Router restarts as soon as bittorrent starts


Aug 2, 2002
Hi there - I've run into a bit of an odd problem. The second a transfer starts over bittorrent from my computer my router (D-Link DI-624 - believe you me, I didn't choose it) restarts. However after the restart, it is just fine for bittorrenting. Occasionally it'll restart a couple times in a row before it is happy and then it'll run solid for as long as I'm torrenting. (at least as far as I know).

Anybody know what is going on and how to fix it?

Hmm thought I should update: I've been doing some heavy duty torrenting the last 24 hours - and as it turns out - now it's restarting just after an hour or so of torrenting. So normally I'll start a torrent, then it'll restart, then it'll run for about an hour, then it'll restart killing the torrent, then the torrent will start up again and the router will restart, then the router will run another hour before restart, and so on and so forth.

I'm not gonna lie - it definitely annoys me a bit.
The problem is that the client is trying to make too many connections and most CONSUMER grade routers cannot handle that many NAT translations.


1) Limit your max number of connections in your Bit Torrent client. See where it is now and cut that in half and try again.

2) Upgrade your router.

3) Don't Torrent :D
Mine used to do that initially and then it got to the point where it would restart ever 5-10 minutes. -_-
I would check if there is a firmware update for it possibly. A quick google search turns up a lot of people having the same issue with other P2P programs.

Quite possibly the router just can't handle the large number of connections that bit-torrent makes.

Shoot me a PM if your in the market for a new (used) wireless router. I might be able to help you out.
Every router will fail, if you use torrent. Which is bad :mad:

Some SOHO routers will hold up allright if you limit max connections in bittorrent to 50. Or you can just take an old PC (even like P1 or P2), put two NICs in it, set up IPCop or pfSense on it, and proceed to torrent as much as you want without any crashes whatsoever (assuming the hardware you use is stable.
Linksys WRT54G v3 with DD-WRT. 750+ connections over multiple torrents with no problems. While I don't have torrents running all the time, I make use of them on a somewhat regular basis and have been doing so for more than a couple years with no trouble.

Linksys WRT54G v3 with DD-WRT. 750+ connections over multiple torrents with no problems. While I don't have torrents running all the time, I make use of them on a somewhat regular basis and have been doing so for more than a couple years with no trouble.

+1 I have my WRT54G v5 set to 1000 max connections, and not a wink of trouble with it.