(Rumor) AMD Phenom IV x12 170


Jun 3, 2013
Note: Before I even post the link, this is obviously fake. I just found it hilarious how the guys on that forum expected anyone to take this seriously.


Supposedly it would be a 12-core chip with a base clock of 6Ghz, 24MB of L3 cache, on Socket AM4, at a 25nm process node. All of that, somehow with a TDP of 75W. I have to admit, they had me going when I saw the name, but when I saw the specs I knew it was fake.

First off, where did they get Phenom IV from? Where was Phenom III? And it'd be strange to see a new Phenom when they left that behind to do Bulldozer. There's no CPU foundry that has a 25nm node either. Among other things, it's easy to see the laziness with this mockup.

Anyway, this is obviously a mockup. Apparently this came from the fact that some new AMD CPU details were spotted in a recent update to CPU-Z or something like that. Though it would probably be related to Kaveri or something, not some God-tier chip like this, lol.
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12 core, 6Ghz and a TDP of 75W?

Riiiiiight... Don't really see that happening myself.
Phenom II X6 was released 40 months ago with both 95W and 125W tdp parts.

Imagine if they'd just stuck 2x of those on a die (12 cores) for a 220W tdp part over 3 years ago instead of the 9590 last month ...
Phenom II X6 was released 40 months ago with both 95W and 125W tdp parts.

Imagine if they'd just stuck 2x of those on a die (12 cores) for a 220W tdp part over 3 years ago instead of the 9590 last month ...

Two +350mm2 die on under a single IHS?
I wish it was true.

bring back the phenom!!

The Phenom series were a Phenomenal piece of shit. I know because I still own one. It was the last hurrah of a hopelessly outdated architecture. The Phenom II tried to rectify that but the damage had already been done. Even though they fixed the manufacturing issues, the Phenom II was too little improvement too late to the game.
the Phenom II was too little improvement too late to the game.

You could say that about any cpu from AMD. Have you already starting bitching about the GPU on the Intel forums that it still sucks donkey balls compared to an AMD APU lately ?
Initial Phenom was a disappointment since it was delayed and had several design problems, but Phenom II wasn't bad by any means. Sure, it didn't overtake Intel in performance, but it still put up great performance for the time, once again at price points competitively priced against Intel. It was a great "other" buy for people who didn't have the money to get the higher-end Intel parts or didn't feel like spending too much on a CPU.

You could say that about any cpu from AMD.

What about when AMD were the ones producing chips which were better than Intel's in just about every way? That was a while ago of course, but just sayin'.
Complete bullshit, there is no way in hell you can achieve only 75W at 6Ghz, let alone being manufactured on 25nm. That site just wants hits for a cheap article, though it would be great if this was true.
The Phenom series were a Phenomenal piece of shit. I know because I still own one. It was the last hurrah of a hopelessly outdated architecture. The Phenom II tried to rectify that but the damage had already been done. Even though they fixed the manufacturing issues, the Phenom II was too little improvement too late to the game.

i usually buy a new PC religously every 24 months, yet nearly three and a half years later I still happily rocking my Thuban 1090T @ 3.6GHz plus Turbo.

new GPU installed, but felt no need to replace anything else.

great buy.
What about when AMD were the ones producing chips which were better than Intel's in just about every way? That was a while ago of course, but just sayin'.

It totally depends on what you need a cpu for. But he is just trying to flame in a manner that is rather not so subtle .

And in some benchmarks AMD is still faster in some cases, that to most people does not matter.
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i usually buy a new PC religously every 24 months, yet nearly three and a half years later I still happily rocking my Thuban 1090T @ 3.6GHz plus Turbo.

new GPU installed, but felt no need to replace anything else.

great buy.

It was and still is a very solid chip, especially for gaming.
I personally a know a lot of people who are still rocking PII x4's and x6's who use them for PS2 emulation, which is WAY more CPU-intensive than just about any modern-day native PC game, and they work just fine.
You know though, we all thought this crazy 220w 5ghz chip was total bullshit...
Ah, if it were only true. IMO, AMD FX could have been so much better today if they had spent their BD R&D money by adding two more cores to the X6, apply their planned die shrink to it, and massaged the existing architecture a bit for a nice bump in IPC (+20-50%?) plus lower power consumption.

8 true cores, 3.0+ GHz, a stout IGP, and a TDP <= 125W. Yep, I'd've stayed with AMD.
Initial Phenom was a disappointment since it was delayed and had several design problems, but Phenom II wasn't bad by any means. Sure, it didn't overtake Intel in performance, but it still put up great performance for the time, once again at price points competitively priced against Intel. It was a great "other" buy for people who didn't have the money to get the higher-end Intel parts or didn't feel like spending too much on a CPU.

