Rumor mill: 5850 going up $20

  • Thread starter Deleted member 93354
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Deleted member 93354

ATI is issuing a price increase due to demand.


Bring on the competition NVidia
I don't think there's any rumor about it. Prices at Newegg are up like $40.

I ordered an XFX 5850 at Amazon for $260 weeks ago. I have no idea when I'll ever get it but I'm glad to have slipped in before the big price hike.
LOL, that's a rumor? I already paid $289 ($319 with shipping + tax) for my XFX 5850 a week or so ago.
Hey, if Microsoft can do it with the price hike for Win 7 after jan 1st, why not ATI? They are in a strong position since the demand is so strong, so it would seem a waste (from their point of view!) to not take advantage until Fermi is released.....I know I would!
I wouldn't if I was ATI. I'd lower the price of the 5850 to $200, that would create a bigger base of users.
Hey, if Microsoft can do it with the price hike for Win 7 after jan 1st, why not ATI? They are in a strong position since the demand is so strong, so it would seem a waste (from their point of view!) to not take advantage until Fermi is released.....I know I would!

WHAT?!?!? Microsoft is raising the prices on win7 Jan 1st! Thank god I got onto the Technet 25% off thingy.

I'm pretty miffed about 5850 pricing. It kills the concept of the 285GTX killer for under $260. At three hundred dollah, it's not nearly as attractive. I guess ATI feels like I can skip lunch for two days just to get my hands on another 5850.
Shocking that they'd be raising the price really. If they didn't foresee supply being an issue for a while, they wouldn't be doing this. Wonder how many are being cranked out right now. I would have thought they'd be ahead of things going into the holiday season.

If supply is expected to ramp up soon, they'd milk this current run at exiting pricing. Sell as much as possible and limit the short-term market for Nvidia.

If supply is expected to lag, getting every dollar they can command makes sense.

I don't think there's any rumor about it. Prices at Newegg are up like $40.

I ordered an XFX 5850 at Amazon for $260 weeks ago. I have no idea when I'll ever get it but I'm glad to have slipped in before the big price hike.

Weeks ago? And still not shipped? I *just* ordered my $266 XFX 5850 from Amazon after playing whack-a-mole responding to (and failing) in-stock notices at ZZF and NewEgg for a few weeks. I wonder how far down the queue I am...
I guess it's only natural with a supply issue. TSMC having issues producing enough chips sure isn't helping fulfilling demand here. It also sucks for competition because nVidia is also using TSMC for its new Fermi chip, thus probably delaying its launch and ensuring that AMD's cards will remain expensive for a longer period of time.
I wouldn't if I was ATI. I'd lower the price of the 5850 to $200, that would create a bigger base of users.

How much bigger can it be if at these prices the 5850 are selling like hotcakes?
Weeks ago? And still not shipped? I *just* ordered my $266 XFX 5850 from Amazon after playing whack-a-mole responding to (and failing) in-stock notices at ZZF and NewEgg for a few weeks. I wonder how far down the queue I am...

I ordered my about a week ago, before they took down teh 2-5 weeks for delivery. I tried to hop on the powercolor over at ncixus just to get one, but that sold out while it was in my cart. Its pretty crazy, and I really up supply goes up, but judging by the looks of things it won't :(
Oh no! Prices have gone up!

Looks like early adopters are winning in this generation for now...but what's another $20 in the long run for most people? If it's too expensive for your blood, well, then don't get it.
They're probably trying to get a bigger cut from reseller profits. Since most vendors are selling at 30-40 bucks premium, none of which goes to ATI.
This is why I'm laughing at those waiting for a Black Friday deal on 5850s ... it's just not going to happen ..
I'm going to wait until the price has gone up and come back down again, probably about the same time as when the wafer factory can churn out more than 7 a day.
I think it's going to be a long wait. Xmas would be nice though...
$200 is my magic price barrier. When that happens I'll buy two and build my i5 system.
I was willing to pay $360 for the 5870 and placed a few orders, all but one of which was subsequently canceled by the vendor. With the 5870 jumping to $399 recently, I sighed and decided that the $140 premium over the 5850 wasn't worth it. Now that the 5850 seems to be going for $299, I'm not sure where to jump.

Bad timing to be building a new rig. Unfortunately, I need to get something soon so I can make sure everything works before the return windows expire.

