knows no boundaries.