RIP: The Egg


Limp Gawd
Jan 21, 2003
Don't know if you guys have been watching it much, but NewEgg seems to have gone into a downhill slide. The service is still exceptional, but the pricing is through the roof and they have gotten a lot stingier on the shipping. For a long time I used PriceWatch whenever I bought anything, but after discovering NewEgg I would just go straight there and buy without comparing; I knew I would only save a buck or two. Lately that buck or two is more like $10-$30, and that really starts to add up. Not to mention that I am a refurb junkie and lately I've gotten several broken refurbs that really arent even worth the trouble to send back in.

Added it up for fun and personal account was a little over $21,000 and work accout was just over $15,000 over the last 2 years. It was a good run, too bad it had to end now.

On a lighter note, where else are you guys buying stuff from. ZipZoomFly has excellent service and I have used them a few times when NewEgg was out of something, but in my opinion the prices were never all that great. What are some other dependable and cheap online shops?

Brian Taylor
I haven't compared prices much lately, but I've always had good experiences with Shipping seems to be the big gotcha as usual. Does anyone know of places with cheap shipping?

only other place outside of what have been mentioned that i would buy from again.
I use ZipZoomFly religiously. I love the 2nd day shipping no charge. Service is excellent. Anytime I have posted an email, a replay is given within 24hours. Had to RMA stuff back to them, no hassles. I recommend them all the time.
I too have heard good things about zipzoomfly back when they were called googlegear. I didn't realize they had that shipping deal - that makes a difference on a lot of orders.
The 2nd day is only on the smaller stuff..CPUs, RAM, MOBOs, Video Cards....cases n'stuff...they rape you price's are up only because the just opened 2 new whare houses give it a few months and they will be back to normal. they just have bill to pay
I think it's safe to say newegg can beat out most shops as far as price wars are concerned...but they probably don't need to anymore...

I'll probably start comparing more too, I've gone with ZZF probably 3:2 over newegg lately...
On one hand, they're sponsoring that LAN party. That ain't cheap.

On the other hand, you've got horrendous fuel surcharges from FedEx for the "free shipping".

On the "gripping hand", the warehouse expansions.

It is time to watch them closely. The order I placed Monday afternoon processed out Tuesday, but I didn't receive the confirmation/ FedEx tracking number email until this morning.
It looks like NewEgg's going through growing pains :/, their website has been redone a couple times recently too. Hopefully they'll be able to keep up the service that's gotten them here...
Unfortunately the Egg opened a warehouse or something in my home state (TN) and now charge me tax. I've started using mwave, tcwo and zipzoomfly more along with newegg. I don't mind tax on smaller purchases but for the big stuff I'm going to have to start shopping. Haven't been to before, Ill have to check them out.
I will agree there are quite a few reputable dealers out there, most have been mentioned here.

The one thing I don’t see from those dealers I do see at new-egg is their refurbished page.

I don’t see refurbished product on most everyone else’s site… Where does that returned stuff go?

I think it’s a testament to new-egg’s commitment to quality and service. I have on occasion opened a package from other companies only to be left wondering if what I bought was actually a new sealed box. That has never been an issue with the egg, at least in my case. Out of 3 small problems I have had with stupid stuff (I bought a case with a dead PSU) a simple phone call and I got credit on my next order, they agreed it was pointless to send back the PSU due to shipping costs both ways.

I’ll gladly pay a bit more for that kind of un-wavering customer service. If and when that part stops, I’ll vote elsewhere with my money.

Customer service breeds customer loyalty in my opinion.

The egg isn't dead, just getting better:D

BillR, that was really nice of them to credit you. I have a had really good service and speed from them with the 5 computers I have built using their services. I count myself lucky because I have not had to RMA anything yet to Newegg. I'm not worried though because I have not heard any bad stories about their replacements services. :) happy customer:)
I don't know how many people are receiving this from Newegg, but they sent me an email that contained this:

Dear customer,

Thank you for your loyalty. We would like to invite a few of you to come to participate in a focus group in your area to
share your feelings about buying products online.

etc. blah, blah

So anyway I replied that yes I would be interested in attending. I have my own input, but I'd like to open it up to you all as well. If you have any suggestions or feelings regarding the above statement lets hear em. They have not confirmed yet, but I'll post when they do/do not confirm. So be thinking on what you would suggest to change or commend them on what they're already doing right. Hold off on posting/PMing until I know for sure that I'll be attending.

Fold On!
BillR, the refurb section is nice, and I have bought way more than my fair share of stuff from it. In fact, I would venture to say that I've probably bought $4,000-$5,000 in refurbs. The thing situation that prompted me to post was that while browsing refurbs last week a couple of the prices seemed a little high. Sure enough, comparing them to some other places several of the refurb prices were actually higher than I could buy them for new.

I've started shopping around whereas I would just go there and buy before. I spent about $400 this week, only $35 of which was at Newegg. 2 months ago there is no doubt I would have spent the entire $400 at NewEgg without even shopping. Hopefully they have seen some of the posts like this around the web (I know I have seen several) and start to rethink where they are headed.

Brian Taylor

I tend to agree with you on that, but my post about the referbs was based on how much stuff they actually take back trying to make people happy. I work in the Audio Video business and we do our level best to make people happy..the problem is we, as many retail stores do...GET ABUSED;)

I was reading in the display section of the forum where someone bought 6 Dell monitors, chose the best one and returned the rest. That kind of abuse costs us all money..Dell even raised the price on that unit.

We all know there is no such thing as a referbed CPU (unless the egg bought my smoke re-injector...old post):D So people buy stuff, try it and send it back. I guess my point was they probably in order to build the business are getting stuck with returns they have to resell at a discount..and there is not much margin in computer parts. I did buy an MSI dually board, not a huge discount but it looked like new with all the goodies. It also works fine.

I guess some folk should be buying Gateway and Dell as opposed to trying to build their own system..when they pooch it, it costs us all money;)

Be well