I've still got two orders in that haven't been canceled.
A 5870 at $360 that I expect will be canceled
A 5850 at $260 that I will wait on with Amazon, but am sure that I'm pretty far down the wait list for...

Will see what happens...
I wouldn't if I was ATI. I'd lower the price of the 5850 to $200, that would create a bigger base of users.

The problem is that there's not enough silicon to sell even at regular prices. So why would they lower the prices? With TMSC holding up the supply the only way for ATI to make profit off the limited amount of units shipping out is to raise the price on the few units they have available to sell. Basic economics.
I don't think there's any rumor about it. Prices at Newegg are up like $40.

I ordered an XFX 5850 at Amazon for $260 weeks ago. I have no idea when I'll ever get it but I'm glad to have slipped in before the big price hike.

I too have the XFX on order with Amazon for $260, but I'm wondering what to do if they delay the expected shipment date beyond that which I'm willing to endure. It's the only thing holding me up from building a new i5 750 based system. I went ahead and ordered my PSU to pick up a MIR that was about to go away, but I'm hesitant to order everything else until I know I'll have a graphics card to put in it.

If the worst case scenario happens and the 5850 isn't going to make it in the next 30 days (right now Amazon tells me it'll ship 11/20-12/3), what do y'all think is a good temporary option to use for 6 months or so, replace w/ 5850, and then sell?

BTW- the Sapphire 5850 is now priced @ $329 on Amazon.:eek:

I too am on a waiting list for a $260.00 XFX 5850, but do not expect to receive prior to Christmas. Myself, I am looking for 285 deals. In your position, you should look for a used 4890.
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I'm on a bunch of waiting lists for the 5850, and I'm not too hopeful at this point. I know I want a 5800 series fore eyefinity, the question is if it's worth springing for the 5870, which is easier to find, even if it is at an uncomfortable $400.

I also put in an order for one of those $260 5850s, but I don't really expect it to get it, or at least any time soon. says 1-2 weeks, but somehow I don't trust that. I also don't know what their policy is with cancellations and what not.

If I hadn't already convinced myself how much I want an eyefinity setup, I'd probably forgo all this hassle.
Man I'm beyond glad now that I jumped on the XFX 5850 deal from TigerDirect that was posted awhile back on these forums, even though I had to pay $264.99. The demand for these things is crazy.
Looks like all but 2 of the 5850 have been totally removed from Newegg.....
Here's my response over at THG:

It makes perfect business sense since demand still outstrips supply. Some people will think of it as price gouging simply thing that AMD is raising prices because they simply can. Yes, price is driven buy supply and demand and the "right price" is the highest price the general consumer is willing to pay, but have products fly off the shelf. But there's more to the story...

I am actually glad that AMD is raising their prices (who else is with me on this?). Due to the lower than expected yields at TMSC, it costs more for every single 40nm GPU to be produced, thus cutting into their profit margin. People need to realize that it cost tech companies 100's of million on R&D to develop a product, then more money to manufacture the product and even more just to run the company.

The extra $20 per GPU will allow AMD to earn a profit or at least decrease their losses. AMD has been loosing money hand over fist so they really need to bring in money. The alternative is being inched closer and closer to bankruptcy.

AMD is not as big or as important to the overall US economy so the US Gov't will not step in to save them. They are not AIG, GM or Citibank, they will be allowed to fail. In the worse case scenario the bond holder (a.k.a. Bond Bullies) will swoop in and start sell pieces of AMD left and right to re-coup that massive amount of money they lent AMD over the years. Bond holders trumps stock holders (unless the Federal Gov't decides to change the rules, which they had done so before [idiots!!!]). The end result means Intel will be the single manufacturer of mainstream CPUs and nVidia will be the only game in town when it comes to performance oriented video cards.

Just keep in mind that AMD is doing this survive, not to take advantage of the consumer.
$260 for a 5850 is still a good price for performance ratio. Hell $400 for a 5870 is good price for performance. Just buy your 5850s now ppl!
I wouldn't if I was ATI. I'd lower the price of the 5850 to $200, that would create a bigger base of users.

