Ron Howard to Assume Directorial Duties on Han Solo Film


Aug 20, 2006
Production issues are starting to become a tradition at Lucasfilm: Rogue One went through plenty of intensive reshoots, and this week, we learned that the directors for the Han Solo prequel film were fired because they thought they were hired to create a comedy. The chair has now been given to Ron Howard, who is famous for a number of classics such as Apollo 13 and Backdraft – although I would argue his best work to be Bryce Dallas Howard.

“At Lucasfilm, we believe the highest goal of each film is to delight, carrying forward the spirit of the saga that George Lucas began forty years ago,” said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm. “With that in mind, we’re thrilled to announce that Ron Howard will step in to direct the untitled Han Solo film. We have a wonderful script, an incredible cast and crew, and the absolute commitment to make a great movie. Filming will resume the 10th of July.”
I'm a little skeptical with Ron. As great a director he is, he isn't exactly a sci-fi action packed kind of director.

The character development will sure to be great though. And the quirky situations that Han Solo always finds himself in seems to be a specialty of Ron's. (Arrested Development)
I'm a little skeptical with Ron. As great a director he is, he isn't exactly a sci-fi action packed kind of director.

The character development will sure to be great though. And the quirky situations that Han Solo always finds himself in seems to be a specialty of Ron's. (Arrested Development)

I dont know about that. He directed Cowboys & Aliens which was a pretty good Sci-fi. I mean he also did Willow (one of my all time favorites). I think he did Cocoon too, and Da Vinci Code. I honestly think he could make a really good Han Solo movie.
Someone just got a casting call!

I dont know about that. He directed Cowboys & Aliens which was a pretty good Sci-fi. I mean he also did Willow (one of my all time favorites). I think he did Cocoon too, and Da Vinci Code. I honestly think he could make a really good Han Solo movie.

I wouldn't call "cowboy's ^ aliens" good. And he didn't direct that.

Da vinci code didn't do much better.

He's good with touch feely and quirky.
You know...I'm not really bothered anymore.

These movies aren't being made for the art of storytelling, just cash grabs. That's the biggest shame about movies over the past 20 years.
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Wonder just how much of a comedy they were trying to make? One of the things that made Star Wars (before they began that Episode stuff) such a fun movie to watch was the lighthearted comedy parts of the movie.

And for those worried that Ron Howard hasn't made Good Sci Fi, keep in mind that before Apollo 13, he hadn't made a good based on actual events space movie either.
Not sure how much of a difference Ron Howard will make at this point.

The movie was already 4 and a half months into shooting with Ron stepping in for just the last remaining 3 weeks.

We'll see how this shapes up. I agree with the above sentiment that these Star Wars movies seem like cash grabs but that doesn't take away how much I really dug Rogue One and The Force Awakens.
I dont know about that. He directed Cowboys & Aliens which was a pretty good Sci-fi. I mean he also did Willow (one of my all time favorites). I think he did Cocoon too, and Da Vinci Code. I honestly think he could make a really good Han Solo movie.

Jon Favreau directed Cowboys vs Aliens. Ron Howard produced.
Then go watch transformers. We are in action movie overload right now, how about some story.
I"ve never seen any Transformer flicks. I've read the first one is good, but I don't htink I've seen a Michael Bay Movie that I liked, so I never bothered...maybe one day it'll show up on Netflix.

Not sure how much of a difference Ron Howard will make at this point.
The movie was already 4 and a half months into shooting with Ron stepping in for just the last remaining 3 weeks.
We'll see how this shapes up. I agree with the above sentiment that these Star Wars movies seem like cash grabs but that doesn't take away how much I really dug Rogue One and The Force Awakens.

My thoughts exactly, but he's got almost a month to figure out how much he needs to reshoot. I guess it's possible they'll have more than 5 weeks of pickups in this case. I just hope this doesn't screw things up. I also hope that the fired guys were actually making a bad movie and not a great one that Disney didn't think would be commercial enough.
Not sure how much of a difference Ron Howard will make at this point.

The movie was already 4 and a half months into shooting with Ron stepping in for just the last remaining 3 weeks.

We'll see how this shapes up. I agree with the above sentiment that these Star Wars movies seem like cash grabs but that doesn't take away how much I really dug Rogue One and The Force Awakens.

Yeah 16 weeks of principle shooting means the stuff with physical actors should be 98% done. Unless they decide to do another 6-8 weeks or so of reshoots it's over.
No matter how "good" the director is, he still has to work with the source material and the writers. But I always hold out judgement on the movie until it actually comes out and I can see it for myself.
Maybe if we are lucky they will scrap the idea that Han Solo isn't his birth name. I really hope that they don't go forward with that idea. I hope it was just a bad rumor.