What about when AMD were the ones producing chips which were better than Intel's in just about every way? That was a while ago of course, but just sayin'.

Right on - I rather liked my Phenom II X3 720BE.

I saw this from RWLabs in my FB feed this morning, nearly shot my Arizona RX Energy out of my nose with the amount of people falling for it
You know though, we all thought this crazy 220w 5ghz chip was total bullshit...

True, but to be fair, even the super-Vishera chips were somewhat grounded in reality. I think whomever came up with this "Phenom IV" business were clearly trolling. Most likely it's an inside joke or something. It's similar to the time some forum user made a hypothetical chip design and made a diagram of it, and a bunch of news sites posted it claiming it was a "leaked design document" for some upcoming GPU or something...

I mean, if you take a current Vishera octocore and OC it to the FX-9590 range, it'll get to around 220W TDP no problem. Not sure why everyone was flipping out about the TDP lol.

But this here, how and why would AMD (theoretically speaking, of course) skip "Phenom III" and come up with this? Lol, it's ridiculous.

But man, if this chip *did* exist? And came out with a decent price-point at that... Yeah, just yeah.
Ah, if it were only true. IMO, AMD FX could have been so much better today if they had spent their BD R&D money by adding two more cores to the X6, apply their planned die shrink to it, and massaged the existing architecture a bit for a nice bump in IPC (+20-50%?) plus lower power consumption.

8 true cores, 3.0+ GHz, a stout IGP, and a TDP <= 125W. Yep, I'd've stayed with AMD.
I'm with you on that one. Nothing produced since AMD introduced bulldozer has interested me :(

Best thing I've seen out of them recently was the A8-3850:
- Socket FM1
- 100w TDP
- Llano core (Stars architecture)
- 32nm process size
- A true quad core (since it's based on K10, not Bulldozer)
- 2.9GHz stock frequency
- Overclocks in excess of 3.8 GHz have been seen when paired with an ASRock A75 Pro4

Problem is the A75 chipset can't lock the PCI/PCIe bus, so once you push the FSB too high you start losing PCI/PCIe devices. If that hadn't been an issue we'd probably see even more impressive overclocks.

Showed that K10 still had legs, even with minimal improvements besides the die shrink. Wish they would have continued improving it... it might have ended up far better than Bulldozer in the long run.
I wish it was true.

bring back the phenom!!

They've been branding GPU disabled cores in the FM2 package as Athlons. Oddly enough, the AMD Athlon X4 750k Quad (3.4Ghz) runs hotter (100W vs 65W) and only scales in difference of clock compared to my A8-5500 at 3.2Ghz. Either the A8-5500s were well binned (for power consumption) parts or the defects to necessitate disabling the GPU tends to result in higher power consumption on the CPU side.

I'd personally like to see some tweaked Phenom IIs/FX Cpus in an FM2 package instead.
You know though, we all thought this crazy 220w 5ghz chip was total bullshit...

There was debate about whether or not it was worthwhile or a good idea, but there wasn't any serious doubt about it being physically possible to do. They're just cherry-picked Visheras.
Dont get me wrong, I dont think this is real, but what I will say is, after that fx 9590 release, we dont know what else amd is willing to do to shake things up at this point.
Dont get me wrong, I dont think this is real, but what I will say is, after that fx 9590 release, we dont know what else amd is willing to do to shake things up at this point.

They've played all their cards at this point. There's nothing left for them to shake things up with. Unless they can get Steamroller out tomorrow.
i usually buy a new PC religously every 24 months, yet nearly three and a half years later I still happily rocking my Thuban 1090T @ 3.6GHz plus Turbo.

new GPU installed, but felt no need to replace anything else.

great buy.

The X6's were the best cpu AMD produced, second only to the A64/X2..Once you clocked the X6's to 4Ghz (and more importantly cranked the NB speed) they were faster then a I7 920 @ the same speed in the worst benchmarks, and pulled away in anything multi-threaded. They also were easy to cool, and easier to dial in FSB overclocking vs the BLK on the I7s (I owned both).
They've played all their cards at this point. There's nothing left for them to shake things up with. Unless they can get Steamroller out tomorrow.
What do you think of A.M.D.'s H.S.A., the P.S.4 and Xbox One console games's possibility of using it, and its possibility of transferring to P.C.s?
They've played all their cards at this point. There's nothing left for them to shake things up with. Unless they can get Steamroller out tomorrow.