No it wouldn't. There isn't even enough inventory to supply the people who are willing to pay the higher price, so lowering the price my create more people wanting the card, but the exact same amount of people who can actually buy them. There is a thing called equilibrium, which is a certain price point where you can maximize profits. You go too far below and you don't make enough money per card, you go to far above it and not enough people want your product. AMD obviously feels the initial price was below the equilibrium, and based on the lack of competition, the high demand and the virtually non-existent stock (because they're always sold out) I'd have to agree with them. Not that I enjoy price hikes, but given the situation, it makes perfect sense. Lowering prices doesn't.
As a wanna-be consumer of the 5850, of course I want to get the best deal I can on it. But, I certainly cannot fault AMD/Radeon for getting the best price they can for their product given the demand. That's the free market at work and it beats the heck out of anything else out there.

Unfortunately, the current situation of very few or no 5000 series cards actually making it to market 1) isn't satisfying our needs/wants/desires, and 2) isn't making AMD anywhere near the sort of profit they could be getting if they could meet just a decent percentage of demand.

I suspect that, if and when they can get their overseas production issues ironed out, you will see the current demand at least somewhat fulfilled and the price will eventually (which could be well over a year) get below $250. Heck, for all we know, their Chinese chip fabricator could be taking the time to reverse engineer their own processor and start marketing their own line of copy-cat cards (that whole patent/trademark/copyright thing really doesn't mean much in some parts of the world).

What I'm trying to figure out at this point is --- should I wait on my new build until my backordered 5850 is available or seek a temporary solution in something else? I'm currently considering the 4870 as an economical, temporary alternative. Any opinions on that card from those who are familiar with it?
The problem is that there's not enough silicon to sell even at regular prices. So why would they lower the prices? With TMSC holding up the supply the only way for ATI to make profit off the limited amount of units shipping out is to raise the price on the few units they have available to sell. Basic economics.

Because he's an idiot.
It's the best value out there unless you play Crysis at 1920 or above. I'm almost wishing I didn't get rid of mine for a 5850.
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I suspect that, if and when they can get their overseas production issues ironed out, you will see the current demand at least somewhat fulfilled and the price will eventually (which could be well over a year) get below $250. Heck, for all we know, their Chinese chip fabricator could be taking the time to reverse engineer their own processor and start marketing their own line of copy-cat cards (that whole patent/trademark/copyright thing really doesn't mean much in some parts of the world).

Whoa there... Hold on to your horses with the conspiracy theories here... Who the F@CK would write the drivers for such a card? Would they reverse engineer the catalyst control center too? hahahaha... How much money would they make? To say that TSMC is holding back 40nm production (something that wasn't easy for them in the first place) and reverse engineering cyrpess chips is crazy! Why would they need to do that when they've already got the design in their hands.

Watch Paycheck one to many times?

That made my day. Ultimate Lolz.... :D
Whoa there... Hold on to your horses with the conspiracy theories here... Who the F@CK would write the drivers for such a card? Would they reverse engineer the catalyst control center too? hahahaha... How much money would they make? To say that TSMC is holding back 40nm production (something that wasn't easy for them in the first place) and reverse engineering cyrpess chips is crazy! Why would they need to do that when they've already got the design in their hands.

Watch Paycheck one to many times?

That made my day. Ultimate Lolz.... :D

I'm sorry that my attempt at facetious humor was lost on you........:rolleyes:
Well, I decided to go ahead with my i5 build and ordered all the stuff, using the MSI 1GB 4870 (the one with the quieter quasi-Zalman cooler - Tiger has it for $145).

I figure that, if and when my XFX 5850 shows up, I can upgrade to it and sell the 4870.

I wouldn't if I was ATI. I'd lower the price of the 5850 to $200, that would create a bigger base of users.
Not if they're already selling out of them as fast as they can make them at current prices.

The problem here is that Nvidia is more or less out of the game at the moment. Until we see some competing high end cards from Nvidia, these ATI prices are likely to stay high.
What I am really laughing about is the people that had a chance to get one but waited for xfx to be instock. Now they will settle for any brand and can't get shit lol.
I wonder how AMD will survive given that it has plenty of its inferior CPUs and not enough of its superior graphic cards...
I am waiting for XFX to be in stock, I don't care about waiting.
What I am really laughing about is the people that had a chance to get one but waited for xfx to be instock. Now they will settle for any brand and can't get shit lol.
I'm one of those who did exactly that. I finally said screw it and ordered two 5770s to crossfire. I figure that will hold me over until the 5890 is released and readily available.