RTX 3xxx performance speculation

The 3090 for $1500 is a tall price. Unfortunately, I don't think the 3080 is going to be enough to really push 4k/120. Until I see reviews that show otherwise, I'm going for the 3090. My credit card will just have to suffer for a bit.
You can always wait for a 3080 Super or Ti, but given that the 3090 is a replacement for the Titan version, $1500 is cheap if you also use it for work.
will custom AIB cards be available right from the beginning or only Founders Editions?
Exactly. nV's promo slides are always exaggerated/massaged, often wildly. I'm betting actual rasterization improvement of the 3080 is 20-25% better, no where near 2x.

lol. let's revisit this after benchmarks for a good laugh.
Exactly. nV's promo slides are always exaggerated/massaged, often wildly. I'm betting actual rasterization improvement of the 3080 is 20-25% better, no where near 2x.

You missed the bit about it being a bigger jump over Turing than Pascal was over Maxwell...unlike so many rumors, I think NVIDIA nailed the Ampere GeForce SKU's.
I find it hard to believe NV is marketing the 3070 as having 2080Ti performance, yesterday they sold it for 1199, today they dropped the 3070 for 499... would they really do that? Guess we'll have to wait for some reviews.
People who are getting the 3090, what monitor are you connecting to these things?

Just curious.
If I do get a 3090, it would be for my 65 inch CX Oled for 4k120hz gaming. But, I am waiting for benchmarks.
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Looks like the 3080 is twice as fast as the 1080 Ti in regular games. a little over 80% faster than the 2070S.
30-35% over 2080 Ti.
Full spec here:

I find it hard to believe NV is marketing the 3070 as having 2080Ti performance, yesterday they sold it for 1199, today they dropped the 3070 for 499... would they really do that? Guess we'll have to wait for some reviews.
2080 Ti has 4352 CUDA cores
3070 has 5888 CUDA cores

As long as core performance didn't go backwards, they're right. The 3070 will indeed be faster than a 2080 Ti.
no mention of 3080 20GB variants?...same with 3070 16GB variants...the 3080 seems like the sweet spot but a 3070 with 16GB is also potentially interesting...
Blah my $1,200+ GPU just got replaced by a $500 RTX 3070 (I was expecting it to be replaced by the $700 RTX 3080 to be honest). Yes I know the VRAM is lower which may make the 2080Ti excel in some games. No point Ebaying my card, I'll get what, $400 max if I'm lucky? lol

My LG OLED is wet & ready for HDMI 2.1 4K 120FPS. 1000% getting the RTX 3090, maybe 2!
2080 Ti has 4352 CUDA cores
3070 has 5888 CUDA cores

As long as core performance didn't go backwards, they're right. The 3070 will indeed be faster than a 2080 Ti.

damn... I didn't see that... so I guess the rumors of the 3090 having 5200 shaders were wrong. My 2080ti just lost all it's resale value in 24hrs... that's brutal... 5888 cuda cores for a 3070. I need to sit down lol
3080 should be fine for me @ 5120x1440.. It's 1 million pixels less than 4k, so I have some headroom there.
Will the 3080 be fast enough to run anything at 4k 120hz? or is it looking like the only way to hit those numbers reliably will be the 3090? I currently have 2x 1080ti's that are water cooled and will definitely be purchasing a 30 series card and water cooling it, but not sure which one.

I've had the 1080ti's so long that I'm thinking just shell out for the 3090, water cool it and forget about gpus for another 3 years. I'll miss crypto mining making the cards essentially free though.
So now SLI is only allowed on the top $1500 GPU. They killed off desktop 3-4 way SLI and laptop 2-way SLI all together last generation. AMD Crossfire is dead too on both Desktop & Laptop. Any bets this will be the last generation of dual GPU systems? (for gaming at least).
Will the 3080 be fast enough to run anything at 4k 120hz? or is it looking like the only way to hit those numbers reliably will be the 3090? I currently have 2x 1080ti's that are water cooled and will definitely be purchasing a 30 series card and water cooling it, but not sure which one.

I've had the 1080ti's so long that I'm thinking just shell out for the 3090, water cool it and forget about gpus for another 3 years. I'll miss crypto mining making the cards essentially free though.
I guess we'll see if the 3080 can do 4k120 reliably. My biggest concern with it, though, is the 10GB VRAM. It's fine for the moment, but in a year or 2, I'm not so sure.
Will the 3080 be fast enough to run anything at 4k 120hz? or is it looking like the only way to hit those numbers reliably will be the 3090? I currently have 2x 1080ti's that are water cooled and will definitely be purchasing a 30 series card and water cooling it, but not sure which one.

I've had the 1080ti's so long that I'm thinking just shell out for the 3090, water cool it and forget about gpus for another 3 years. I'll miss crypto mining making the cards essentially free though.

It depends if DLSS:3.0 really does support every game with TAA. I think Native 4k @ 120hz across the board will be tough for the 3080, some games will breeze it though... 3090 will eat up everything.
I guess we'll see if the 3080 can do 4k120 reliably. My biggest concern with it, though, is the 10GB VRAM. It's fine for the moment, but in a year or 2, I'm not so sure.

Isn't the rumor mill saying AIB's will be releasing 20GB variants of the 3080... if so that should be good. Also 16GB versions of the 3070. My 2080ti is now hiding somewhere in a corner in my case..
It depends if DLSS:3.0 really does support every game with TAA. I think Native 4k @ 120hz across the board will be tough for the 3080, some games will breeze it though... 3090 will eat up everything imo

That was useless clickbait. As was the Ray Tracing coprocessor on the back, as was 4X Ray Tracing performance, as was almost everything on YT click bait channels, that didn't get sourced from the Twitter leaker Kopite7Kimi which is the source of practically every correct leak.
3070 for $500? I think I'm sold on that. Be a neat upgrade from a 1060. My buddy is going to go with a 3090 and sell me his 2080ti. But for $500...