RTS game recommendation?


Limp Gawd
Apr 11, 2005
I was wondering which rts people would recommend. I have AoE 3 at the moment.

Supreme Commander and expansion look awesome to me, but do people still play it online? I used to love Total Annihilation and i've heard it's very similar.

The other one I kind of have my eye on is Dawn of War 2. I've heard good things about it. Only thing is, is it kind of like WC3 where you have to watch the hps of your units and run them around as they get low for fear of losing one, while at the same time managing to build up a healthy base?

I'm probably going to get SC2 when it comes out, but don't have the patience to wait until it is released, so I need something to tide me over :D.
I never played TA but from what Ive heard everyone says supreme commander is alot like it. Big rts on a grand scale. 1 thousand unit cap per person (adjustable from 500-100 i think)

But that being said I didnt like it, the game seems all macro and no micro to me. Its pretty much the exact opposite of CoH (smashing 500 units at the enemy vs microing 2 rifle squads and a single tank) and thats why I really like CoH. Maybe thats because I could never really get competitive in it. But from what you said about WC3 it sounds like you dont like micro as much as you do the macro so SupCom might be a good choice for you.
Empire Total War, Sins of a Solar Empire, World in Conflict, or Company of Heroes are also all worth considering.
I'd say go with Company of Heroes or Dawn of War 2. The THQ pack on Steam has both + lots of other goodies for $50 if the sale is still up.

CoH and DoW2 both focus on smaller amounts of units and have little in the way of base building. In fact, DoW2 has absolutely zero base building in multiplayer. CoH is limited and is mostly obstacles like turrets and sandbags and such.

Both of those games focus like a laser on unit selection and how you use them. The games have nice cover, retreat and reinforcement features and your units feel much less disposable but often times much more vulnerable. Battles are quick and deadly and you either win, lose or get the hell out of there.

DoW2 is very intense, especially because the units are more diverse than CoH. There is a pretty big focus on melee and all the races are pretty different and there is less general usage of vehicles.
Supreme Commander is excellent. I knew the competitive scene was actually going pretty well about a year ago, but I cant speak for right now.
World in Conflict still has quite a few people.

However... graphically and the way the game it played, it is on a grand scale, but it's a RTT, with no base building, and jumps straight in with units.
I love WiC, despite all I said.
I'm pretty sure Supreme Commander still draws in a good amount of players, especially the expansion.

Dawn of War 2 and Company of Heroes are both excellent RTS's that you should also look into, as others have said.
Spellforce 2 ... very good game that combines a lot of RPG and RTS elements into 1. Plus it's like 50 hours long.
Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire Sins of a Solar Empire

The problem of SoaSE is it TAKES TO [CURSES] LONG TO FINISH A GAME!!

But it is great.
Watched a few gamereplays of Dawn of War 2 and bought it... now i'm sad because I can't play it for another week while I wait on my NIC to get shipped :(.
i love the supcom series... and supcom 2 is coming soon.... so it might be worth it to get into supcom before the sequel hits....

and yea, not as much micro in supcom as other RTSs, which i really, really like....
Sins of a Solar Empire is cool, though yes it can be slow as others have said. Sword of the Stars is also pretty cool, though not realtime in the traditional sense -- the bulk of the game is turn-based, but the combat around planet is either automatic or realtime, you choose.
Go for Company of Heroes, loved that series.

There's always Starcraft 2 but who knows when that will come out.
If you could get Close Combat 3... that was perfect :) I'd suggest also Codename: Panzers (all 3 parts) Dawn of War 1 and all add-ons (I like them much more then 2nd part).

I'd advise you to stay away from Tom Clancy's EndWar, especially as some sellers may try to tell you that it's brekathrough, voice commanded game. It's poor, unit choice is laughable, A.I is crap, and U.I is chore :)
I cant believe people are still talking about WiC i thought for sure it would have died by now. I played the beta and man I hated it. Its supposed to be all about micro since there is no macro. But the unit control was so sluggish and it was more rock paper siscors than individual unit control.
I cant believe people are still talking about WiC i thought for sure it would have died by now. I played the beta and man I hated it. Its supposed to be all about micro since there is no macro. But the unit control was so sluggish and it was more rock paper siscors than individual unit control.

That's why it was a beta... there have been 11patches, and the actual game release - since the last time you have played.

Though I am partial to it, chiefly since I won a copy of it during a competition.
It would be helpful to know what you are looking for in an RTS....

That said, there are several RTS's I enjoy. CoH and especially Men of War for the real tooth and nails tactical fights. :D

Of the 4x stuff, SoaSE is fun with friends, but we often have to play the game over a long period of time to complete it. Sword of the Stars is fun, I have not played it MP yet :X

Those are my preferred RTS games in the last year or so. I may need to give supcom another go, it felt like it was missing something last time I played it and it didn't run well :( What I'd give for a nice research tree in that sort of game...
I find it kind of awkward that no one mentioned the first Starcraft game; maybe it's just well understood that it's the best RTS game of all time and clearly any RTS fan has already played it to death by now.

Yea, that's what happened.

Anyway, back to playing SC. hehe
Noone also mentioned Homeworld and Nexus:Jupiter Incident. I liked those games very much :)
I find it kind of awkward that no one mentioned the first Starcraft game; maybe it's just well understood that it's the best RTS game of all time and clearly any RTS fan has already played it to death by now.

Yea, that's what happened.

Anyway, back to playing SC. hehe


Starcraft will train you for any other rts
I went through 4 copies of starcraft and 5 copies of brood wars. I played it heavily for about 5 years. I tried playing it again like a year ago at a friends house and just couldn't get back into it. All anyone plays is money maps and no-rush, then they either cry when you rush them, or they rush you if you actually don't rush them.

My 18 battlecruisers vs your 18 carriers is not starcraft :(.
Biggest Underdog that they need to make a #2 of:

Impossible Creatures.

Awesome RTS IMO. I prefer most RTS's that let you build your own units.

Red Alert 3 is fun.

Sup Com... could never get into... too slow.

Dawn of War = IMO, the best RTS of all time.

DoW2? eh... a bit more meh. Its more RPG'ish than DoW.

Red Alert 2 : still a classic.
I find it kind of awkward that no one mentioned the first Starcraft game; maybe it's just well understood that it's the best RTS game of all time and clearly any RTS fan has already played it to death by now.

Yea, that's what happened.

Anyway, back to playing SC. hehe

Yeah, SC is all you need. Get yourself some hack detectors though so you don't pull your hair out wondering how that son of a bitch you just played knew to move his entire force just out of your vision as you crossed the map with a probe. Fuck I hate cheaters.
C&C Red Alert no doubt.
If you want to get REALLY old school, go with Total Annihilation. Nothing like 1997 RTS xD
Single-player: Men of War
Multi-player: Company of Heroes

Amazing game. If you can get past the horrible voice acting, the gameplay and game mechanics, not to mention visuals are absolutely amazing. I picked up Company of Heroes Gold a week before I got Men Of War and COH was shelved for good.

Taking control of individual units, using tanks to fire through objects and hit targets behind. AP vs HE really matters. Shell angle and deflections have to taken into account. You can fire a tank at another, have the AP round go right through and if it doesnt hit a vital part, the tank keeps on rolling(with battle damage).

I cant stress this enough, anyone who hasnt played Men of War, do so.

C&C Red Alert no doubt.
If you want to get REALLY old school, go with Total Annihilation. Nothing like 1997 RTS xD

Hands down the best RTS of all time. It has been and still is installed on my machine. I play it regularly. 11 years and i still havent found any game that comes close.