Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero:World Tour for the Wii


Nov 22, 2005
I've been reading some people say the drums for RB2 are better and some say they are worse. I'd like to get you guys' opinion. I'm debating on the bundled pack, I'll prolly get both games. Just need to know which bundled pack to get. Please post whether you had a good or bad experience with the bundled guitar/drums/microphone.

Thanks in advance
Go with GH:WT full band and get the RB2 game, both games are great!

You can use the WT drumsets on both WT and RB2 (but not the other way around). Red Octane makes better instruments all around anyway. Also take note that if you do get the WT kit you need a wii mote for each instrument (which I already had). WT is onsale for $160 at amazon today, I'd pick it up!