
AMD Man 129

Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2006
Why is RuneScape hated so much? I think RuneScape rules! I like it a ton but it seems that none of the people on this forum like it. Why? What do you think... :confused:
Most people in this forum are FPS players. More hardcore RPG games aren't as talked about. I enjoyed the little runscape i've played and other games like it but i also dont play FPS games often, rather, for very long.
Runescape = one long grind. Long. With bad graphics. People who complain about WoW being a grind have never played RS. Daang. Somehow though, it can be addictive.
Obi_Kwiet said:
Runescape = one long grind. Long. With bad graphics. People who complain about WoW being a grind have never played RS. Daang. Somehow though, it can be addictive.


I was addicted to RS for about 3 years. It was fun, but very, very addictive.
I played RS for 3 years and quit in Feb 2004 when RS2 beta was going to phase out RS Classic. It's better than playing WoW, imo. If you want to level up faster, go to WoW. If you want easier NPCs, go to WoW.
I played it about 6 or 7 years ago when the graphics were even crappier......and I was totally addicted. But in all honesty, its just what my friend an I played until Neverwinter Nights came out.
Mr. Stryker said:
I played RS for 3 years and quit in Feb 2004 when RS2 beta was going to phase out RS Classic. It's better than playing WoW, imo. If you want to level up faster, go to WoW. If you want easier NPCs, go to WoW.

They never got rid of RSC, they just don't update it anymore...and truthfully, RS2 is a lot better. They are able to add new quests, skills, etc fairly easily. Dozens of quests, including several that are a LOT harder than the old 'ultimate' quest (Legends) as well as some new skills (Slayer, Farming, Carpentry) have been added since you quit in 2004. That rumor about player owned houses that was being kicked around so much back in RSC was implemented with the carpentry skill a couple months ago. As for the quests, Legends is quite tame and easily beaten compared to some of the current ones...major bosses that throw multiple damage types at you in a single attack such as a combined range/magic strike that prevents prayer from blocking 100% of the damage, so that beating these quests are a tough challenge.
I'm already aware of the updates and the variety of quests, I log in once in a while to talk with friends. But the problem is I started in early 2001, and I've been loyal to RSC, but as more and more noobs and idiots expanded and swamped RS in late 2003, from there it declined for the loyal and old-school RSC players. I was a part of the first years of RS when it was flourished and only 200K people played, instead of a million, and I'm glad to have witnessed and lived the best experiences and history at the beginning of RS. It just isn't the same anymore for me.
i dont like it, mainly because my brothers play it and THATS FREAKIN ALL THEY DO, good lord!
ahh the addictiveness of mmorpgs, and i'm glad i'm not sucked into one of them.

i prefer to play games, in which you... win. in which there is an ending to. that way i can uninstall the game when i finish (or keep playing if there is multiplayer) and get the next huge title to hit the PC market.
People hate the game because it is basically designed as one big time sink, that is all. Also because it can be free there are a lot of well....immature idiots who play the game.

However that being said, I like the game for what I use it for. Which is an additional distraction while browsing the internet. I have a widescreen monitor so I can have the window up while I browse the is much too boring a game to put my full attention to. When I really want to play a game I will boot up Guild Wars or Oblivion.

The way I view Runescape is basically as one of the best little web games you can do to waste time on.
The market sucks, prices are all over the place with 'rare' items skyricketing in prices. I used to play the game about 6 years ago when there was 2 then 4 servers. Now its just a huge noob filled game with cheaters everywhere.
Yeah, that's Fagex (Jagex) we've known for a long time. Bloody greedy blokes in England. Although I'm surprised when they first put up their forums 1 million posts already hit a few months later. There must be 9m posts by now.
I played it around when it came out, and stopped 1 month after they started charging for it (I tried the pay stuff for one month, wasn't worth it in the least). About 5 months ago I tried it again, to see where it was, and truth be told it just wasn't any fun.
Yeah there forums have a massive amount of posts in such little time. Then again most of the posts are the market place where people bump every 3 minutes becuase it won't stay up for that long. Lol.
TheCowOfNow said:
Most people in this forum are FPS players. More hardcore RPG games aren't as talked about. I enjoyed the little runscape i've played and other games like it but i also dont play FPS games often, rather, for very long.
Where were you for the 3 months after Oblivian was released, 90% of the posts here was about Oblivian, Same thing for World of Warcraft.
Personally I have nothing against runescape, I have never seen it, and cant form an opinion on it, I have hardly heard anything about it other than the name.
xLiquidx said:
Yeah there forums have a massive amount of posts in such little time. Then again most of the posts are the market place where people bump every 3 minutes becuase it won't stay up for that long. Lol.

lol that doesn't happen on the RuneScape mod fourms. I woneder how many posts per minute there is on the rs fourms.

and runescape classice is sort of out... now only people that have played on rsc before a certain date can go on rsc
:mad: :mad: im mad about that... i will never see the bad graphics of rsc :p
I was completely addicted to it the summer of 2004. I only quit because my friends quit.
man you people have never seen as many macros as there are on runescape... oh man! now days i go macro hunting with a mod friend of mine... the macros r always there.... at least 10 to a tree! :eek: :eek: :eek: