Riot Games Employees Depart after Defending PAX West Event excluding Men


Aug 20, 2006
League of Legends developer Riot Games has fired at least one longtime employee for defending a PAX West event exclusive to women and “non-binary” people: systems designer Daniel Klein, who revealed he was terminated for “violating social policy,” had evidently upset his employer by calling complainants on r/leagueoflegends “manbabies” and comparing the subreddit to a “toxic landfill.” Communications associate Mattias Lehman is also out for having similar views.

Riot received major backlash for making some events open only to women and non-binary people, barring men from attending. Male viewers could still rewatch the panels from Riot’s Instagram account, but the policy was vilified by League fans on Reddit and elsewhere. Klein was one of the Riot employees who spoke up in defense of the PAX West decision and explained it to Redditors who voiced their criticism. The rift between Klein and League players widened as he called some of them “manbabies” in statements.
Riot games needs to get their shit together. This is outrageous behavior. I would like to claim that the manbabies around here are Riot themselves.
who cares if they want to do their exclusive crap, don't go starting another polemic for this gender S that everyone is tired off.
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While I can understand that for some things Women and other traditionally descriminated groups may want an event for them catered to them. At the same time telling others they can’t attend the event is bad and is just a different type of descrimination. Better to advertise it for those groups and let people decide if they want to go or not.
While I can understand that for some things Women and other traditionally descriminated groups may want an event for them catered to them. At the same time telling others they can’t attend the event is bad and is just a different type of descrimination. Better to advertise it for those groups and let people decide if they want to go or not.
There are no traditionally discriminated groups. But when social justice sees a difference between any two groups they automatically assume discrimination! It is bullshit. They can't point out any tangible examples of discrimination.

If we looked at statistics grouped by shoe sizes below and above 12, there would be a difference in representation there as well. Does that mean people with large feet are discriminated against by gamers?
I am fine with the event if they popped up equal amount of events for other genders, this way they can lessen the discrimination.
Good grief. The real problem is if there wasn't division where would these assholes get their power from then? They might actually have to come up with substantive thoughts, which unsurprisingly is a lot harder to do than just labeling and demonizing people by race/gender/*gy :rolleyes:

It's also the real reason so many politicians (on both sides of the isle) are pissed at Trump - if you actually fix stuff then what the hell do we need them for as much?
I like what one of the female Riot devs said about the event. She condenmned how it was handled and said the better option would be to simply title it as a discussion around women and minorities in gaming and that alone would mean a lot of men simply wouldn't show up. They're get the people interested in the topic without pissing off the community.
I like what one of the female Riot devs said about the event. She condenmned how it was handled and said the better option would be to simply title it as a discussion around women and minorities in gaming and that alone would mean a lot of men simply wouldn't show up. They're get the people interested in the topic without pissing off the community.
That would be reasonable. Unfortunately, it would not satisfy the need many have to publicly virtue signal how 'inclusive' they are by excluding certain people.
More people need to stand up to this garbage.
yeah I can't even comprehend the use of the term "non-binary people" so what they're basically saying is some transgender shit, or maybe even worse... someone who doesn't "conform to either sex". I'm kind of happy 15 years from now I will be retired because I do not want to have to deal with this sort of shit, not the fact people like this exist but because I might be fired because I just won't accept the concept that if you have a penis it doesn't necessarily make you a man.
Dress it up however you like, but when you break it down into the sum of its parts, all code finds its roots in binary. There is simply no in between.

Speaking of roots...

But what about those of Quantum Sexuality. You know it's coming.

I actually had to look up non-binary. I could deal with, gay, trans, bi but this really seems to go too far for me. Tolerance wasn't really a problem for me in terms of other peoples sexual identity until I became their target of intolerance.
But what about those of Quantum Sexuality. You know it's coming.

I actually had to look up non-binary. I could deal with, gay, trans, bi but this really seems to go too far for me. Tolerance wasn't really a problem for me in terms of other peoples sexual identity until I became their target of intolerance.

Schrodinger's box of unknown genders? Definitely requires a degree in quantum mechanics to figure that one out... Oh wait, feelings don't equate to science. :ROFLMAO: /s
Grandstanding by making a simple process needlessly complex and they got burned. Room seats XX number of people, open the event at an announced time, whoever gets out of bed to stand in line gets to participate.
Riot technically violated Washington law with this. They held a public event, then discriminated based on gender/sex. The company got in trouble for having a "bro culture", and over compensated. I'm glad that the employees that offended the player base (and male gamers in general) were fired.
There are men, women, and what I refer to as "Roleplayers".

If I identify as Batman, it doesn't make me Batman. :)

Anyhow...I'm not sure how having a female only event is such a bad thing. It's not LoL's primary playerbase, certainly, but if a bunch of women want a woman-only outlet, fine.
I never understood the whole idea of wanting people to be more diverse but then hold exclusive "clubs". The how can you become united when you are excluding certain people? The whole thing is an oxymoron. I will never understand this you will never come together if this type of behavior continues. Hold Race/Gender/Sexual preference exclusive meetings and such will never fix the problem. I'm glad this turned into a dumpster fire on them. They better hope it doesn't burn the building down.......
Good riddance and good on Riot. This whole thing was just absolutely unacceptable and his comments were way out of line. This whole thing just blew up on Reddit between those of us calling him out for being blatantly discriminatory and those attempting to defend this nonsense. Sorry boys and girls but discrimination is discrimination no matter who it is against.
1- Riot is being stupid.
2- gamers are being stupid

3- 2 stupids don't make a smarty.........

Gtfu already.

Correct me if I am wrong...
1) Excluding someone based on gender.... is Sexism/Gender based discrimination

2) Sexism can be illegal / a civil infraction at federal and state levels :

3) Telling someone who is BORN that way (gamers are being stupid) to "GTFU" seems off to me?

... Example ...