Router with USB storage for large HDD

The Gonz

Jun 24, 2004
I am looking at two wireless routers currently

Linksys E3000-RM

Does either of them support large HDD. I have an external 4-bay RAID 5 enclosure (4.5 TB usable space) I would like to connect through USB to the router and host the files on it.

I can't find any data from either router if they can support this so I thought I would ask.

If not, please recommend a router that would support it. Thank you.
I've never heard anyone say anything good about the data storage features of any commodity router. Most of them seem to cap out around 10-15MB/sec xfer rate, and I have no clue the maximum volume size they support. I've also heard complaints about stability / consistency issues, and directory listing/indexing speeds. Overall, screw that.

If you want to do it fairly inexpensively and with a low heat / power requirement, I'd run something like OpenFiler on one of these, and share out your RAID through it.

If you really need the box to also be a router, you could investigate to see if some of the UNIX routers (theres a sticky thread) support samba sharing. I know ClarkConnect stuff does. Assume others do also.