Rome Total War: GOTY?


Aug 24, 2004
Reviews are posted:

IGN gives 9.4

Gamespot and Gamespy both give 9.1 & 9.0.

9.3 from firingsquad

9.6 from total war center

Reader reviews are astoundingly high, at around 9.5/9.7+.

Rome Total war wins Editors choice in almost all the reviews; It's been a long time since ive seen a game receive such consisently high reviews. I think we have a classic here, up there with Goldeneye & Halo. R:TW already beat out Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 for Best Game of E3, i think this title definately has a shot for GOTY.
The graphics are really outdated though. The eighties called : they want RTW back ...
akanafene said:
The graphics are really outdated though. The eighties called : they want RTW back ...

at this point i am willing to sacrifice some graphics for good game play
k1pp3r said:
at this point i am willing to sacrifice some graphics for good game play
I think everyone should be willing to sacrifice graphics for good gameplay.
It's not that outdated. Rome: Total War has a new rendering engine that allows more units to be visible onscreen so consider that as an advancement on the graphics tech.

when you are talking about several hundred units, even thousands, there is going to be some graphic loss, i thought it looked pretty good, i just have a hard time keeping units from chasing people to the edge of the board, lol
k1pp3r said:
when you are talking about several hundred units, even thousands, there is going to be some graphic loss, i thought it looked pretty good, i just have a hard time keeping units from chasing people to the edge of the board, lol
I noticed that, and when one of your units is retreating, it takes a act of god to get them to reform.
Bane said:
I noticed that, and when one of your units is retreating, it takes a act of god to get them to reform.

or when one of the enemy's units if retreating, it take a lot to keep your guys from chasing them to tim-buck-to
to be honest i wasnt much impressed by the demo, i thought it really fell short...maybe im just tired of rts
Im going to buy this today for sure. Seems to be one of the few good games to be released latley( battlefront, sims 2, etc just not for me).
I have the PC Gamer magazine (Quake IV edition) on hand and they posted a review score of 92%.

PC Gamer said:
Highs: Great strategic depth; amazing graphics; wonderful grand-strategy and visceral combat.

Lows: Some AI problems; especially how it uses diplomacy; no "force production" of units.

Bottom Line: A perfect example of why the PC is the definitive platform for strategy games.

I guess the graphics are subjective and the AI problems would pretty much include the regrouping/retreating issues.

yeah i was surprised when everyone said the graphics are not that good, i thought they were fucking good.
k1pp3r said:
or when one of the enemy's units if retreating, it take a lot to keep your guys from chasing them to tim-buck-to

*COUGH* Guard Mode *COUGH*
akanafene said:
The graphics are really outdated though. The eighties called : they want RTW back ...

what the bloody hell?

Have you played many RTS games?

The graphics (all 3d now, no sprites) are easily some of the best graphics for a RTS game with that many units on the screen at once.
here's my thoughts from another forum.

the year isn't up yet, so i'm going to hold judgement. but i will propose the following....

the people who gave 90%...5/5...those type of ratings to doom 3 will give it game of the year.

if half life 2 delivers though, expect half of those people to waver and give it the nod.

the people who didn't vote for either will split between rome total war and sims 2.
this is the rts !!! though, I am installing it as we speak onto my lappie so I hope I can enjoy this at widescreen!!! ;)
the demo was so damn boring...all you did was move big forces against each other and watch. HL2 all the way for me, i know ill get 10 times more play outta that game than this one
rayg said:
the demo was so damn boring...all you did was move big forces against each other and watch. HL2 all the way for me, i know ill get 10 times more play outta that game than this one


You are aware that's one of the points of the game? it's a RTS game, you fight other armies and have to use strategy to win. You can't merely jumble your units and ride into the enemy and win.

Also the single player game has a nice big Diplomatic/strategy portion that you could probally get a lot more from then just "fighting".
akanafene said:
The graphics are really outdated though. The eighties called : they want RTW back ...

wow, that was a stupid statement? So your saying they should have spent every penny to make some really shiny nice looking game with shitty gameplay? Go play doom 3....

personally, I could spend more time playing some NES games over doom 3 despite their bad graphics...
Stiler said:

You are aware that's one of the points of the game? it's a RTS game, you fight other armies and have to use strategy to win. You can't merely jumble your units and ride into the enemy and win.

Also the single player game has a nice big Diplomatic/strategy portion that you could probally get a lot more from then just "fighting".