Thrackan be damned!

I really hope Disney is reversing this trend of ripping any substance of plot out of SW media. Seems any and all actual world building, and backstory has consistently been excluded to be sold as a book, comic or other tie in material. (BattlEAfront's twilight company novel, could've been a great campaign story. Before The Awakening+Bloodlines, includes so much shit that should've been part of the movie. TFA tried to be two movies at one while doing a poor job at both. BattlEAfront 2, the new novel inferno squad no doubt will probably contain the bulk of information about the main characters that should be included in the game but won't because it's so hard to put in 20 minutes of non-action based story in. Cataylst and Rogue One, this one is by far the smallest offender by far. RO really could've used 10-20 minutes at the beginning building the set up for the characters and the whole situation behind Galen, Krennic and the construction of the DS.)
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Maybe if we are lucky they will scrap the idea that Han Solo isn't his birth name. I really hope that they don't go forward with that idea. I hope it was just a bad rumor.

Thrackan be damned!

I really hope Disney is reversing this trend of ripping any substance of plot out of SW media. Seems any and all actual world building, and backstory has consistently been excluded to be sold as a book, comic or other tie in material. (BattlEAfront's twilight company novel, could've been a great campaign story. Before The Awakening+Bloodlines, includes so much shit that should've been part of the movie. TFA tried to be two movies at one while doing a poor job at both. BattlEAfront 2, the new novel inferno squad no doubt will probably contain the bulk of information about the main characters that should be included in the game but won't because it's so hard to put in 20 minutes of non-action based story in. Cataylst and Rogue One, this one is by far the smallest offender by far. RO really could've used 10-20 minutes at the beginning building the set up for the characters and the whole situation behind Galen, Krennic and the construction of the DS.)

Personally, I'm totally fine with Han Solo not being his real name. With his line of work changing his name isn't an unrealistic thing. What I dislike is that they're going to reveal his real name. If they want Han Solo to not be his real name, fine, but don't go deep into "here is what his real name is" keep that a mystery. One of the things I hate hate hate about movies like this is that it goes so far into trying to explain everything that it ruins the character. The prequels did that with Bobba Fett and this movie has a real danger of doing the same with Han. The Han Solo Trilogy of EU books did a decent job of exploring his history without overly damaging the character, mostly, but even those went too far in some directions. A character like Han should have some mystery to his life, we don't need every little detail about his past revealed. It will never be as satisfying as what our minds come up with.
I've never been more than a casual fan of anything Star Wars, so I doubt the hardcore fans would agree with me, but I'm growing tired of the franchise much faster than I thought with all these new releases. They plan one a year, correct? I'd say even the hardcores will flame out sooner rather than later at that rate.
Yeah 16 weeks of principle shooting means the stuff with physical actors should be 98% done. Unless they decide to do another 6-8 weeks or so of reshoots it's over.

Apparently starting next month there will be up to two months worth of reshoots. So they're probably going to scrub a lot of what Lord and Miller did.
Apparently starting next month there will be up to two months worth of reshoots. So they're probably going to scrub a lot of what Lord and Miller did.
Is that pickups or is that in addition to the 5 weeks of pickups?
Is that pickups or is that in addition to the 5 weeks of pickups?

Probably a bit of both. Whatever they originally had planned to reshoot previously has probably been thrown out and rewritten. I imagine this is going to be another Rogue One situation where vast portions of the movie are redone during pickups/reshoots. If Kennedy wants a specific tone and style to a movie she really needs to stop hiring directors that are going to do their own thing and don't fit the Star Wars mold at all.
Probably a bit of both. Whatever they originally had planned to reshoot previously has probably been thrown out and rewritten. I imagine this is going to be another Rogue One situation where vast portions of the movie are redone during pickups/reshoots. If Kennedy wants a specific tone and style to a movie she really needs to stop hiring directors that are going to do their own thing and don't fit the Star Wars mold at all.
Maybe she should direct it :D
Still not watching ANY of these Disney movies 4,5,6 and 1,2,3 done.

any second now, some Jedi is going to start singing...
"Thrackan be damned!

I really hope Disney is reversing this trend of ripping any substance of plot out of SW media"

Pandering to the lowest common denominator ( the theoretical largest audience) always produces the same product: the tasteless , texture-less gruel served in old-folks cafeterias; safe for all digestive systems of any age.

Consider this:

How Incredibly bad must the script be for the 'professional'(?) directors working with it to have thought it a comedy when it's not?... eh?

...and then to pay whatever insane amount Howard commands to stamp his trusted brand on it simply reeks of desperation and thin , foul smelling, soup ( no wonder Harrison wanted Han killed off, whom would want to work with these ( Disney) hacks?).
typically the change of director results in a crap product...... we shall see.....