Rock Band!


Nov 4, 2004
I picked it up this morning bright and early at 6 AM at Wal-Mart with my friend. All told there were actually 5 people in line for the game. It took about half an hour to unbox everything and set it all up. Had to do some creative rearranging of furniture to give the drum kit its space. I played the first 6 or 7 songs on the solo drum career on Medium and did surprisingly well, considering i've tried playing drums before and did pretty badly. I'm at work now, but i'm having people over tonight to really break the game in. I can't wait. :D

Anybody else pick it up?
Yeah I am picking it up at lunch. Had it pre-ordered at Gamestop. The whole family is already excited to play this when they come in for thanksgiving. Its going to on non-stop probably. :p
Okay... so this thing comes in a huge box? How much is it? Is it worth it? I've never played a game like this before... like Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, etc. I'm more into FPS, and action games. I can't rent the thing, so if I spend money to buy it, I want to know that it'll be good.
The bundle is $170 for the 360. It comes with the game, a guitar, mic, and drum set. I love the guitar hero games so this was a no brainer for me. You can play them in Best Buy stores, give them a try, preferably with someone who can explain how to play to you.
I just picked up my pre-order at bad as I want to play it, I'm wrapping it up and putting it under the tree for the kids.
If you're planing on picking this up you have to have at least one friend who has no hangups about singing in front of people, or you have to be that person yourself. It makes it a ton more fun.

I found on Expert with the Vocal portion, the game has ridiculous expectations of your ability to come on on pitch and stay there. I'm still trying to figure out if it wants you to be spot regardless of how the original singer actually sounds or what.

It's not like Kurt Cobain was the most awesome singer, but you better be to 5 star "In Bloom" on Expert. Sheesh.

Anyhow, we had Drums and Guitar, I alternated between Bass and Vocals last night. good times.
It's not like Kurt Cobain was the most awesome singer, but you better be to 5 star "In Bloom" on Expert. Sheesh.

I haven't tried vocals yet, but i was thinking of that song in particular when wondering how the higher difficulty levels work. That's a pretty throat tearing song if you sing it like he does, so does it work if you just sing it in your own voice? I'm looking forward to trying it out tonight.
I'm picking it up right after work. I'm doing whatever I must to unlock Timmy! I can't wait to get home today.
I haven't tried vocals yet, but i was thinking of that song in particular when wondering how the higher difficulty levels work. That's a pretty throat tearing song if you sing it like he does, so does it work if you just sing it in your own voice? I'm looking forward to trying it out tonight.

looks like it works just like Karaoke Revolution. It just judges based on the pitches that its been programmed to listen for, then scores you depending on how close you are to the pitch you are, with a tolerance so that vibrato doesnt' mess you over. I've only ever played expert mode in KR at a party once, but from observation, easier settings are more lenient on killing your life bar, and giving you a wider note tolerance. On easy, you could be a quarter tone off, and the game would give you a full score, whereas on expert, it wouldn't register.

Though, I wish the game should still give you full points if you're a third over or a fourth under the pitch its programmed to listen for. I also wish the song (and karaoke in general) offered the sheet music. But, I can sight sing like a mother f'er, so the generic "your pitch is sorta here" bars offered in these games are bleh.
It is sitting in my cube at work with me for another half hour until I get to go home.

ps: $150 at Sam's Club
It is sitting in my cube at work with me for another half hour until I get to go home.

ps: $150 at Sam's Club

Yeah I just picked up two.. I figured for $150, i'll sit on it for a bit and if they get hot during xmas, I might be able to have a little bit of profit money to use towards gifts.
For anybody who owns both GH3 and RB, which is the better guitar controller?
For anybody who owns both GH3 and RB, which is the better guitar controller?

The GH3 far! The RB guitar is a piece of crap. It totally died on me, so EA is sending me another. Besides that, it just feels rickety, like it's about to fall apart. I'm much more impressed with the GH3 guitar.
having a blast with this game, thought I would be glued to the drums but I was very suprised how fun the vocals are... especially if its a song you like.
The GH3 far! The RB guitar is a piece of crap. It totally died on me, so EA is sending me another. Besides that, it just feels rickety, like it's about to fall apart. I'm much more impressed with the GH3 guitar.

Mine seems to have died on my too. :( It only works by strumming up now and activating overdrive doesn't seem to work now. EA's also sending me a replacement. What a disappointment.
The RB controller doesn't feel as solid as the GH3 controller but I like the buttons more.
looks like its goin for 300+ on ebay right now, there were 2 left at my local sears, may go grab them and make some extra cash.
quick question, can you play with two guitars hooked up? one, say, playing rythym and another playing lead?

Or, even, one playing the bass portion?
Got it sitting next to me here at work. Cracked it open to show to everyone. Can't WAIT to get it home and spend some time learning how to drum. Might even take up singing...
I'm really enjoying this game. I'm having a huge problem with the drums but that's another story... I play in real life, but the placement of everything is really weird to me. I'll get used to it.

Overall, this game is awesome.
This game is insanely fun, especially with multiple friends. My Strat broke (can only upstrum) but I'm playing with the Xplorer in the meantime and I'm having a blast.
This game is insanely fun, especially with multiple friends. My Strat broke (can only upstrum) but I'm playing with the Xplorer in the meantime and I'm having a blast.

Get this one I just thought of it. The Plastistrat
So far our Fender has stopped responding to "down" strums on everything in game. In the menus it's fine. I heard this was an issue but didn't think anything of it, until I went to play a little today and noticed on sections where you would want to double strum it wasn't working.

Weird that it works in menu, albeit a tad unresponsive, but not in game. Hope they get an answer for that.

Chime in if you experience that after a day or so. (Oops, we already have a contestant. Missed that one above.)

Editors note: "The time we had" by The Mother Hips is a badass song.

Editors Second note: The Foreigner "Jukebox Hero" cover is fucking pathetic. Sad and laughable, especially towards the end. There is no excuse to throw a lame ass cover singer on an epic track and expect to have it compete on a game where master tracks are the rule.

It's definitely swayed my opinion of the cover tracks they're offering. I'll want to hear before I buy on those from here on out.
I noticed my fender misses upstrokes quite a bit, and I alt strum 99% of the time so looks like it's going bye bye :(

Good thing they have an express 2 day replacement.
If you open up the guitar it's actually rather easy to fix the down strumming problems. What happens is a small piece of foam that returns the contact to it's original position becomes compressed so that only a full down strum will create a circuit. I just put small folded piece of notcard between the foam and contact and it works perfectly now.
I noticed my fender misses upstrokes quite a bit, and I alt strum 99% of the time so looks like it's going bye bye :(

Good thing they have an express 2 day replacement.

Good thing I have 3 other guitars from gh2 and gh3. My buddies came over yesterday and we played for about 6 hours off and on. The rock band guitar got probably 3 songs of playtime. No one liked it at all. I've already put it into storage.
If you open up the guitar it's actually rather easy to fix the down strumming problems. What happens is a small piece of foam that returns the contact to it's original position becomes compressed so that only a full down strum will create a circuit. I just put small folded piece of notcard between the foam and contact and it works perfectly now.

While that may be a fix, I sort of have a problem with the amount of money spent and the fact that it broke after roughly 5 hours.

Good fix tho, thanks for the tip.
I am thinking of grabbing this. My G/F used to play drums and would allow us to play together in a co-op setting. I to am also interested in trying the drums;)
please don't be stupid and open up the guitar. you are voiding the warranty and then when you return it you'll probably be charged for a new guitar.