Yeah, I used to have so much thrill on RTS games. Now it faded away slowly mostly because of the "hang back, think and maneuver" slow gameplay thing. Not very immersive to some players. FPS games though are very action and you constantly change strategies (or none at all!). Very different, especially the pace. And of course, when you factor in realism, RTS is very bogus because how can soldiers be capable of shooting 100% accuracy all the time? This is where FPS determines the realism. Accuracy is in your hands. RTS is just for the chess players (or anyone really).

GeForceX said:
Yeah, I used to have so much thrill on RTS games. Now it faded away slowly mostly because of the "hang back, think and maneuver" slow gameplay thing. Not very immersive to some players. FPS games though are very action and you constantly change strategies (or none at all!). Very different, especially the pace. And of course, when you factor in realism, RTS is very bogus because how can soldiers be capable of shooting 100% accuracy all the time? This is where FPS determines the realism. Accuracy is in your hands. RTS is just for the chess players (or anyone really).


I like the total war games because unlike most other RTS it actually puts the strategy to the battlefield.

Some RTS games have far leaps and bounds more realism then others.
Just like some FPS have realism far leaps and bounds then others.

instead of the usual RTS games (RON, etc etc) where you build, gather, then pump out units and units galore only to fight very un-strategic.
Well, I'll have to try the demo. I have that PC Gamer demo disc with Total War on it. :)

GeForceX said:
Well, I'll have to try the demo. I have that PC Gamer demo disc with Total War on it. :)


Sweet! Is that the same one everyone downloaded and played last month?
Stiler said:
instead of the usual RTS games (RON, etc etc) where you build, gather, then pump out units and units galore only to fight very un-strategic.

Good luck doing that in warcraft 3... if you haven't been killed by the time you pump out units galore, they will have something to easily counter and crush your units... I find that to be one of the most strategic rts games just because every last unit counts...
Woolygimp1 said:
After playing this people are going to start saying Half-Life Who?

Not really, but I'm sure its a good game. I haven't really been into RTS games for a while but I will probably pick this one up when the price dips a little. From what I have read it looks cool.
Defective said:
Not really, but I'm sure its a good game. I haven't really been into RTS games for a while but I will probably pick this one up when the price dips a little. From what I have read it looks cool.

are you sure about that, i have been saying half life who for awhile now, and with my purchase of warhammer, and next month i will most likely buy this, i could care less when half life 2 comes out. when it does i will buy it, but untill then i have enough to keep me busy
k1pp3r said:
are you sure about that, i have been saying half life who for awhile now, and with my purchase of warhammer, and next month i will most likely buy this, i could care less when half life 2 comes out. when it does i will buy it, but untill then i have enough to keep me busy

For me the more appropriate question is Half-Life Where? I really want to play the game, but it will get here when it gets here. Nothing I can do about it.

I want to pick up Warhammer 40k: DoW also. That looks like it will be fun. I used to play 40k tabletop 8 or 9 years ago. I am glad they finally made a game that is worth buying.
I just got done playing the demo. At first I didn't really like the game. My units got routed really easily, and that made me mad.

However, I tried it again, and noticed that I had missed a few units, so I changed my strategy up. The thing that makes this different is that the units you have are the units you have (at least in the demo, and I can't imagine the game is different). No pumping out more units. That's it, that's all you have.

One thing that makes this game a lot different (and warhammer 40k is similar) is the ability to zoom in on the action and watch up close. I haven't played many RTS games recently, so I don't know if that's been around and I missed it, or if it's something new that's coming out (I had a shitty laptop that couldn't play dick, so that's why I didn't play many games).

I personally like the sit back and think part of it. Hell, I used to have hours of fun playing Total Annihilation...
NOTD665 said:
Believe it or not guys, but you can't really get the Doom 3 engine to render epic battle scenes.

Source, on the other hand... :p

The graphics are up to par if not better than the comprable recent RTS's.

How long it's gonna take them to develop the game? 2006 at the earliest ;) RTW, on the other hand, is here and now, so no FPS engine can drive a real big RTS today :D
I think the graphics are a huge improvement over Medieval. Again, Rome: Total War is about gameplay and to be really honest, for me the graphics are iceing on the cake. The game is so deep it doesn't need to rely on Doom 3 graphics to sell it.
I still can't stop laughing at one of my legionary guys tackling a horse. See them start jumping in the air and swinging swords is hilarious. I can hardly wait to see the incendiary pigs. Also one tactic you might be missing out on is that charging can be really effective depending on what you're doing it against. Also most of the roman infantry is better at throwing those javelins that sword fighting so make a line and use those first.

Setting back and watching the graphics however is extremely fun. It's like the exact same thing they show on the history channel now.