This guy is looking at Amd's cards and know they only have 2 jacks huh. How do you know what they are working on at their facilities? We still don't know the true specs on the r9/9000 series cards and they launch soon.
Whats Vesuvius?
What do you think of A.M.D.'s H.S.A., the P.S.4 and Xbox One console games's possibility of using it, and its possibility of transferring to P.C.s?

HSA could be a viable technology...if AMD and developer partners can implement and utilize it correctly. Oh, and that it lives up to the claims. We shall see, as I am hopeful for it to work correctly on the PC. Consoles I couldn't care less about.
This guy is looking at Amd's cards and know they only have 2 jacks huh. How do you know what they are working on at their facilities? We still don't know the true specs on the r9/9000 series cards and they launch soon.
Whats Vesuvius?

Be realistic. AMD has R9 (Hawaii and Vesuvius)...NVidia has Maxwell. AMD has Kaveri and Carizo, Intel has Broadwell and Skylake. AMD and their competitors are going to be releasing new products for various market segments around the same timeframes...and they'll all "shake things up", respectively. They should all hopefully give us some nice gains compared to what is available now. We're all in for some pretty cool upcoming GPU, CPU, and APU tech from all manufacturers, imo.
yes, but WHAT is vesuvius? Im not trying to be a jerk, but you came off like a "Know it all" like their couldnt possibly be anything else going on. Amd isnt hiding anything at this point, and we have 100% transparency.
Fact is, all we have is code names, rumors, and a few leaked specs on SOME parts. We dont have a fraction of the information we would need to say "Amd has played all their cards". Nvidia has played most of their cards, Intel has played all of theres, and AMD is still holding most of theres.
Yeah, it's true that AMD is being really quiet right now. The loudest they've been recently is Roy Taylor's trash talk about CUDA and PhysX (which, honestly I agree with. I played around with PhysX since 2009 and it never amazed me).

I think besides the Volcanic Islands GPU's that are coming in a few months, the main thing AMD fans are thinking about is Steamroller. And all we know about it is some architectural details which were shown by AMD last year, and some small facts like it'll be in Kaveri, which we also barely know anything about.

I'm thinking, since AMD hasn't confirmed that AM3+ will get a Steamroller FX chip, maybe we'll see a Steamroller FX-style chip on socket FM2+ instead? They were gonna originally do this with FM2, since Piledriver and Trinity were gonna be on that socket, and Piledriver would've had 8- and 10-core versions. They canceled that platform and decided to bring FX to AM3+ instead. Technically Socket FM2+ is more advanced than AM3+ is anyway. They even added PCIe 3.0. This would probably annoy all the AM3+ stalwarts, though.
yes, but WHAT is vesuvius? Im not trying to be a jerk, but you came off like a "Know it all" like their couldnt possibly be anything else going on. Amd isnt hiding anything at this point, and we have 100% transparency.
Fact is, all we have is code names, rumors, and a few leaked specs on SOME parts. We dont have a fraction of the information we would need to say "Amd has played all their cards". Nvidia has played most of their cards, Intel has played all of theres, and AMD is still holding most of theres.

Everyone mentioned has played all their cards...Intel, AMD, nVidia, etc. What they have in the works is irrelevant until those products are actually released and available. Then it gets interesting again.
I'm thinking, since AMD hasn't confirmed that AM3+ will get a Steamroller FX chip, maybe we'll see a Steamroller FX-style chip on socket FM2+ instead? They were gonna originally do this with FM2, since Piledriver and Trinity were gonna be on that socket, and Piledriver would've had 8- and 10-core versions. They canceled that platform and decided to bring FX to AM3+ instead. Technically Socket FM2+ is more advanced than AM3+ is anyway. They even added PCIe 3.0. This would probably annoy all the AM3+ stalwarts, though.

The problem is now that people are suggesting that AM3+ is a dead end and OEM motherboard makers know this. I haven't seen the price drop yet for the high end mainboards. You would expect that mainboards will need to clear inventory and that works well when you drop the price for AM3+ mainboards.

From a technical standpoint PCIe- 3.0 is no biggy to have on the platform. What does make sense is dropping a platform where less profit is to be made, AM3+ is prolly the victim of this. If this is the case maybe they will go back to CPU only products when DDR4 hits in 2014 and make a compatible mainboard which allows 140 Watt again.

If you look at things now it seems rather quiet, usually semiaccurate has something nice or not so nice to write about these times. That AMD does not focus on the AM3+ platform is a given.

Focus is on Kabini and Temash at this moment there some very good things lined up and some okay devices out there already.